Publications by authors named "Rajan Iyyalol"

Abnormally widened spatial and temporal binding windows (SBW/TBWs; length of space/time whereby stimuli are considered part of the same percept) are observed in schizophrenia. TBW alterations have been associated with altered sense of agency (hereafter referred to as agency), and an associative relationship between embodiment (body ownership) and agency has been proposed. SBWs/TBWs are investigated separately, but no evidence exists of these being separate in mechanism, system or function.

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Objectives: Stimuli that are separated by a short window of space or time, known as spatial and temporal binding windows (SBW/TBWs), may be perceived as separate. Widened TBWs are evidenced in schizophrenia, although it is unclear if the SBW is similarly affected. The current study aimed to assess if dexamphetamine (DEX) may increase SBWs in a multimodal visuo-tactile illusion, potentially validating usefulness as an experimental model for multimodal visuo-tactile hallucinations in schizophrenia, and to examine a possible association between altered binding windows (BWs) and working memory (WM) suggested by previous research.

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Objective: Stimuli received beyond a very short timeframe, known as temporal binding windows (TBWs), are perceived as separate events. In previous audio-visual multisensory integration (McGurk effect) studies, widening of TBWs has been observed in people with schizophrenia. The present study aimed to determine if dexamphetamine could increase TBWs in unimodal auditory and unimodal visual illusions that may have some validity as experimental models for auditory and visual hallucinations in psychotic disorders.

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Background: The pathophysiology of psychosis is complex, but a better understanding of stimulus binding windows (BWs) could help to improve our knowledge base. Previous studies have shown that dopamine release is associated with psychosis and widened BWs. We can probe BW mechanisms using drugs of specific interest to psychosis.

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This study investigated sleep subtypes in schizophrenia, and their response to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) treatment. Sleep profiling was conducted using latent class analysis on baseline Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index data (N = 74 outpatients with schizophrenia who were poor sleepers, 52% male, mean age = 41.4 years).

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The catecholamines-dopamine and noradrenaline-play important roles in directing and guiding behavior. Disorders of these systems, particularly within the dopamine system, are associated with several severe and chronically disabling psychiatric and neurological disorders. We used the recently published group independent components analysis (ICA) procedure outlined by Chen et al.

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Rationale: Amphetamine challenge in rodent prepulse inhibition (PPI) studies has been used to model potential dopamine involvement in effects that may be relevant to schizophrenia, though similar studies in healthy humans have failed to report replicable or robust effects.

Objectives: The present study investigated dexamphetamine effects on PPI in healthy humans with an increased dose and a range of startling stimulus intensities to determine participants' sensitivity and range of responses to the stimuli.

Methods: A randomised, placebo-controlled dexamphetamine (0.

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Background: An emerging endophenotype of schizophrenia is the reduction of both power and phase locking of the 40 Hz auditory steady state response (ASSR), and there have been a number of reports linking increased γ activity with positive psychotic symptoms. Schizophrenia and, more specifically, positive psychotic symptoms have been closely linked to increased dopamine (DA) neurophysiology. Therefore, we gave dexamphetamine to healthy participants to determine the effect that increased DA transmission would have on the ASSR.

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Auditory P3 amplitude reduction is one of the most robust and replicated findings in schizophrenia. Recent evidence suggests that these reductions are due to reductions in both power and phase-locking at delta and theta frequencies. We have previously shown that the auditory, but not visual, P3 is reduced in healthy participants given the catecholamine releasing agent dexamphetamine.

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Rationale: Corporeal awareness is an integral component of self-consciousness and is distorted in several neurological and psychiatric disorders. Research regarding the neural underpinnings of corporeal awareness has made much progress recently using the rubber hand illusion (RHI) procedure. However, more studies are needed to investigate the possibility of several dissociable constructs related to the RHI specifically, and corporeal awareness generally.

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The reduced P3 is one of the most robust deficits involved in schizophrenia. Previous research with catecholaminergic agonists or releasers such as amphetamines have used doses too small to adequately demonstrate an effect on P3. In this study, we gave 0.

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