J Neurosci Rural Pract
November 2022
Objectives: The primary objective of the study was to compare the number of patients with febrile seizure recurrence within 1 year of presenting to our institute, among patients who received and didn't receive oral iron supplementation.
Materials And Methods: This prospective intervention study with historical controls was conducted to compare the number of patients with febrile seizure recurrence within 1 year, among patients who received and did not receive oral iron supplementation. The intervention group additionally received prophylactic iron supplementation of 20 mg biweekly for 1 year.
Introduction: The clinical assessment scale for autoimmune encephalitis (CASE) is a recently developed and validated scale to rate the severity of autoimmune encephalitis (AE) in adults. But it is yet to be validated in pediatric AE cases.
Methods: In a prospective observational study, we determined the validity and prognostic utility of CASE in the pediatric population with a diagnosis of probable or definite AE.