Three-dimensional segmentation and analysis of dendritic spine morphology involve two major challenges: 1) how to segment individual spines from the dendrites and 2) how to quantitatively assess the morphology of individual spines. To address these two issues, we developed software called 3dSpAn (3-dimensional Spine Analysis), based on implementing a previously published method, 3D multi-scale opening algorithm in shared intensity space. 3dSpAn consists of four modules: a) Preprocessing and Region of Interest (ROI) selection, b) Intensity thresholding and seed selection, c) Multi-scale segmentation, and d) Quantitative morphological feature extraction.
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View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe observation and analysis of dendritic spines morphological changes poses a major challenge in neuroscience studies. The alterations of their density and/or morphology are indicators of the cellular processes involved in neural plasticity underlying learning and memory, and are symptomatic in neuropsychiatric disorders. Despite ongoing intense investigations in imaging approaches, the relationship between changes in spine morphology and synaptic function is still unknown.
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