Objectives: To share our experience in surgical management of cervical cancer, combined adiotherapy (RT) and neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT) and to evaluate the 2-year overall and desease free survival, the incidance and sites of relapses.
Material: One hundred eight cervical cancer patients, staged IB-IVB according to FIGO had been operated on by the author between the period XI. 2003-VI.
Akush Ginekol (Sofiia)
May 2007
Objective: To evaluate the most common complications following surgery and radiotherary of cervical cancer based on own experience and to compare them to the complications rates reported by other authors.
Material: One hundred eight patients with invasive cervical cancer, staged (IB-IVB) are enrolled in the study. They all had been operated on in Varna between the period XI.
Akush Ginekol (Sofiia)
January 2007
Objective: To share our experience in surgical management of advanced ovarian cancer applying a retroperitoneal approach and performing pelvic peritoneoectomy for the achievement of an optimal debulking in this disease.
Material: Thirty eight patients age ranging from 36 to 77 years (average 55,7 years) staged: I - 2 (5,3%), II - 4 (10,5%), //III/ - 28 (73,7%) and IV - 4 (10,5%) had been operated on. Thirty patients presented without previous therapy, 3 - after total abdominal hysterectomy with adnexes, 1 - after supravaginal hysterectomy with adnexes, 1 - after unilateral adnexectomy and 3 - after neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
The aim of the present review is to study the significance of the COX-2 expression for unfavourable prognosis and aggressive clinicopathological parameters in certain malignancies. The main directions for future research on COX-2 as a prognostic factor of decreased survival and predictive factor of chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer are discussed.
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