Publications by authors named "Ramona Lupi"

The mitochondrial ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1 (hereafter referred to as IF1) blocks the reversal of the F1Fo-ATPsynthase to prevent detrimental consumption of cellular ATP and associated demise. Herein, we infer further its molecular physiology by assessing its protective function in neurons during conditions of challenged homeostatic respiration. By adopting in vitro and in vivo protocols of hypoxia/ischemia and re-oxygenation, we show that a shift in the IF1:F1Fo-ATPsynthase expression ratio occurs in neurons.

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Background: We have recently characterized two distinct populations of Satellite Cells (SCs) that differ in proliferation, regenerative potential, and mitochondrial coupling efficiency and classified these in Low Proliferative Clones (LPC) and High Proliferative Clones (HPC). Herewith, we have investigated their cell metabolism and individuated features that remark an intrinsic difference in basal physiology but that are retrievable also at the initial phases of their cloning.

Results: Indeed, LPC and HPC can be distinguished for mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) just after isolation from the fiber.

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On April the 9th 1898 Golgi presented the discovery of the Apparato Reticolare Interno or internal reticular apparatus to the Società Medico-Chirurgica in Pavia. The internal reticular apparatus was described as "a fine and elegant network within the cell body" of Purkinje cells. The discovery of this new intracellular structure can be considered a byproduct of Golgi studies devoted to the analysis of the nervous system histology.

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Gastric cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death worldwide, and although the incidence has decreased in Western countries, specific high-risk areas are present in Italy. Gastric cancer with high-level microsatellite instability (MSI-H) represents a well-defined subset of carcinomas showing distinctive clinicopathologic features. We examined clinicopathologic associations and long-term survival in a series of 159 gastric cancer cases from a high-risk population in Tuscany (central Italy).

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Background: Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare disease and little is known about its aetiology. Germ-line mutations of BRCA2 and, at lower frequency, of BRCA1 are implicated in a relatively small proportion of MBC cases. Common polymorphic variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes may represent breast cancer (BC) susceptibility alleles and could be associated with a modestly increased risk of MBC at population level.

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Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare and poorly known disease. Germ-line mutations of BRCA2 and, to lesser extent, BRCA1 genes are the highest risk factors associated with MBC. Interestingly, BRCA2 germ-line rearrangements have been described in high-risk breast/ovarian cancer families which included at least one MBC case.

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Mediterranean anemia or beta-thalassemia is a hereditary syndrome characterized by a severe defect in haemoglobin production and an altered morphology of red blood cells. Homozygous condition for beta-thalassemia is characterized by short survival. Heterozygous condition is clinically found in adolescence and is characterized by a less aggressive phenotype.

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Molecular paleopathology is an emerging field that is devoted to the detection, indentification and characterization of the molecular signatures in past diseases. When studied with modern molecular techniques, ancient human remains may yield direct informations on the diseases of ancient populations as well as the history of human diseases. Data concerning specific diseases of infectious, neoplastic and genetic origin can be obtained by molecular investigations of skeletal and mummified human remains.

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Aberrant expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor family has been implicated in the pathogenesis and progression of breast cancer and associated with poor prognosis. To evaluate the prognostic impact of the ErbB receptors expression profile, we analyzed a well-characterized series of 145 primary breast carcinomas for the simultaneous expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/HER-1), ErbB-2 (HER-2), ErbB-3 (HER-3), and ErbB-4 (HER-4), using immunohistochemistry. Tumors were considered negative or positive for each marker when less than or more than 25% of the cancer cells were immunopositive.

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The aim of this study was to clarify whether specific p53 mutations may have biological relevance in terms of disease relapse or death in gastric carcinomas (GC). Resected specimens from a consecutive series of 62 patients with GC undergoing potentially curative surgery were prospectively studied. The mutational status of exons 5-8 of the p53 gene was investigated in 62 cases using the PCR-SSCP and sequencing.

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