This paper aimed to evaluate cat seminal plasma protein profile (with SDS-page) and determine differences in seminal plasma composition from ejaculates obtained using urethral catheterization after pharmacological induction (UrCaPI) and electroejaculation (EE). In addition, this study evaluates whether the recovery method affected seminal plasma protein and zinc concentrations. A single ejaculation was collected from 17 mixed-breed cats by EE (5/21) or UrCaPI (12/21), while 4/21 cats underwent four sperm collections once every four days using EE and UrCaPI techniques alternately.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 12-year-old, neutered male, mixed-breed, domestic cat was presented for dysuria and haematuria accompanied by recurrent dyschezia and constipation. At rectal digital examination a non-painful, globose and relatively immobile mass was detected at the pelvic brim, ventral to the rectum. Abdominal ultrasound showed the prostate replaced by a mass with a regular shape but patchy/non-uniform echogenicity.
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