Background: The literature analyzing the relationship between case management and supportive service use longitudinally among African American and Latina HIV-positive women is limited.
Methods: This retrospective analysis of participant case management, supportive service, and medical charts sought to examine both descriptive and relational data on use of case management and supportive services over a 2-year period from 2002 to 2005 and to analyze moderating person- level or institution-level factors.
Results: The analyzed case management, supportive service, and medical charts revealed that participants interacted with their case manager four times and received 3.
Aim: The popularity of methamphetamine among gay men has been documented; however, few studies have examined the complex behavioral and psychological motivations behind methamphetamine use, particularly over time. This study aimed to (i) identify the trajectories for methamphetamine use; (ii) explore factors related to methamphetamine use; and (iii) determine factors which predict changes in usage over a year.
Design: This analysis utilized hierarchical linear modeling to identify the trajectories for methamphetamine use and explore factors related to patterns of methamphetamine use.
Drug Alcohol Depend
July 2007
Objective: We sought to delineate patterns of poly-club-drug use among gay and bisexual men. Data were drawn from a large-scale 12-month longitudinal investigation of club drug use and sexual behavior among 450 racially, ethnically, and geographically diverse sample of gay and bisexual men in New York City.
Methods: Using community-based sampling, we recruited the sample from numerous venues and assessed the self-reported use of five drugs and their relation to one another: cocaine, ecstasy, GHB, ketamine, and methamphetamine.