Publications by authors named "R B Symington"

The influence of wheat bran as a source of dietary fibre on the excretion of ingested cadmium from diet was studied. The cadmium contents in the diets, faeces, urine, liver, kidney and spleen were determined, as well as the weight gains, the relative weights of the cited organs, and the levels of alkaline phosphatase in serum. No evidence is provided that an increasing portion of wheat bran in the diets induced an increase in cadmium excretion.

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Six in vitro experiments were conducted to study the effects of the incorporation into the culture system of 10 bovine pineal bodies (or a similar mass of bovine hypothalamic tissue) on the secretion of luteinising hormone (LH) from bovine adenohypophyseal tissue (anterior pituitary - AP). When hypothalamic tissue was incubated with AP tissue, an increased amount of LH was released into the medium but no marked increase in LH secretion was observed when pineal bodies were included in the AP culture system. Additionally, the amount of radio-immunologically active luteinising hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) contained in bovine pineal bodies was much less than that contained in an equivalent mass of hypothalamic tissue.

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Six in vitro trials were conducted using bovine tissues to study the effects of addition of cerebrospinal fluid (C.S.F.

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To aid elucidation of the chemical composition of the antigonadotrophic substances produced by the epiphysis cerebri, 100 bovine pineal bodies were incubated in Krebs-Ringer buffer and the incubate treated to give an ethyl acetate and an aqueous extract. Using thin layer chromatography on fluorescent silica gel plates, 5 indoles were identified and 6 unknown substances isolated from the pineal incubate and from both extracts. The presence of peptides was detected in the incubate and in the aqueous extract.

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