Publications by authors named "RIVIERE M"

A highly attenuated vaccinia virus strain, NYVAC (vP866), was derived from a plaque-cloned isolate of the Copenhagen vaccine strain by the precise deletion of 18 open reading frames (ORFs) from the viral genome. Among the ORFs deleted from NYVAC (vP866) are two genes involved in nucleotide metabolism, the thymidine kinase (ORF J2R) and the large subunit of the ribonucleotide reductase (ORF I4L); the gene encoding the viral hemagglutinin (ORF A56R); the remnant (ORF A26L) of a highly expressed gene responsible for the formation of A-type inclusion bodies; the disrupted gene (ORFs B13R/B14R) normally encoding a serine protease inhibitor; and a block of 12 ORFs bounded by two known viral host range regulatory functions (ORFs C7L through K1L). Within this block a secretory protein (ORF N1L) implicated in viral virulence and a functional complement 4b binding protein (ORF C3L) are encoded.

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A serine-containing glycopeptidolipid antigen isolated from Mycobacterium xenopi typified a new class of mycobacterial glycopeptidolipid antigens devoid of the C-mycoside core structure [Rivière, M., & Puzo, G. (1991) J.

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By comparing the methylation pattern of Mspl/Hpall sites in the 5' region of the mouse alpha-foetoprotein (AFP) gene of different cells (hepatoma cells, foetal and adult liver, fibroblasts), we found a correlation between gene expression and unmethylation of a site located in the first intron of the gene. Other sites did not show this correlation. In transfection experiments of unmethylated and methylated AFP-CAT chimeric constructions, we then showed that methylation of the intronic site negatively modulates expression of CAT activity.

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By means of somatic cell hybrids segregating rat chromosomes, we determined the chromosome localization of three rat beta 1 family integrin genes. ITGB1 was assigned to Chromosome (Chr) 19, ITGA4 to Chr 3, and ITGA5 to Chr 7. These chromosome assignments reveal or confirm homology between two pairs of rat and human chromosomes (rat Chr 3-human Chr 2; rat Chr 7-human Chr 12).

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By means of somatic cell hybrids segregating either human or rat chromosomes, the genes encoding the transcription factor Sp1 (SP1) and the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor (VDR) were both assigned to human chromosome arm 12q and to rat chromosome 7. This result implies that the locus for the clinical disorder vitamin D dependency rickets type II maps on 12q. The phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) and the retinoic acid receptor-gamma (RARG) genes also map on human chromosome arm 12q and rat chromosome 7, indicating that a synteny group is conserved on these chromosomes.

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Using a panel of somatic cell hybrids that segregate rat chromosomes, the localization of five cancer-related rat genes was determined: (i) two thyroid receptor genes, THRA1/ERBA1 and THRB/ERBA2 on chromosomes 10 and 15 respectively, (ii) two ERBB genes, namely the epidermal growth factor gene (EGFR, also called ERBB1) and the ERBB2 gene (also designated neu) on chromosomes 14 and 10 respectively, and (iii) the retinoblastoma gene, RB1, on chromosome 15. The THRA1/ERBA1 and ERBB2/neu genes are thus included in a synteny group, conserved on rat chromosomes 10 and human chromosome arm 17q.

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The human genes encoding the alpha and beta forms of the retinoic acid receptor are known to be located on chromosomes 17 (band q21.1:RARA) and 3 (band p24:RARB). By in situ hybridization, we have now localized the gene for retinoic acid receptor gamma, RARG, on chromosome 12, band q13.

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Using two panels of somatic cell hybrids segregating either human or rat chromosomes, the gene encoding the interleukin-6-dependent DNA-binding protein, also called liver activator protein (designated transcription factor 5: TCF5), was assigned to human chromosome 20 and to rat chromosome 3. The TCF5 gene might be identical with the NF-IL6 gene. The locus encoding the IL6 receptor gene (IL6R) was localized to human chromosome 1 and rat chromosome 2.

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An unknown immunogenic glycopeptidolipid, named GPL X-1, was isolated from Mycobacterium xenopi, which is a nontuberculous mycobacterium responsible for pulmonary and disseminated infectious diseases mainly occurring in immunocompromised patients. The glycopeptidolipid was purified until homogeneity, in the native form, by direct phase high performance liquid chromatography. A new route is proposed for the structural elucidation of its unusual lipopeptidic core.

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The bovine leukaemia virus (BLV) envelope gene encoding extracellular glycoprotein gp51 and transmembrane glycoprotein gp30 was cloned into the HA locus of vaccinia virus (Copenhagen strain), downstream of the vaccinia virus early-late promoter, H6, or a triple promoter element consisting of the promoter for the vaccinia virus H6 gene, the promoter for the cowpox virus A-type inclusion (ATI) gene and the promoter for the vaccinia virus HA gene. Inoculation of rabbits or sheep with the recombinant vaccinia virus coding for gp51 and gp30 or an uncleaved env precursor induced neutralizing antibodies to BLV. These antibodies competed with monoclonal antibodies directed against gp51 epitopes F, G, and H previously shown to be of crucial importance for BLV infection.

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The activation of oxidized chloroplast fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase by fructose 2,6-bisphosphate and magnesium previously described at pH 7.5 [Soulié et al. (1988) Eur.

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The gene coding for rat parathyroid hormone-like peptide (PTHLH) was previously assigned to rat chromosome 2 (Hendy et al., 1988). We reexamined this assignment.

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The role of the divalent cations in the purple membrane is generally understood as the release mechanism of the blue form appearance. The reconstitution by cation addition leads to the recovery of the initial spectral properties. Numerous data are available in the literature on this matter but they are scattered, so that synthetic understanding is not easy.

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The complete primary structure of the carbohydrate moiety of a new phenolic glycolipid antigen namely PheGl K-IV from Mycobacterium kansasii was successfully established from only one- and two-dimensional 1H-NMR data. Among the scalar two-dimensional techniques, correlated spectroscopy with a 45 degree mixing pulse and phase-sensitive double-quantum-filtered correlated spectroscopy were selected, combined with two-dimensional dipolar techniques (nuclear Overhauser effect). These techniques using milligram of quantities native PheGl K-IV allowed the following monoacetylated tetrasaccharide to be proposed for its carbohydrate part: 4-O-Me-alpha-Manp-(1----3)-4-O-Ac-2-O-Me-alpha-Fucp-(1----3) -2-O-Me-alpha-Rhap- (1----3)-2,4-di-O-Me-alpha-Rhap.

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Corynebacteria groups JK and D2 are opportunistic pathogens. They are sometimes responsible for severe infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. They are resistant to many antibiotics.

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Mycobacterial species-specific antigens belong to the three following classes: phenolic glycolipids (Phe Gl), acyltrehalose-containing lipooligosaccharides and polar glycopeptidolipids. These antigens have been chemically defined and alkali-labile epitopes were found to characterize the lipooligosaccharide antigen type. In the present study the major Mycobacterium kansasii phenolic glycolipid epitope namely Phe Gl K-I was delineated as the distal monoacetylated disaccharidic residue: 2,6-dideoxy-4-O-methyl-alpha-D-arabino-hexopyranosyl-(1----3)-2-O-methyl -4-O- acetyl-alpha-L-fucopyranose.

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Twelve loci have been assigned to rat chromosome 5: aldolase B (ALDOB), atrial natriuretic factor (ANF = pronatriodilatin, PND), D4RP1, DSI1, galactosyltransferase (GGTB2), glucose transporter (GLUT1), interferon alpha 1 and related interferon alpha (INFA), interferon beta (INFB), lymphocyte-specific protein-tyrosine kinase (LCK), oncogene MOS, alpha 2U-globulin (major urinary protein, MUP), and orosomucoid (ORM, also called alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, AGP). Among these, the interferon alpha and beta genes map in the q22-23 region, which also contains a transformation suppressor gene (SAI1). The other loci reside outside this region.

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Photoionization of hydrophobic probes has been developed in micelles or synthetic vesicles. Studies of the yields, compartmentation, and lifetimes of the photo-produced charged species have gathered reliable information on the interfacial and structural properties of these assemblies. Such an approach has never been applied to biological membranes.

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From the analysis of mouse x rat cell hybrids which segregate rat chromosomes, the rat genes coding for the enzymes medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase, and the beta-subunit of propionyl-CoA carboxylase have been assigned to chromosomes 2, 3, and 8, respectively.

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Phenolic glycolipids play a key role as an antigenic probe for serodiagnosis of some human pathogen mycobacterial infections. The lipidic part which corresponds to a phenolphthiocerol dimycocerosate molecule, and the presence of partial O-methylated sugars, confer a high hydrophobicity to this kind of molecule. Fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectrometric analysis with standard matrices such as glycerol or thioglycerol was unsuccessful.

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Oxidized chloroplastic fructose-bisphosphatase is almost totally inactive at pH 7.5, that is under pH conditions that prevail in the chloroplast stroma. When preincubated for different time periods with fructose 2,6-bisphosphate and assayed in the absence of this ligand, it displays an activity which is directly related to the duration of the preincubation phase.

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