Purpose: Heat shock protein-27 (HSP-27) belongs to the group of small heat shock proteins that become induced in response to various pathologic conditions. HSP-27 has been shown to protect cells and subcellular structures, particularly mitochondria, and serves as a carrier for estradiol. It is a reliable marker for tissues affected by oxidative stress.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFocal cortical dysplasias (FCD) represent a frequent finding in patients with chronic intractable epilepsy. Neuropathological hallmarks include localized dyslamination of the neocortex and neuronal heterotopias in white matter. Balloon cells, similar to those occurring in cortical tubers of patients with tuberous sclerosis (TSC) are observed in numerous patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBalloon cells are histopathological hallmarks of various cortical malformations, i.e., focal cortical dysplasia (Taylor's type, FCD IIb), hemimegalencephaly (HME) or cortical tubers (tuberous sclerosis, TSC).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: The anticonvulsant effects of the novel antiepileptic drug (AED) levetiracetam (LEV) were tested in neocortical slice preparations from 23 patients who underwent surgery for the treatment of refractory epilepsy.
Methods: Slices were used to evaluate the effects of LEV on two different models of epilepsy: low-Mg2+-induced untriggered and bicuculline-evoked stimulus-triggered epileptiform burst discharges and spontaneously appearing rhythmic sharp waves.
Results: LEV (0.
Purpose: To determine whether dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNTs) that belong to the neuronal migration disorders (NMDs) are to be classified with them or with "other low-grade brain tumors" regarding several etiologic, clinical, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and EEG findings.
Methods: These findings of 21 DNT patients were compared with those of 13 consecutive patients with other low-grade brain tumors and 41 NMD patients.
Results: The result is absolutely clear: nearly all findings in DNT patients (complications during pregnancy, birth, the newborn period and the postnatal period, age at first seizure, epileptic syndrome, seizure type, febrile seizures, retarded milestones, intellectual and neurologic deficits, MRI, interictal and ictal EEG findings) being similar or in agreement with those of other low-grade brain tumors, not with those of other NMDs.
Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is characterized by a localized malformation of the neocortex and underlying white matter. Balloon cells, similar to those observed in tuberous sclerosis, are present in many cases (FCD(bc)). In these patients, a hyperintense funnel-shaped subcortical lesion tapering toward the lateral ventricle was the characteristic finding on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic resonance imaging scans.
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