Publications by authors named "Prasanta K Panigrahi"

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  • A class of soliton and complex breather solutions for KdV and mKdV equations is found, associated with a Pöschl-Teller type symmetric potential.
  • These solutions only exhibit the unbroken phase, showing isospectrality to an infinite potential well with real spectra.
  • To explore the broken phase, a modified potential that adheres to specific potential algebra and enables non-trivial zero-width resonances is necessary.
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Cervical cancer is a prevalent malignant tumor within the female reproductive system and is regarded as a prominent cause of female mortality on a global scale. Timely and precise detection of various phases of cervical cancer holds the potential to substantially enhance both the rate of successful treatment and the duration of patient survival. Fluorescence spectroscopy is a highly sensitive method for detecting the biochemical changes that arise during cancer progression.

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We report the close form expressions of the photon number statistics for a generalized coherent state and a generalized photon-added coherent state, which are shown to be crucial for proposing a variety of quantum scissor operations. The analytically obtained distributions are also capable of predicting the precise laser intensity windows for realizing a variety of quantum scissors. Truncating a photon added state overcomes the selection rule of obtaining the lower order Fock states.

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Real-time prediction about the severity of noncommunicable diseases like cancers is a boon for early diagnosis and timely cure. Optical techniques due to their minimally invasive nature provide better alternatives in this context than the conventional techniques. The present study talks about a standalone, field portable smartphone-based device which can classify different grades of cervical cancer on the basis of the spectral differences captured in their intrinsic fluorescence spectra with the help of AI/ML technique.

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  • Steering is a form of nonlocal correlation that is different from both Bell nonlocality and entanglement.
  • The paper improves on previous steering criteria by incorporating a complete inferred-variance uncertainty relation using the Schrödinger-Robertson uncertainty relation (SRUR).
  • The authors validate their new steering criterion by applying it to specific systems, namely discrete variable bipartite two-qubit and two-qutrit isotropic states.
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Cervical cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer, with a lengthy latent period and a gradual onset phase. Conventional techniques are found to be severely lacking in real time detection of disease progression which can greatly enhance the cure rate. Due to their high sensitivity and specificity, optical techniques are emerging as reliable tools, particularly in case of cancer.

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This paper introduces a novel approach GPTFX, an AI-based mental detection with GPT frameworks. This approach leverages GPT embeddings and the fine-tuning of GPT-3. This approach exhibits superior performance in both classifying mental health disorders and generating explanations with accuracy of around 87% in classification and Rouge-L of around 0.

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The existence of new types of four-wave mixing Floquet solitons were recently realized numerically through a resonant phase matching in a photonic lattice of type-I Dirac cones; specifically, a honeycomb lattice of helical array waveguides imprinted on a weakly birefringent medium. We present a wide class of exact solutions in this system for the envelope solitons in dark-bright pairs and a "molecular" form of bright-dark combinations. Some of the solutions, red or blue detuned, are mode-locked in their momenta, while the others offer a spectrum of allowed momenta subject to constraints amongst the system and solution parameters.

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  • The study analyzes how financial time-series data reveals distinct patterns in company relationships before, during, and after the COVID-19 lockdown, highlighting a reduction in connections during the lockdown and a fragmentation of the market during recovery.
  • The emergence of faction groupings among companies during the recovery phase indicates stronger internal couplings, a trend not observed prior to the lockdown, with significant roles played by companies from China and Japan in global financial dynamics.
  • It was found that the recovery phase's dynamics are largely driven by the financial sector, with two different groups of companies forming across economies, while US and European firms appear to insulate themselves from local market influences.
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We demonstrate the precise variation of self-imaging distance with width of a Gaussian input, centrally fed into a symmetric dielectric slab waveguide of width ∼20λ. The width of the Gaussian is varied from the paraxial to completely nonparaxial domain. Unlike the paraxial case, the self-imaging distance is found to depend on the beam width and change with the number of excited modes in the waveguide.

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  • The study explores the phase space structure and statistical properties of photon added cat states, highlighting how photon addition alters interference patterns in the Wigner function.
  • Photon addition results in a shift that can act as an error detection mechanism and interchanges the maximum and minimum points of phase space tiles, indicating orthogonality.
  • Additionally, it reveals that adding photons to a Yurke-Stoler state transitions it from Poissonian to sub-Poissonian statistics, suggesting applications in reducing quantum noise.
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COVID-19 is a respiratory tract infection that can range from being mild to fatal. In India, the countrywide lockdown has been imposed since 24th march 2020, and has got multiple extensions with different guidelines for each phase. Among various models of epidemiology, we use the SIR(D) model to analyze the extent to which this multi-phased lockdown has been active in 'flattening the curve' and lower the threat.

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We develop a framework to analyse the survival probability of a prey following a minimal effort evasion strategy, that is being chased by N predators on finite lattices or complex networks. The predators independently perform random walks if the prey is not within their sighting radius, whereas, the prey only moves when a predator moves onto a node within its sighting radius. We verify the proposed framework on three different finite lattices with periodic boundaries through numerical simulations and find that the survival probability (P) decays exponentially with a decay rate proportional to P(N, k) (number of permutations), where k is the minimum number of predators required to capture a prey.

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Controlled quantum teleportation involves a third party as a controller for the teleportation of state. Here, we present the novel protocols for controlling teleportation of the arbitrary two-qubit and three-qubit states through five-qubit and seven-qubit cluster states respectively. In these schemes, Alice sends the arbitrary qubit states to the remote receiver Bob through the cluster states as quantum channels under the control of Charlie.

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We report the application of a hidden Markov model (HMM) on multifractal tissue optical properties derived via the Born approximation-based inverse light scattering method for effective discrimination of precancerous human cervical tissue sites from the normal ones. Two global fractal parameters, generalized Hurst exponent and the corresponding singularity spectrum width, computed by multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MFDFA), are used here as potential biomarkers. We develop a methodology that makes use of these multifractal parameters by integrating with different statistical classifiers like the HMM and support vector machine (SVM).

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A system of two coupled cavities with N - 1 photons is shown to be dynamically equivalent to an array of N coupled cavities containing one photon. Every transition in the two cavity system has a dual phenomenon in terms of photon transport in the cavity array. This duality is employed to arrive at the required coupling strengths and nonlinearities in the cavity array so that controlled photon transfer is possible between any two cavities.

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We study the nature of entanglement in presence of Deutschian closed timelike curves (D-CTCs) and open timelike curves (OTCs) and find that existence of such physical systems in nature would allow us to increase entanglement using local operations and classical communication (LOCC). This is otherwise in direct contradiction with the fundamental definition of entanglement. We study this problem from the perspective of Bell state discrimination, and show how D-CTCs and OTCs can unambiguously distinguish between four Bell states with LOCC, that is otherwise known to be impossible.

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  • The behavior of sunlight on Earth's surface is influenced by the small angle it creates at the Sun's center, which affects how we observe it in the near-field region.
  • Research into the angular characteristics of sunlight's cross-spectral density shows that it exhibits Bessel-like patterns in the far-zone for small angles.
  • The methods used in this study can be applied to various geometrical situations beyond just spherical sources.
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  • The study focuses on analyzing the complex behavior of glow discharge plasma using wavelet transform, which helps to effectively capture varying patterns over different time scales.
  • The continuous Morlet wavelet is particularly useful for identifying periodic changes and features like turbulence, while the discrete Daubechies wavelet helps in removing trends to uncover multi-fractal characteristics.
  • Various methods, including wavelet-based detrended fluctuation analysis, Fourier methods, and rescale range analysis, are employed to estimate important scaling factors that describe the plasma's dynamics.
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The non-stationary dynamics of a bouncing ball, comprising both periodic as well as chaotic behavior, is studied through wavelet transform. The multi-scale characterization of the time series displays clear signatures of self-similarity, complex scaling behavior, and periodicity. Self-similar behavior is quantified by the generalized Hurst exponent, obtained through both wavelet based multi-fractal detrended fluctuation analysis and Fourier methods.

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Intrinsic fluorescence spectra of the human normal, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1 (CIN1), CIN2, and cervical cancer tissue have been extracted by effectively combining the measured polarized fluorescence and polarized elastic scattering spectra. The efficacy of principal component analysis (PCA) to disentangle the collective behavior from smaller correlated clusters in a dimensionally reduced space in conjunction with the intrinsic fluorescence is examined. This combination unambiguously reveals the biochemical changes occurring with the progression of the disease.

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Multiresolution analysis on the spatial refractive index inhomogeneities in the epithelium and connective tissue regions of a human cervix reveals a clear signature of multifractality. Importantly, the derived multifractal parameters, namely, the generalized Hurst exponent and the width of the singularity spectrum, derived via multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, shows interesting differences between tissues having different grades of precancers. The refractive-index fluctuations are found to be more anticorrelated, and the strength of multifractality is observed to be considerably stronger in the higher grades of precancers.

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Wavelet transform of polarized fluorescence spectra of human breast tissues is found to localize spectral features that can reliably differentiate normal and malignant tissue types. The intensity differences of parallel and perpendicularly polarized fluorescence spectra are subjected to investigation, since they are relatively free of diffusive background. A number of parameters, capturing spectral variations and subtle changes in the diseased tissues in the visible wavelength regime, are clearly identifiable in the wavelet domain.

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  • The analysis of light scattering in normal and dysplastic cervical tissues shows distinct self-similar behavior, revealing different scaling exponents between the two types of tissues.
  • The study indicates that the size distribution of the scatterers affects the angular variation of the scaling exponent.
  • The spectral fluctuations display a higher degree of multi-fractality in dysplastic tissues, suggesting that wavelet transform techniques could aid in the development of non-invasive methods for early cancer detection.
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  • The study utilizes wavelets and singular value decomposition (SVD) to analyze human breast tissues, identifying local and global features based on spectral correlations in both co- and cross-polarized channels.
  • The co-polarized component reveals different fluorescence behaviors for normal, benign, and cancerous tissues, while the cross-polarized component highlights variations influenced by scattering, showing distinct characteristics across the three tissue types.
  • Notably, the most significant differences are observed in the perpendicular component related to porphyrin emissions in cancerous tissues, which appear strongly depolarized, suggesting a link between emission behavior and tissue type.
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