Publications by authors named "Predescu D"

Resection or bypass surgery for benign or malignant esophageal pathologies presents multiple challenges, which is why it is addressed to centers of digestiveexcellence. One such challenge is the restoration of the continuity of the digestive tract, the colon being an important option for esophageal substitution. Lon-term follow up of patients with colon reconstruction is essentially related to digestive-nutritional problems.

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In humans, the X and Y chromosomes determine the biological sex, XX specifying for females and XY for males. The long noncoding RNA X-inactive specific transcript (lncRNA XIST) plays a crucial role in the process of X chromosome inactivation (XCI) in cells of the female, a process that ensures the balanced expression of X-linked genes between sexes. Initially, it was believed that XIST can be expressed only from the inactive X chromosome (Xi) and is considered a typically female-specific transcript.

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Caustic ingestion remains a complex public health problem worldwide, both in adults and children. The consequences of caustic ingestion depend on the severity of the injuries, the general condition of the patient at presentation and the promptness of medical management. Long-term complications include strictures or stenoses, resulting in dysphagia.

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Article Synopsis
  • Esophageal anastomotic fistula (AF) is a common and serious complication after esophagectomy for cancer, typically managed with endoscopic stents.
  • A study analyzed data from 55 patients with AF to investigate healing times and factors affecting them, focusing on hospital stays and stent usage until the fistula closed.
  • Findings revealed that different anastomosis types affected healing durations, with eso-gastric anastomosis patients experiencing longer hospital stays and eso-gastric cervical anastomosis showing prolonged fistula closure, particularly influenced by fistula size and prior radiotherapy treatments.
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Achalasia is the most well-known motility disorder, characterized by the lack of optimal relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter during swallowing and the absence of peristalsis of the esophageal body. Laparoscopic Heller esocardiomyotomy (LHM) and pneumatic dilation (PD) were the main treatment options for achalasia. Currently, the therapeutic methods are complemented by per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM).

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Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a sex-biased disease with female sex as a significant risk factor. Increased expression of the long noncoding RNA X-inactive-specific transcript (Xist), as induced by an intersectin-1s protein fragment with proliferative potential (EH), may explain the sexual dimorphism of female pulmonary artery endothelial cells (ECs) and at least in part, the imbalance sex/ratio of PAH. Xist is essential for X-chromosome inactivation and dosage compensation of X-linked genes.

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A rare entity of non-hiatal type transdiaphragmatic hernias, which must be clearly differentiated from paraoesophageal hernias, are the phrenic defects that bear the generic name of congenital hernias-Bochdalek hernia and Larey-Morgagni hernia, respectively. The etiological substrate is relatively simple: the presence of preformed anatomical openings, which either do or do not enable transit from the thoracic region to the abdominal region or, most often, vice versa, from the abdomen to the thorax, of various visceral elements (spleen, liver, stomach, colon, pancreas, etc.).

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Cases of digestive cancers diagnosed during pregnancy are rare. The increasing prevalence of pregnancy in women aged 30-39 years (and not exceptionally 40-49 years) could explain the frequent co-occurrence of cancers and pregnancy. The diagnosis of digestive cancers in pregnancy is difficult due to the overlap between neoplasm symptomatology and the clinical picture of pregnancy.

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Background And Objective: Esophageal diverticulum (ED) is a relatively rare condition, characterized by high etio- and pathophysiological versatility, with an uncommon clinical impact, consequently requiring a complete and complex diagnostic evaluation, so that the therapeutic decision is "appropriate" to a specific case. The aim of the paper is, therefore, a reassessment of the diagnostic possibilities underlying the establishment of the therapeutic protocol and the available therapeutic resources, making a review of the literature, and a non-statistical retrospective analysis of cases hospitalized and operated in a tertiary center.

Methods: Thus, classical investigations (upper digestive endoscopy, barium swallow) need to be correlated with complex, manometric, and imaging evaluations with direct implications in therapeutic management.

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Background: Giant gallbladder is an uncommon condition that can result from a benign pathology and rarely presents with malignancy. Intracholecystic papillary-tubular neoplasm (ICPN) is a relatively new entity first described by V. Adsay in 2012 and included in the World Health Classification of Digestive System Tumours in 2019.

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Achalasia is a motility disorder characterized by the absence of optimal relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) with swallowing and lack of peristalsis of the esophageal body. Excepting temporary medical options, the treatment aims to lower the LES pressure by endoscopic or surgical means. Either method involves a risk of perforation.

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Regardless of the reconstruction surgery used, the fundamental concepts of visceral reconstruction are based on the vascular support needed for the substituting graft. The vascular factor is the main element of any reconstruction technique, as an underlying condition for the visceral material stretch and, along with other factor, for the suture safety. In the case of the stomach, a consistent vascular flow and the minimal vascular anatomy variations are the first theoretical argument.

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Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a sex-biased disease with a poorly understood female prevalence. Emerging research suggests that nonhormonal factors, such as the XX or XY sex chromosome complement and sex bias in gene expression, may also lead to sex-based differences in PAH incidence, penetrance, and progression. Typically, one of females' two X chromosomes is epigenetically silenced to offer a gender-balanced gene expression.

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Introduction: Idiopathic megacolon (IM) is a rare condition with a more or less known etiology, which involves management challenges, especially therapeutic, and both gastroenterology and surgery services. With insufficiently drawn out protocols, but with occasionally formidable complications, the condition management can be difficult for any general surgery team, either as a failure of drug therapy (in the context of a known case, initially managed by a gastroenterologist) or as a surgical emergency (in which the diagnostic surprise leads additional difficulties to the tactical decision), when the speed imposed by the severity of the case can lead to inadequate strategies, with possibly critical consequences.

Method: With such a motivation, and having available experience limited by the small number of cases (described by all medical teams concerned with this pathology), the revision of the literature with the update of management landmarks from the surgical perspective of the pathology appears as justified by this article.

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Objective: We aimed to evaluate the prognostic value of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and the impact of intraoperative tumor manipulation on CTCs in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients.

Methods: We performed a prospective study on 40 patients with CRC stages I to IV who received curative surgery using the no-touch technique. Flow cytometry was used to identify CTCs in peripheral blood samples (4 mL/sample) collected at two surgical moments: skin incision (T1) and after surgical resection (T2).

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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most common malignant mesenchymal lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. They originate from the interstitial cells of Cajal and are characterized by overexpression of the tyrosine kinase receptor, protein product of c-KIT gene (KIT). In this retrospective study, conducted over a period of 10 years, we retrieved from our database, a total number of 57 patients, admitted and operated in the surgical department of 'Sf.

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Breast cancer is one of the most severe health issues globally, but the therapy advancements and the constant adaptation of treatment protocols radically changed its prognoses. This article review of the literature from a surgical perspective, thus allowing for the optimum detection and placement of its role and benefits in the surgical and oncology therapeutics. The role of surgery becomes controversial, with sometimes "pretentious" techniques, hard to quantify benefits and challenges that require a thorough assessment prior to opting for surgery.

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Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a sex-biased disease. Increased expression and activity of the long-noncoding RNA X-inactive-specific transcript (Xist), essential for X-chromosome inactivation and dosage compensation of X-linked genes, may explain the sex bias of PAH. The present studies used a murine model of plexiform PAH, the intersectin-1s (ITSN) heterozygous knockout (KO) mouse transduced with an ITSN fragment (EH) possessing endothelial cell proliferative activity, in conjunction with molecular, cell biology, biochemical, morphologic, and functional approaches.

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MicroRNAs applications were vastly studied throughout the years, spanning from potential cancer biomarkers to targeted therapies for various diseases. Out of these utilizations, this paper focuses on their role in male infertility. Approximately 10-15% of worldwide couples are affected by infertility.

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Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the primary liver malignancies responsible for over a million deaths per year worldwide (approximately 10% of all deaths in the adult age range). The diagnosis of HCC can be difficult and often requires the use of more than one microscopic technique. A retrospective study was performed on a study batch of 42 cases that died of HCC due to metastasis or other secondary complications.

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Cardiac fibroblasts play a main role in the physiological turnover of the extracellular matrix, as well as its pathological remodeling. A study was performed on a batch of 23 cases who died of various cardiac complications secondary to scarring myocardial infarctions. The aim of the study was to assess the fibroblast involvement in cardiac repair under ischemic conditions after myocardial infarction.

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Accumulated evidence on the clinical roles of microRNAs (miRNAs) in cancer prevention and control has revealed the emergence of new genetic techniques that have improved the understanding of the mechanisms essential for pathology induction and progression. Comprehension of the modifications and individual differences of miRNAs and their interactions in the pathogenesis of gynecological malignancies, together with an understanding of the phenotypic variations have considerably improved the management of the diagnosis and personalized treatment for different forms of cancer. In recent years, miRNAs have emerged as signaling molecules in biological pathways involved in different categories of cancer and it has been demonstrated that these molecules could regulate cancer-relevant processes, our focus being on malignancies of the gynecologic tract.

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Premature neonates suffer from respiratory morbidity as their lungs are immature, and current supportive treatment such as mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation causes iatrogenic injuries. A non-invasive and biomimetic concept known as the "artificial placenta" (AP) would be beneficial to overcome complications associated with the current respiratory support of preterm infants. Here, a pumpless oxygenator connected to the systemic circulation supports the lung function to relieve respiratory distress.

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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common human malignancies, affecting one of 20 persons in areas with high socio-economic standard but cases of digestive cancers during pregnancy are rare. From an etiological point of view, CRC represents an entity induced on the one hand by environmental factors and on the other hand by genetic factors or, not rarely, by their combination. The difficulty of diagnosing digestive cancers in pregnancy is the consequence of a symptomatology often masked by signs and symptoms that can be attributed to pregnancy.

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