Fetal motor activity is believed to influence umbilical cord growth. As Down's syndrome is associated with hypotonicity and reduced fetal activity, we hypothesized that newborn infants with this syndrome have short umbilical cords. We identified 21 infants with Down's syndrome and compared each individual cord length to mean standard values derived from the same population and matched for sex, race, and gestational age.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe factors involved in regulating parameters of whole body cholesterol metabolism in humans have been explored in a series of investigations. Several physiological variables have been identified (weight, excess weight, plasma cholesterol, and age) that can predict 53-76% of the variation in production rate (PR) and in the sizes of the rapidly exchanging pool of body cholesterol (M1) and of the minimum estimates of the slowly exchanging pool of body cholesterol (M3min) and of total body cholesterol (Mtotmin). Surprisingly, measurements of the plasma levels of HDL cholesterol and of the major HDL apolipoproteins (apoA-I, A-II, and E) did not provide additional information useful in predicting parameters of whole body cholesterol metabolism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGrowth (weight, length, head circumference, and skinfold thickness), retention of major nutrients (nitrogen, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and phosphorus), and chemical indices of protein adequacy (plasma albumin and transthyretin concentrations) and excess (blood urea nitrogen concentration and acid-base status; plasma amino acid concentrations) were determined serially from the time desired intake was tolerated until discharge weight (2200 gm) was reached in low birth weight infants (birth weight 900 to 1750 gm) fed one of three formulas, which provided protein and energy intakes, respectively, of 2.24 gm/kg/day and 115 kcal/kg/day (group 1), 3.6 gm/kg/day and 115 kcal/kg/day (group 2), and 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEstimates of average daily energy expenditure and minimal observed oxygen consumption are commonly used to characterize the energy metabolism of neonates. Yet, the errors inherent in these estimates have not been defined. Using measurements of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production made in healthy growing low birth weight infants during eight consecutive 3-h interfeeding epochs, we have determined the variability in the mean oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, respiratory quotient, total daily energy expenditure, and the minimal observed oxygen consumption among the feeding epochs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe inverse relationship between plasma levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) and coronary heart disease rates has suggested that HDL might influence body stores of cholesterol. Therefore, we have investigated potential relationships between the parameters of body cholesterol metabolism and the plasma levels of HDL cholesterol and the major HDL apoproteins. The study involved 55 human subjects who underwent long-term cholesterol turnover studies, as well as plasma lipoprotein and apolipoprotein assays.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe suitability of a pregnant rat model for the study of transplacental pharmacokinetics was assessed by two test agents, antipyrine, which freely equilibrates in the maternal and fetal blood, and aminoisobutyric acid, which is actively transported from mother to fetus. In accordance with an ideal protocol for a two-compartment model solved for bolus injections, unlabeled antipyrine was injected into the mother (day 20 of gestation), and labeled antipyrine was injected into its fetuses following exteriorization under ether anesthesia. Maternal and fetal blood samples (2-3 fetuses removed at each time period) were collected sequentially under brief periods (2-3 min) of ether anesthesia up to 9-12 hr.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Hemerijckx leprosy centre at Polambakkam in South India covers a rural population of about 800,000 and has treated over 40,000 cases of leprosy during the period 1955-75. Based on a stratified random sample of 25% of the case records, information was obtained about the profile of newly-detected cases in various cohorts (1955-57, 1958-60, 1961-64, 1965-69, 1970-75), regularity in drug collection and response to treatment. In newly-detected cases, the ratio of males to females was stable (3:2), but the proportion of adults aged 45 years or more increased from 15% in 1958-60 to 20% in 1970-75 and the lepromatous rate decreased from 9% to 6%; the proportion deformed at the time of diagnosis ranged from 11% to 15%.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFParameters of total body cholesterol metabolism in humans can be determined by using a three-pool model to analyze the turnover of plasma cholesterol following the injection of radiolabeled cholesterol. In the past this required a rigorous schedule of approximately 36 blood samples over a 10-month period. We have developed a convenient sampling schedule involving only six large samples, each analyzed in sextuplicate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCholesterol turnover was studied in four baboons by injecting [14C]cholesterol 186 days and [3H]cholesterol 4 days before necropsy, and fitting a two- or three-pool model to the resulting specific activity-time data. At necropsy, cholesterol mass and specific activity were determined for the total body (minus the central nervous system) and for many tissues. A pool model permits the estimation, from the plasma specific activity-time curve alone, of total body cholesterol within a limited range, depending upon the extent of side pool synthesis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBerman and Schoenfeld used matrix transformations to study unidentifiable pool models. It is possible to use the method to examine if two models are output-indistinguishable, that is, if given the nature of tracer injections and observations, the two models have the same responses. The method is applied to two three-pool models for whole-body cholesterol metabolism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe occupancy principle and the mean-transit-time theorem are derived for the passage of a tracer through a system that can be described by a general pool model. It is proved, using matrix theory, that if (and only if) tracer entering the system labels equally all tracee fluxes into the system, then the integral of the tracer concentration is the same in all the pools. It is also proved that if, in addition, all flow out of the system is through the observation point, the first moment of the tracer concentration at the observation point can be used to calculate the total amount of trace in the system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTotal body turnover of cholesterol was studied in two patients with abetalipoproteinemia, a 32-year-old man and a 31-year-old woman. The patients received [14C]cholesterol intravenously, and the resulting specific activity-time curves (for 40 and 30 weeks, respectively) were fitted with a three-pool model. Parameters were compared with those from studies of cholesterol turnover in 82 normal and hyperlipidemic subjects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhole body cholesterol turnover is well described by a three-pool model. This model has eight unknown parameters: three masses, three synthesis rates, and two intercompartmental exchange rates. Only six parameters can be estimated by fitting the model to the plasma specific radioactivity-time curve which results from the intravenous injection of labeled cholesterol.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTotal body turnover of cholesterol was studied in 54 subjects by fitting a three-pool mathematical model to plasma decay curves of 32--49 weeks duration following [14C]cholesterol injection. Fifteen subjects were normal, 10 hypercholesterolemic, 21 hypertriglyceridemic, and 8 had both hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia; 21 had a familial form of hyperlipidemia. In every subject in this heterogeneous population, the three-pool model gave the best fit for the data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTrans Assoc Am Physicians
September 1980