Publications by authors named "R BERLIN"

Purpose: Given rising demand for gender affirmation surgery (GAS), lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and others' (LGBTQ+) patient care, and sexual and gender minority (SGM) representation in plastic surgery, we sought to analyze integrated residency programs' posts for LGBTQ+ content.

Methods: Programs were identified from the American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons website. Accounts were searched for on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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In this paper, we propose a method to model radiofrequency electrosurgery to capture the phenomena at higher temperatures and present the methods for parameter estimation. Experimental data taken from our surgical trials performed on porcine liver show that a non-Fourier Maxwell-Cattaneo-type model can be suitable for this application when used in combination with an Arrhenius-type model that approximates the energy dissipation in physical and chemical reactions. The resulting model structure has the advantage of higher accuracy than existing ones, while reducing the computation time required.

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Background: The transgender patient population is expanding, and gender affirming surgery (GAS) volume is increasing. Accurate, comprehensive, and easily navigable resources on GAS are lacking. We aim to evaluate the readability of online materials for specific gender affirming surgical procedures to identify mechanisms of improving information access for transgender patients.

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We present a novel thermodynamic parameter estimation framework for energy-based surgery on live tissue, with direct applications to tissue characterization during electrosurgery. This framework addresses the problem of estimating tissue-specific thermodynamics in real-time, which would enable accurate prediction of thermal damage impact to the tissue and damage-conscious planning of electrosurgical procedures. Our approach provides basic thermodynamic information such as thermal diffusivity, and also allows for obtaining the thermal relaxation time and a model of the heat source, yielding in real-time a controlled hyperbolic thermodynamics model.

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We present a novel 3D adaptive observer framework for use in the determination of subsurface organic tissue temperatures in electrosurgery. The observer structure leverages pointwise 2D surface temperature readings obtained from a real-time infrared thermographer for both parameter estimation and temperature field observation. We introduce a novel approach to decoupled parameter adaptation and estimation, wherein the parameter estimation can run in real-time, while the observer loop runs on a slower time scale.

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