Publications by authors named "Purohit J"

Article Synopsis
  • The study examines the clinical utility and economic implications of pharmacogenetic testing (PGT) for warfarin therapy in low to middle-income countries, comparing it to standard care (SOC).
  • It involved a randomized trial with 168 patients and found that those receiving PGT-guided therapy spent significantly more time in the therapeutic INR range and reached this range faster than those on SOC.
  • Despite the slightly higher lifetime costs for PGT therapy, the quality-adjusted life years (QALY) gained were similar for both treatment strategies, suggesting that cost-effective benefits may exist with PGT in specific scenarios.
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Introduction: A recent study has demonstrated that social factors have an impact on the condition of dental implants. The present investigation investigated how varied alcohol intake quantities might alter the condition of dental implants and related peri-implant inflammation.

Materials And Methods: This retrospective research was piloted in a tertiary care center, and implants inserted between 2010 and 2022 were evaluated through a retrospective cohort analysis.

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Aim: This study was intended to assess and relate the clinical anesthetic effectiveness of tramadol hydrochloride and lidocaine.

Methodology: A clinical randomized split-mouth study was piloted among 40 patients who were otherwise healthy but needed to have their maxillary first premolars extracted bilaterally for orthodontic reasons were considered in the research. In each subject on one side (quadrant) of the arch 1.

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The N-terminus of Histone H3 is proteolytically processed in aged chicken liver. A histone H3 N-terminus specific endopeptidase (named H3ase) has been purified from the nuclear extract of aged chicken liver. By sequencing and a series of biochemical methods including the demonstration of H3ase activity in bacterially expressed GDH, it was established that the H3ase activity was a moonlighting protease activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH).

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The nuclear events of a eukaryotic cell, such as replication, transcription, recombination and repair etc. require the transition of the compactly arranged chromatin into an uncompacted state and vice-versa. This is mediated by post-translational modification of the histones, exchange of histone variants and ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling.

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Droplet digital PCR is a particularly valuable tool for ratiometric assays because it provides simultaneous absolute quantification of two target sequences in a single assay. This manuscript addresses a challenge in establishing a new ratiometric droplet digital PCR assay for use in sputum, the rRNA synthesis ratio. In principle, the methods established to evaluate precision and determine the limit of quantification for a single measurand cannot be applied to a ratiometric assay.

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Background: Cosmetic defects after the major orofacial disease corrections may have an effect on the overall well-being of the patient. Head-and-neck cosmetic surgeries after a major episode of oral cancer impact the functional ability of the individual in several ways. In general, two types of flap are used in reconstructive surgery: microvascular free flaps and regional pedicle flaps.

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Histones are classically known to organize the eukaryotic DNA into chromatin. They are one of the key players in regulating transcriptionally permissive and non-permissive states of the chromatin. Nevertheless, their context-dependent appearance within the cytoplasm and systemic circulation has also been observed.

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Introduction: Condylar fractures make up for an average of 17.5%-52% of all mandibular fractures. The aim of the present study was to compare the ease, success, and complications between retromandibular and periangular transmasseteric approaches when used for open reduction and internal fixation of condylar fractures.

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In the scenario of global warming and climate change, an outbreak of new pests and pathogens has become a serious concern owing to the rapid emergence of arms races, their epidemic infection, and the ability to break down host resistance, . Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one such evidence that depredates major cereals throughout the world. The symptomatological perplexity and aetiological complexity make this disease very severe, engendering significant losses in the yield.

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Since the last few decades, the promiscuous and uncontrolled use of plastics led to the accumulation of millions of tons of plastic waste in the terrestrial and marine environment. It elevated the risk of environmental pollution and climate change. The concern arises more due to the reckless and unscientific disposal of plastics containing high molecular weight polymers, viz.

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Introduction: Temperomandibular joint (TMJ) is subjected to many disorders commonly called Temperomandibular disorders (TMDs); such as TMJ hypermobility, ankylosis, internal derangement, degenerative joint disease. Internal derangement is characterized by abnormal relationship of articular disc to the condyle and disc to fossa. In past many non-invasive conservative treatment modalities were tried out for its treatment which are joint unloading, use of anti-inflammatory agents, physiotherapy etc.

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Purpose: It is believed that whenever we inject local anesthesia into the palate it is a painful experience for the patients. The aim of this study was to make palatal anesthesia painless by adding 7.4% sodium bicarbonate as an adjunct in local anesthesia.

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Obesity is associated with chronic inflammation. Toll-like receptors (TLR) and NOD-like receptors (NLR) are two families of pattern recognition receptors that play important roles in the immune response and inflammation in adipocytes. Activation of TLR4 has been shown to stimulate lipolysis from adipose tissue or adipocytes.

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Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) enzyme was conventionally known as a mitochondrial marker. However, subsequently it was reported to be present in the nuclei as well. So far, the nuclear distribution of GDH has been reported in a number of organisms including yeast, rat, cow, chicken.

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Site-specific proteolysis of the N or C-terminus of histone tails has emerged as a novel form of irreversible post-translational modifications assigned to histones. Though there are many reports describing histone specific proteolysis, there are very few studies on purification of a histone specific protease. Here, we demonstrate a histone H3 specific protease (H3ase) activity in chicken liver nuclear extract.

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The proteolysis of the N- or the C-terminal tails of histones have recently emerged as a novel form of irreversible posttranslational modifications of histones. However, there are very few reports describing purification of a histone specific protease. Here, we report a histone H2A specific protease (H2Asp) activity in the chicken liver nuclear extract.

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Ameloblastoma: a rare nasal polyp.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg

July 2011

Ameloblastomas are locally aggressive jaw tumours with a high propensity for recurrence and are believed to be derived from remnants of odontogenic epithelium which does not undergo transformation to the point of enamel formation. Extragnathic ameloblastomas are unusual and primary nasal origin is extraordinarily uncommon.

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Background. The objective of this prospective study was to evaluate the clinical profile, microbiological flora and radiological features in primary atrophic rhinitis patients and to identify their association with the etiology of primary atrophic rhinitis. Study design.

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Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) enzyme is recently being reported to be present in the nucleus in addition to the mitochondria in a number of organisms. Here we investigated the distribution of GDH in liver and brain tissues of chicken. Polyclonal anti-GDH antibody against bovine GDH was raised by us, which was later shown to be immunereactive to chicken GDH.

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Chronic inflammation is associated with obesity and insulin resistance; however, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Pattern recognition receptors Toll-like receptors and nucleotide-oligomerization domain-containing proteins play critical roles in innate immune response. Here, we report that activation of nucleotide binding oligomerization domain-containing protein-1 (NOD1) in adipocytes induces proinflammatory response and impairs insulin signaling and insulin-induced glucose uptake.

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A total of 34 clinical samples and four Marek's disease virus (MDV) vaccines were tested using primer BamH1/BamH2 in layer birds of poultry. Out of 34 samples tested for detection of MDV, 32 samples produced approximately 434 bp product. All the three HVT vaccines as well as SB-1 (MDV-2) vaccine failed to produce the expected amplicons, there by proving negative for the targeted 132 bp repeats of MDV genome by the primers BamH1/BamH2.

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Environmental agencies across the United States have searched for adequate methods to assess anthropogenic impacts on the environment. Biological assessments, which compare the taxonomic composition of an aquatic assemblage to relevant biocriteria, have surfaced as an effective method to assess the ecological integrity of US waterbodies. In this study, bioassessment data were collected and analyzed in conjunction with physical habitat and chemical stressor data for streams and rivers within the San Diego basin from 1998 through 2005.

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Primary atrophic rhinitis is a progressive chronic nasal disease and histopathologically characterized by squamous metaplasia and two characteristic types of vascular involvement (type I and type II). Despite its chronicity and squamous transformation, nothing is known about the occurrence of malignancy in atrophic rhinitis. The present work was undertaken to study the histopathological characteristics in primary atrophic rhinitis and identify whether it has any association with malignant transformation.

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Cycloposition has been measured by various methods; however, fundus photography is the most reliable method to evaluate the torsion objectively. We did a prospective study to find out the disc foveal angle (DFA) and its variation in children without squint. We included 210 eyes of 105 children between the ages of 5-15 years.

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