Publications by authors named "Prowle J"

Background: Total hip replacement surgery is performed to improve quality of life (QoL). We explored the association between multimorbidity and change in QoL after total hip replacement.

Methods: Analysis of patients included in the NHS England hip replacement Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) database with complete preoperative from 3 to 6 months postoperative EQ-5D QoL data from April 2013 to March 2018.

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Background: The EFFORT Protein trial assessed the effect of high vs usual dosing of protein in adult ICU patients with organ failure. This study provides a probabilistic interpretation and evaluates heterogeneity in treatment effects (HTE).

Methods: We analysed 60-day all-cause mortality and time to discharge alive from hospital using Bayesian models with weakly informative priors.

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Purpose: During critical illness interpretation of serum creatinine is affected by non-steady state conditions, reduced creatinine generation, and altered distribution. We evaluated healthcare professionals' ability to adjudicate underlying kidney function, based on simulated creatinine values.

Methods: We developed an online survey, incorporating 12 scenarios with simulated trajectories of creatinine based on profiles of muscle mass, GFR and fluid balance using bespoke kinetic modelling.

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Introduction: Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) dose is usually fixed and primarily weight-based. Whilst this is safe, theoretically, underdosing or overdosing may occur in those requiring acute versus maintenance CRRT respectively. We have developed a dynamic dosing protocol for CRRT which individualises and updates dosing according to biochemistry.

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Purpose: Novel interventions for the prevention or treatment of acute kidney injury (AKI) are currently lacking. To facilitate the evaluation and adoption of new treatments, the use of the most appropriate design and endpoints for clinical trials in AKI is critical and yet there is little consensus regarding these issues. We aimed to develop recommendations on endpoints and trial design for studies of AKI prevention and treatment interventions based on existing data and expert consensus.

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Purpose: Urinary C-C motif chemokine ligand 14 (CCL14) is a strong predictor of persistent stage 3 acute kidney injury (AKI). Multiple clinical actions are recommended for AKI but how these are applied in individual patients and how the CCL14 test results may impact their application is unknown.

Methods: We assembled an international panel of 12 experts and conducted a modified Delphi process to evaluate patients at risk for persistent stage 3 AKI (lasting 72 hours or longer).

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Background: Urinary Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 14 (CCL14) is a biomarker associated with persistent severe acute kidney injury (AKI). There is limited data to support the implementation of this AKI biomarker to guide therapeutic actions.

Methods: Sixteen AKI experts with clinical CCL14 experience participated in a Delphi-based method to reach consensus on when and how to potentially use CCL14.

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Adsorption-based extracorporeal therapies have been subject to technical developments and clinical application for close to five decades. More recently, new technological developments in membrane and sorbent manipulation have made it possible to deliver more biocompatible extracorporeal adsorption therapies to patients with a variety of conditions. There are several key rationales based on physicochemical principles and clinical considerations that justify the application and investigation of such therapies as evidenced by multiple ex vivo, experimental and clinical observations.

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Background: The efficacy of creatine replacement through supplementation for the optimization of physical function in the population at risk of functional disability is unclear.

Methods: We conducted a systematic literature search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, and CINAHL from inception to November 2022. Studies included were randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing creatine supplementation with placebos in older adults and adults with chronic disease.

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Background: Post-operative acute kidney injury (PO-AKI) is a common surgical complication consistently associated with subsequent morbidity and mortality. Prior kidney dysfunction is a major risk factor for PO-AKI, however it is unclear whether serum creatinine, the conventional kidney function marker, is optimal in this population. Serum cystatin C is a kidney function marker less affected by body composition and might provide better prognostic information in surgical patients.

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Background: Delivering higher doses of protein to mechanically ventilated critically ill patients did not improve patient outcomes and may have caused harm. Longitudinal urea measurements could provide additional information about the treatment effect of higher protein doses. We hypothesised that higher urea values over time could explain the potential harmful treatment effects of higher doses of protein.

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Bioenergetic failure caused by impaired utilisation of glucose and fatty acids contributes to organ dysfunction across multiple tissues in critical illness. Ketone bodies may form an alternative substrate source, but the feasibility and safety of inducing a ketogenic state in physiologically unstable patients is not known. Twenty-nine mechanically ventilated adults with multi-organ failure managed on intensive care units were randomised (Ketogenic n = 14, Control n = 15) into a two-centre pilot open-label trial of ketogenic versus standard enteral feeding.

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Background: Patients experiencing persistent critical illness have poor short-term and long-term outcomes and consume disproportionate amounts of health care resources. Nutrition optimization may improve outcomes, though few data exist on resting energy expenditure and nutrition requirements. We hypothesized that increased energy surplus per day is associated with increased intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LoS) in critically ill patients.

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We aimed to investigate the use of sedation in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), focusing on the choice of sedative agent, dose, duration, and their association with clinical outcomes. Multinational, multicentre, retrospective observational study. 14 trauma centres in Europe, Australia and the United Kingdom.

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The development of new extracorporeal blood purification (EBP) techniques has led to increased application in clinical practice but also inconsistencies in nomenclature and misunderstanding. In November 2022, an international consensus conference was held to establish consensus on the terminology of EBP therapies. It was agreed to define EBP therapies as techniques that use an extracorporeal circuit to remove and/or modulate circulating substances to achieve physiological homeostasis, including support of the function of specific organs and/or detoxification.

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Aim: In the context of high-risk surgery, shared decision-making (SDM) is important. However, the effectiveness of SDM can be hindered by misalignment between patients and clinicians in their expectations of postoperative outcomes. This study investigated the extent and the effects of this misalignment, as well as its amenability to interventions that encourage perspective-taking.

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Background: CONCISE is an internationally agreed minimum set of outcomes for use in nutritional and metabolic clinical research in critically ill adults. Clinicians and researchers need to be aware of the clinimetric properties of these instruments and understand any limitations to ensure valid and reliable research. This systematic review and meta-analysis were undertaken to evaluate the clinimetric properties of the measurement instruments identified in CONCISE.

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Importance: Most studies on acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) group patients by severity based on their initial degree of hypoxemia. However, this grouping has limitations, including inconsistent hypoxemia trajectories and outcomes.

Objectives: This study explores the benefits of grouping patients by resolver status based on their hypoxemia progression over the first 7 days.

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Background: Postoperative complications are associated with reduced long-term survival. We characterise healthcare use changes after sentinel postoperative complications.

Methods: We linked primary and secondary care records of patients undergoing elective surgery at four East London hospitals (2012-7) with at least 90 days follow-up.

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Background: The average age of the surgical population continues to increase, as does prevalence of long-term diseases. However, outcomes amongst multi-morbid surgical patients are not well described.

Methods: We included adults undergoing non-obstetric surgical procedures in the English National Health Service between January 2010 and December 2015.

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Major trauma care has seen significant improvements in early mortality, reflecting improvements in prehospital techniques for hemorrhage control and speed of access to specialized trauma centers. However, many patients then go on to die in the intensive care unit (ICU), and improvements in immediate trauma care are presenting intensivists with greater numbers of severely injured patients who might previously have died shortly after injury. It is theorized that, despite initial survival, these patients deteriorate due to massive release of damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) after traumatic and ischemic tissue injury.

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Background: Incomplete recovery of kidney function is an important adverse outcome in survivors of critical illness. However, unlike eGFR creatinine, eGFR cystatin C is not confounded by muscle loss and may improve identification of persistent kidney dysfunction.

Methods: To assess kidney function during prolonged critical illness, we enrolled 38 mechanically ventilated patients with an expected length of stay of >72 hours near admission to intensive care unit (ICU) in a single academic medical center.

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Background: Differences in routinely collected biomarkers between ethnic groups could reflect dysregulated host responses to disease and to treatments, and be associated with excess morbidity and mortality in COVID-19.

Methods: A multicentre registry analysis from patients aged ≥16 yr with SARS-CoV-2 infection and emergency admission to Barts Health NHS Trust hospitals during January 1, 2020 to May 13, 2020 (wave 1) and September 1, 2020 to February 17, 2021 (wave 2) was subjected to unsupervised longitudinal clustering techniques to identify distinct phenotypic patient clusters based on trajectories of routine blood results over the first 15 days of hospital admission. Distribution of trajectory clusters across ethnic categories was determined, and associations between ethnicity, trajectory clusters, and 30-day survival were assessed using multivariable Cox proportional hazards modelling.

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