Purpose: To analyze if the use of synthesized voice anchor emissions in auditory-perceptual evaluation improves intra- and inter-rater agreement.
Methods: This is a quantitative study. Thirty-two inexperienced evaluators were selected and performed two activities on a Programming Interface created by the authors: Active Calibrator Activity - auditory-perceptual evaluation of the roughness and breathiness parameters as 0-no deviation, 1-slight deviation, 2-moderate deviation, or 3-intense deviation of 25 voices with the support of anchored emissions of synthesized voices; and Inactive Calibrator Activity - auditory-perceptual evaluation of these same voices without the support of anchored vocal emissions.
Purpose: To analyze the effects of auditory-perceptual training with anchor stimuli of natural voices on inter-rater agreement during the assessment of vocal quality.
Study Design: This is a quantitative nature study.
Methods: An auditory-perceptual training site was developed consisting of Programming Interface A, an auditory training activity, and Programming Interface B, a control activity.