Publications by authors named "Prozorov S"

The article addresses Giorgio Agamben's critical commentary on the global governance of the Covid-19 pandemic as a paradigm of his political thought. While Agamben's comments have been criticized as exaggerated and conspiratorial, they arise from the conceptual constellation that he has developed starting from the first volume of his series. At the centre of this constellation is the relation between the concepts of sovereign power and bare life, whose articulation in the figure of Agamben traces from the Antiquity to the present.

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The paper analyzes indications for, frequency, safety, and efficiency of inferior vena cava (IVC) suprarenal filter implantation. The study based on the Medline database has indicated that an IVC suprarenal filter should be implanted following very strict indications, such as extensive caval thrombosis; renal vein thrombosis with a thrombus in the IVC; some vascular anomalies; a renal tumor process with a tumor thrombus in the IVC; prevention of pulmonary embolism in pregnant women with deep vein thrombosis; and prior to surgery. IVC suprarenal implantation done as clinically indicated is an effective and safe method to prevent pulmonary embolism.

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The results of radiation diagnostic techniques were analyzed in 29 patients with aortic aneurysmal ruptures with formation of aortic anastomoses. The examination and treatment of 362 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysmal ruptures revealed that 23 (6.35%) patients had anastomoses (aortocaval (n = 15), aortoduodenal (n = 6), aortogastric (n = 1), and aortoureteral (n = 1)).

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Treatment of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms has been analyzed. From 506 patients (265 emergency and 241 elective cases) treated in the department of urent vascular surgery 36 had "chronic disruptions". Validity of this term is discussed.

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Four hundred and forty seven patients with aneurysms of the abdominal aorta (AAA), including 238 patients with aneurysmal rupture, were admitted to the Research Institute of Emergency Care in 1990 to 2000. The results of studies in 225 patients (ultrasonography in 197, computed tomography in 59, and angiography in 104), including 155 patients with aneurysmal rupture were analyzed. Computed tomography (CT) has proved to be the most accurate technique in the detection and estimation of the size of aneurysms, as well as in the identification of ruptures (83.

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The paper is concerned with the description of the first experience in a new method of roentgen endoprosthetics of the cervical canal of the uterus using a nitinol spiral prosthesis. The spiral has a shape memory effect. Prostheses were implanted to 13 patients with strictures or atresia of the cervical canal after bougienage for a period of 193 days.

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An analysis of the literature and personal observations of 27 patients with extracranial aneurysms of the arteries enabled the authors to determine clinical symptoms, methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment of the disease. Resection of the aneurysm with suturing the artery defect is recommended as optimal techniques of the operation for posttraumatic aneurysms, resection with the end-to-end anastomosis being proposed for a true aneurysm of the aorta arch branches.

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