Publications by authors named "Pritchard D"

Captive, healthy, adult badgers have blood containing haemoglobin at 13.3 g/dl, and 8.4 x 10(12)/l red cells with an MCV of 46.

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The specificity of human antibodies for the two major sidechain determinants of the type II group B streptococcal (GBS) polysaccharide was examined in 90 pairs of maternal and cord sera. Using an ELISA system, total antibody was measured against the complete (sialylated) type II antigen and the proportion of antibody against the galactose determinant was estimated by inhibition with free beta-methylgalactopyranoside. Mothers colonized by type II or by other GBS types had higher levels of total specific antibody (means, 3.

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Analysis of the cases of fifty-one consecutive patients who had an epithelioid sarcoma revealed the five-year rate of survival to be approximately 70 per cent and the ten-year rate, approximately 50 per cent. The five-year rate of survival was about 40 per cent for the male patients and about 80 per cent for the female patients. If the primary tumor was more than three centimeters in diameter or was deeply situated, the patients had a reduced life-span, as did the patients in whom the tumor was focally necrotic.

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Mouse monoclonal antibodies were used in the immunochemical characterization of the polysaccharide antigens of group B streptococci (GBS). Monoclonal antibodies specific for the sialylated form of the GBS type III polysaccharide were highly protective in a mouse model of GBS type III infection, whether of IgM, IgG2a, or IgA isotypes, but monoclonal antibodies specific for the nonsialylated form of the type III antigen were not protective, regardless of isotype. Monoclonal antibodies reacting with the type II polysaccharide antigen could be divided into two general antigen binding groups on the basis of the ability of beta-methylgalactopyranoside to inhibit their binding to purified type II antigen.

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Mouse monoclonal antibodies against the type-specific polysaccharide antigen of type II group B Streptococcus may be divided into two general groups based on their antigen-binding properties. One group of antibodies binds to both intact and desialylated type II antigen and the binding can be inhibited by beta-galactopyranosides. The second group of antibodies react only with intact type II polysaccharide and are not inhibited by beta-galactopyranosides.

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We have observed that two-body collisions between cold sodium atoms confined within a magnetic-molasses optical trap lead to significant atomic-density-dependent trap losses. Such losses set an upper limit to the product of atomic density and confinement time that can be achieved in such a trap.

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An analysis of examination performance by second-year medical students was undertaken in order to investigate suspected correlations with sex and surname initial. On genetics questions women gained 8.6% higher marks than men, a highly significant difference reflected also in their superior performance overall.

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Cuticle samples have been prepared from the human parasitic nematode Necator americanus using detergent solubilisation with sodium dodecyl sulphate and subsequent reduction of disulphide bonds using 2-beta-mercaptoethanol. It would appear that N. americanus, like many other nematodes, relies on relatively small collagenous proteins, linked by disulphide bonds, to maintain the integrity of its cuticle.

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An increase in clinical mastitis infections was observed in a high-producing 77-cow Holstein herd. Low bulk tank somatic cell counts and individual cow Dairy Herd Improvement Association somatic cell counts observed before, during, and after the epizootic were suggestive of herd environmental mastitis. However, bacteriologic culture survey of the total herd indicated that, in addition to infections possibly attributable to environmental pathogens, 22% (17/77) of the cows were infected with coagulase-positive Staphylococcus spp.

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The structure of the group-specific polysaccharide of group G Streptococcus was determined by means of methylation analysis and selective chemical degradations. The anomeric configurations and conformations of the sugar residues were studied by 1H- and 13C-n.m.

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Osteoid osteomas are characterized clinically by a pattern of nocturnal pain which is exquisitely sensitive to salicylates. Etiology for the pain has been ascribed by previous investigators to the presence of nonmyelinated nerve fibers or to the effect of prostaglandins. In an effort to corroborate the potential role of prostaglandins in mediating the pain associated with this tumor, we have determined the concentration of prostaglandins E2, F2 alpha, 6-keto-F1 alpha, and thromboxane B2 utilizing radioimmunoassay of extracts of homogenated tumor tissue.

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Hepatocellular carcinoma was induced in rats by administering aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) for 6 weeks. Malignant tumours were preceded by foci and nodules of altered hepatocytes of three histological types, composed of basophilic, eosinophilic, and vacuolated cells. In addition, there were areas of altered hepatocytes that were considered as hyperplastic.

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The efficacy and tolerability of metoprolol (100 mg once a day) were assessed in general practice in 6713 newly-diagnosed or previously-treated hypertensive patients in an open study of eight weeks' duration. In 3534 mildly-hypertensive patients who were eligible for the efficacy analysis, the mean blood pressure level was reduced by 19/10 mmHg; 68% of the patients achieved diastolic blood pressures below 90 mmHg by the end of the assessment period. Of 6557 patients who were eligible for the tolerability analysis, only 5.

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Soft-tissue tumors encompass a wide variety of lesions and continue to pose a difficult treatment problem. The outlook, however, is improving, and there have been recent advances in pretreatment assessment, clinicopathologic correlation, and adjuvant treatment programs. We retrospectively reviewed our experience in a large series of soft-tissue tumors treated at the Mayo Clinic as well as recent experience using chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

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Chronic primary infections with Heligmosomoides polygyrus (Nematospiroides dubius) are still relatively poorly documented, particularly in relation to the role of host resistance in limiting worm survival. In the present work the duration of infection with H. polygyrus was studied in CFLP mice given doses of infective larvae ranging from 50 to 500 L3.

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Hibernoma is a rare soft-tissue tumor clinically presenting as a firm, freely movable, nontender mass, most commonly in the interscapular region. It is slow growing and usually asymptomatic. Examination of the overlying skin may demonstrate evidence of hypervascularity.

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