Publications by authors named "Rachel Wiley"

Objective: To examine rates of postpartum hemorrhagic (PPH) morbidity among patients who did and did not have immediate skin-to-skin contact (SSC).

Methods: This study was a retrospective cohort of all non-anomalous, term singleton vaginal births at a Level IV center over 2 years. Exclusion criteria included COVID-19.

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Objective:  This study aimed to compare the composite maternal hemorrhagic outcomes (CMHOs) among term (≥37 weeks) singletons who had scheduled versus unscheduled cesarean deliveries (CDs). A subgroup analysis was done for those without prior uterine surgeries.

Study Design:  Retrospectively, we identified all singletons at term who had CDs.

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Objective: In this systematic review, we aim to propose evidence-based management for perioperative care to improve outcomes at the time of planned cesarean hysterectomy for placenta accreta spectrum, a procedure associated with significant maternal and neonatal morbidity.

Data Sources: We conducted a literature search for studies published in MEDLINE (via Ovid), Embase, CINAHL, and Cochrane/CENTRAL up until February 25, 2022. The search included free-text and controlled-vocabulary terms for cesarean section, cesarean delivery, and hysterectomy.

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Objective:  This study aimed to compare maternal and neonatal outcomes between labor induction versus cesarean delivery (CD) without labor among nulliparous individuals with class III obesity (body mass index [BMI] ≥40 kg/m).

Study Design:  A retrospective cohort study of all nulliparous singleton deliveries at ≥37 weeks with a BMI of ≥40 kg/m at delivery between March 2020 and February 2022. We excluded individuals with spontaneous labor, fetal malformations, and stillbirths.

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Objective:  We aimed to determine the composite maternal hemorrhagic outcome (CMHO) among individuals with and without hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP), stratified by disease severity. Additionally, we investigated the composite neonatal adverse outcome (CNAO) among individuals with HDP who had postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) versus did not have PPH.

Study Design:  Our retrospective cohort study included all singletons who delivered at a Level IV center over two consecutive years.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The study examined the differences in maternal and neonatal outcomes among postpartum hemorrhage risk categories (low, medium, high) using data from a year-long analysis of singleton deliveries at a single site in California.
  • - Researchers aimed to determine if these risk stratifications significantly influenced maternal hemorrhagic outcomes (like blood loss and interventions) and adverse neonatal outcomes (like low Apgar scores and other health issues).
  • - Out of 4544 deliveries, a significant portion fell into the designated risk categories, with 21.4% experiencing serious maternal hemorrhagic events; findings could help clarify the efficacy of risk stratification guidelines.
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Objective: Platinum-based chemotherapy and bevacizumab is the standard treatment for stage IVB cervical cancer. When metastases resolve, the benefit of radiating the primary tumor is unclear. We investigate the effect of pelvic radiation on PFS following chemotherapy and bevacizumab in stage IVB cervical cancer.

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Introduction: To determine the impact of route of delivery on maternal outcomes among individuals who deliver preterm (before 37 weeks).

Materials And Methods: This was a population-based retrospective cohort study using the U.S.

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Objective: To delineate risk factors for adverse outcomes among those who underwent cesarean delivery (CD) for non-reassuring fetal heart rate tracing (NRFHT) and ascertain whether neonatal or maternal morbidity can be predicted accurately.

Methods: The Consortium on Safe Labor Database was utilized for this secondary analysis. Inclusion criteria were non-anomalous, singleton gestations between 37.

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Objective: To compare the composite neonatal and maternal adverse outcomes among low-risk pregnancies with versus without chorioamnionitis.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study using U.S.

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Objective: Little is known about prevalence, risk factors, rate of treatment, or adverse outcomes associated with intrapartum hypertension. Thus, our objective was to describe these findings.

Study Design: This was a retrospective study of laboring term gestations with no history of hypertensive disorders.

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Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with 30,000 cancer diagnoses a year, but the HPV vaccination is administered less frequently than other vaccinations. Future providers are a potential target for improving rates, and this flipped classroom module was developed to educate future vaccinators on HPV virology, vaccination, and clinical management.

Methods: Designed as a clinical correlation for a basic science curriculum on introductory virology and immunology, this weeklong module consisted of a 1-hour lecture and case presentation, assigned articles, and a 90-minute wrap-up session including individual and group quizzes over the assigned material, a group clinical application exercise, and a 20-minute lecture on the case and real-world applications.

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Little attention has been given to the state of human papillomavirus (HPV) education in medical schools and how this impacts future vaccination practices. We surveyed medical school faculty and students to assess the relationship between knowledge and willingness to recommend HPV vaccination.

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From the perspective of forensics genetics, the human microbiome is a rich, relatively untapped resource for human identity testing. Since it varies within and among people, and perhaps temporally, the potential forensic applications of the use of the microbiome can exceed that of human identification. However, the same inherent variability in microbial distributions may pose a substantial barrier to forming predictions on an individual as the source of the microbial sample unless stable signatures of the microbiome are identified and targeted.

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Background: Although supplemental oxygen (SO) is routinely administered to laboring gravidas, benefits and harms are not well studied.

Objective: This article compares strategies of liberal versus indicated SO therapy during labor on cesarean delivery (CD) rate and neonatal outcomes.

Study Design: A controlled, before-and-after trial of laboring women with term, singleton pregnancies.

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Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination rates lag behind other vaccines, primarily because of weak provider recommendations, and are associated with nearly 30,000 new cancer diagnoses a year. Educating medical students about HPV using active, team-centered learning may increase assimilation of information and may increase vaccination rates. A team-based learning (TBL) module focused on HPV for first-year medical students about HPV will better increase knowledge and likeliness to vaccinate than traditional education methods.

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Previous studies have shown that nylon flocked swabs outperform traditional fiber swabs in DNA recovery due to their innovative design and lack of internal absorbent core to entrap cellular materials. The microFLOQ Direct swab, a miniaturized version of the 4N6 FLOQSwab, has a small swab head that is treated with a lysing agent which allows for direct amplification and DNA profiling from sample collection to final result in less than two hours. Additionally, the microFLOQ system subsamples only a minute portion of a stain and preserves the vast majority of the sample for subsequent testing or re-analysis, if desired.

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Traditionally, forensic DNA analysis has required highly skilled forensic geneticists in a dedicated laboratory to generate short tandem repeat (STR) profiles. STR profiles are routinely used either to associate or exclude potential donors of forensic biological evidence. The typing of forensic reference samples has become more demanding, especially with the requirement in some jurisdictions to DNA profile arrestees.

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Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is an effective treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the active duty and veteran population. This case study provides a thorough example of the use of this therapeutic modality with an active duty military service member who was exposed to several traumatic events. Over the course of 13 sessions, "Master Sergeant Smith," a middle-aged, White male, made significant progress on his treatment plan goals and reductions in PTSD symptoms.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of identity development and identity distress to psychological adjustment within adolescents affected by psychological problems.

Method: Participants included 88 adolescents (43.2% female) ranging from 11 to 20 years of age who were receiving services from a community mental health center.

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Here, we present a method of extracting drug residues from fingerprints via Direct Analyte-Probed Nanoextraction coupled to nanospray ionization-mass spectrometry (DAPNe-NSI-MS). This instrumental technique provides higher selectivity and lower detection limits over current methods, greatly reducing sample preparation, and does not compromise the integrity of latent fingerprints. This coupled to Raman microscopy is an advantageous supplement for location and identification of trace particles.

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The present study addresses the relationships of caregiver identity status on their adolescent children's identity distress and psychological symptom severity among a sample of adolescents (age 12-19) in treatment at a community mental health center (N = 60 caregiver-child dyads). A significant proportion of caregivers (10%) and their adolescent children (21.7%) met DSM-IV criteria for Identity Problem.

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