Publications by authors named "R CONTOPOULOU"

Cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with mutations in the RAD52 gene have previously been shown to be defective in meiotic and mitotic recombination, in sporulation, and in repair of radiation-induced damage to DNA. In this study we show that diploid cells homozygous for rad52 lose chromosomes at high frequencies and that these frequencies of loss can be increased dramatically by exposure of these cells to x-rays. Genetic analyses of survivors of x-ray treatment demonstrate that chromosome loss events result in the conversion of diploid cells to cells with near-haploid chromosome numbers.

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The relationships among 93 strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens were investigated by (1) a numerical taxonomic analysis on the results of 150 phenotypic tests, (2) DNA hybridization studies using 16 reference strains, (3) quantitative microcomplement fixation studies using six reference strains with antibodies directed against the protein azurin. In general, the strains fell into distinct clusters. Assignment to these clusters on the basis of azurin immunological similarity showed 98% agreement with assignment based on DNA homology, suggesting that many genes will follow the same pattern.

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