Free-electron laser (FEL) facilities operating at MHz repetition rates can emit lasers with average powers reaching hundreds of watts. Partial absorption of this power induces thermal deformation of a few micrometres on the mirror surface. Such deformation degrades the characteristics of the reflected photon beam, leading to focal spot aberrations and wavefront distortions that fail to meet experimental requirements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Synchrotron Radiat
September 2024
A long gas cell, filled with noble gas, is typically positioned between the undulator and the first mirror in the free-electron laser (FEL) beamline to attenuate the laser power as required by the end-stations. In addition to attenuation, the gas cell also serves important functions in various applications, such as spectrometer calibration, resolving power evaluation during beamline commissioning, and filtering of third harmonic in FEL operations. These functions of the gas cell have been successfully tested and implemented at the Dalian Coherent Light Source, a vacuum ultraviolet FEL facility located in Dalian, China.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Sleep problems are prevalent. However, the impact of sleep patterns on digestive diseases remains uncertain. Moreover, the interaction between sleep patterns and genetic predisposition with digestive diseases has not been comprehensively explored.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFModern X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) can generate pulses with durations ranging from femtoseconds to attoseconds. The numerical evaluation of ultra-short XFEL pulses through beamline systems is a critical process of beamline system design. However, the bandwidth of such ultra-short XFEL pulses is often non-negligible, and the propagation cannot be simply approximated using the central wavelength, especially in dispersive beamline systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOpt Express
September 2023
In soft X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) beamlines, variable-line-spacing (VLS) gratings are often used as dispersive components of monochromators and spectrometers due to their combined dispersion and focusing properties. X-ray FEL pulses passing through the VLS grating can result in not only transverse focusing but also spatiotemporal coupling effects, such as pulse front tilt, pulse front rotation, and pulse stretching. In this paper, we present a theoretical study of the spatiotemporal response of concave VLS gratings to ultra-short X-ray pulses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe provenance of oxygen on the Earth and other planets in the Solar System is a fundamental issue. It has been widely accepted that the only prebiotic pathway to produce oxygen in the Earth's primitive atmosphere was via vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photodissociation of CO and subsequent two O atom recombination. Here, we provide experimental evidence of three-body dissociation (TBD) of HO to produce O atoms in both D and P states upon VUV excitation using a tunable VUV free electron laser.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeutral titanium-metal carbonyl complexes with the chemical formula Ti(CO) ( = 4-7) are produced in the gas phase by the reactions of titanium atoms with carbon monoxide in a pulsed laser vaporization-supersonic expansion source. Their infrared absorption spectra in the carbonyl stretching frequency region are measured by infrared plus vacuum ultraviolet (IR+VUV) two-color ionization spectroscopy based on a tunable VUV free electron laser. Infrared spectroscopy in conjunction with quantum chemical calculations confirm that all of these complexes have unexpected titanium ketenylidene OTiCCO(CO) structures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe water octamer with its cubic structure consisting of six four-membered rings presents an excellent cluster system for unraveling the cooperative interactions driven by subtle changes in the hydrogen-bonding topology. Despite prediction of many distinct structures, it has not been possible to extract the structural information encoded in their vibrational spectra because this requires size-selectivity of the neutral clusters with sufficient resolution to identify the contributions of the different isomeric forms. Here we report the size-specific infrared spectra of the isolated cold, neutral water octamer using a scheme based on threshold photoionization using a tunable vacuum ultraviolet free electron laser.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAirglow is a well-known phenomenon in the Earth's upper atmosphere, which arises from the emissions of energetic atoms and molecules. The Meinel band emission from high vibrationally excited OH(X) radicals is one of the more important contributors to the airglow from the mesosphere/lower thermosphere. The H + O reaction has long been regarded as the dominant source of these OH(X, high ) radicals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe fragmentation dynamics of water in a superexcited state play an important role in the ionosphere of the planets and in the photodissociation region (PDR) of the planetary nebula. In this Letter, we experimentally study the fragmentation dynamics of HO with the energy above its ionization potential initiated by vacuum ultraviolet free-electron laser pulses. The experimental results indicate that the binary fragmentation channels H + OH and the triple channels O + 2H both present at 96.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince the first outbreak in 2013, the influenza A (H7N9) virus has continued emerging and has caused over five epidemic waves. Suspected antigenic changes of the H7N9 virus based on hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay during the fifth outbreak have prompted the update of H7N9 candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs). In this study, we comprehensively compared the serological cross-reactivities induced by the hemagglutinins (HAs) of the earlier CVV A/Anhui/1/2013 (H7/AH13) and the updated A/Guangdong/17SF003/2016 (H7/GD16).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfrared spectroscopic study of neutral water clusters is crucial to understanding of the hydrogen-bonding networks in liquid water and ice. Here we report infrared spectra of size-selected neutral water clusters, (HO) ( = 3-6), in the OH stretching vibration region, based on threshold photoionization using a tunable vacuum ultraviolet free-electron laser. Distinct OH stretch vibrational fundamentals observed in the 3,500-3,600-cm region of (HO) provide unique spectral signatures for the formation of a noncyclic pentamer, which coexists with the global-minimum cyclic structure previously identified in the gas phase.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper describes an experimental technique for studying neutral metal complexes using infrared + vacuum ultraviolet (IR+VUV) two-color ionization spectroscopy based on a tunable VUV free-electron laser (VUV-FEL). The preliminary IR spectroscopy results of mass-selected nickel tetracarbonyl are reported in this work. The results demonstrate that the tunable VUV-FEL light allows the selective ionization of a given neutral cluster free of confinement along with the recording of well-resolved IR spectra.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHighly pathogenic influenza H7N9 viruses that emerged in the fifth wave of H7N9 outbreak pose a risk to human health. The World Health Organization has updated the candidate vaccine viruses for H7N9 viruses recently. In this study, we evaluated the immune response to an updated H7N9 candidate vaccine virus, which derived from the highly pathogenic A/Guangdong/17SF003/2016 (GD/16) in mice and rhesus macaques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFState-to-state photodissociation of carbon dioxide (CO2) via the 3p1Πu Rydberg state was investigated by the time-sliced velocity map ion imaging technique (TSVMI) using a tunable vacuum ultraviolet free electron laser (VUV FEL) source. Raw images of the O(1S) products resulting from the O(1S) + CO(X1Σ+) channel were acquired at the photolysis wavelengths between 107.37 and 108.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfrared (IR) spectroscopy provides detailed structural and dynamical information on clusters at the fingerprint level. Herein, we demonstrate the capability of a tunable vacuum ultraviolet free electron laser (VUV-FEL) for selective detection of a wide variety of neutral water clusters and for recording the size-dependent IR spectra. The present technique does not require the presence of an ultraviolet chromophore or a dipole moment and is generally applicable for IR spectroscopy of neutral clusters free from confinement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHydroxyl radicals (OH) play a central role in the interstellar medium. Here, we observe highly rotationally excited OH radicals with energies above the bond dissociation energy, termed OH "super rotors", from the vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of water. The most highly excited OH(X) super rotors identified at 115.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this article, we describe an experimental setup for studying tunable vacuum ultraviolet photochemistry using the H-atom Rydberg tagging time-of-flight technique. In this apparatus, two vacuum ultraviolet laser beams were used: one is generated by using a nonlinear four-wave mixing scheme in a Kr gas cell and fixed at 121.6 nm wavelength to probe the H-atom product through the Lyman α transition and the other beam, produced by a seeded free electron laser facility, can be continuously tunable for photodissociating molecules in the wavelength range of 50-150 nm with extremely high brightness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhotodissociation dynamics of HO via the F̃ state at 111.5 nm were investigated using the high resolution H-atom Rydberg "tagging" time-of-flight (TOF) technique, in combination with the tunable vacuum ultraviolet free electron laser at the Dalian Coherent Light Source. The product translational energy distributions and angular distributions in both parallel and perpendicular directions were derived from the recorded TOF spectra.
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