The authors report 5 cases of post-traumatic rheumatoid polyarthritis. After the traumatism had initiated the first stages of ordinary inflammation, chain reactions, perhaps by means of an "immune" field, intervened to transform it into a self-maintained rheumatoid inflammation. In fact, the etiopathogenic problems of post-traumatic rheumatoid polyarthritis have not yet been elucidated and it cannot be said either that the question of legal compensation for it is any nearer solution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Med Interne (Paris)
February 1977
Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic
June 1976
In a system consisting of synovial samples taken surgically and maintained in culture, the authors studied the regulation of enzyme synthesis by taking acid phosphatase as the test enzyme. By means of double labelling and the use of protein synthesis inhibitors, they were able to demonstrate that this synthesis was stimulated by the addition of rheumatoid factor to the culture medium and that it depended on the transcription activity of the genome and on the translation of the information molecules.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Rhum Mal Osteoartic
May 1976
The authors report the results of 1258 chemical synovectomies carried out in subjects with rheumatoid polyarthritis on joints at Steinbrocker stage I and of 470 chemical synovectomies carried out during the first year of evolution of rheumatoid polyarthritis. Comparison with the results of chemical synovectomy carried out later demonstrate the superiority of early chemical synovectomy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Rhum Mal Osteoartic
February 1976
The authors report the results obtained from the treatment of 13 cases of myeloma by cyclic chemotherapy (melphalan) applied after cellular synchronization with vincristine. The clinical results (maximum 2 years after treatment) were good in 11 cases out of 13. The following laboratory values quickly returned to normal: sedimentation and calcaemia, but there was little change in the immunoglobulins.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe laboratory investigation of cases of Paget's disease has revealed results of three types :--small increases in the sedimentation rate, in the ceruloplasmin level, in the average corpuscule volume, and in uricaemia. These changes are of little practical value;--a considerable increase in the common stocks and in the turn-over of calcium, a frequently negative assessment with a parathyroid hormone level at the lower limit of normality. The levels of calcaemia and calciuria, little changed on average, may increase slightly after hospitalization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn a study on 43 patients suffering from Paget's disease the authors grouped them within the HL-A histo-compatibility system. Twenty-nine antigens in this system were investigated. Comparison with the distribution in the population of France did not show a significant difference.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe authors explored a group of patients suffering from rheumatic pelvispondylitis from the point of view of muscular lesions: clinical muscular examination, anatomo-pathological investigation of the muscle (optical microscopy, histochemistry), electromyographic investigation, and determination of certain serum and muscle enzymes. Some muscular anomalies were observed, which were predominant in the muscles of the lumbar grooves, although there were some lesions of the quadriceps muscle, with a myogenous appearance, but without inflammation. The clearest anomalies were neurogenic and were present particularly in the muscles of the lumbar grooves.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn immunological investigation was carried out on 33 rheumatoid polyarthritis patients. The phenomena of antierythrocytes immunization were investigated by standard tests : irregular agglutinins, haemolysins, and auto-antibodies which all proved negative. The lymphocyte immunological phenomena were also studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Rhum Mal Osteoartic
June 1973