Mitochondrial DNA B Resour
November 2024
, known as Gangetic mystus, is a freshwater indigenous catfish. The present study represents the first-ever complete mitochondrial genome sequencing of . The whole mitochondrial genome size is 16,554 bp (GenBank accession number OR018997).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Monit Assess
June 2024
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int
February 2024
A case of severe mortality in farmed was investigated to characterize the causative agent. We identified the bacterial strain as isolated from the gut of infected by biochemical assay, scanning electron microscopy and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The in vivo challenge experiment showed that the LD of was 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiosens Bioelectron
January 2023
Chemical and biological contaminants are of primary concern in ensuring seafood safety. Rapid detection of such contaminants is needed to keep us safe from being affected. For over three decades, immunoassay (IA) technology has been used for the detection of contaminants in seafood products.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe perennial river Ganga is recognized as one of India's largest rivers of India, but due to continuous anthropogenic activities, the river's ecosystem is under threat. Next-generation sequencing technology has transformed metagenomics in the exploration of microbiome and their imperative function in diverse aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we have uncovered the structure of community microbiome and their functions in sediments of river Ganga at Kanpur, India, at three polluted stretches through a high-resolution metagenomics approach using Illumina HiSeq 2500.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe large population residing in the northern region of India surrounding Delhi mostly depends on water of River Yamuna, a tributary of mighty Ganga for agriculture, drinking and various religious activities. However, continuous anthropogenic activities mostly due to pollution mediated by rapid urbanization and industrialization have profoundly affected river microflora and their function thus its health. In this study, potential of whole-genome metagenomics was exploited to unravel the novel consortia of microbiome and their functional potential in the polluted sediments of the river at Delhi.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVibrio parahaemolyticus is a zoonotic bacterium that causes infections in shellfish, fish and higher vertebrates as well as in humans. The Tdh and Trh positive strains of V. parahaemolyticus are generally considered as major virulent strains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVibrio parahaemolyticus is a gram-negative halophilic bacterium responsible for gastrointestinal infection in human and vibriosis in aquatic animals. The thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), tdh-related hemolysin (trh) and thermolabile hemolysin (tlh) positive strains of V. parahaemolyticus were identified from brackishwater aquaculture farms of West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh, India.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) is the most conserved important pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) often stimulated by bacterial flagellins and plays a major role in the first-line defense against invading pathogenic bacteria and in immune homeostasis. Experimental crystallographic studies have shown that the extracellular domain (ECD) of TLR5 recognizes flagellin of bacteria and functions as a homodimer in model organism zebrafish. However, no structural information is available on TLR5 functionality in the major carp Cirrhinus mrigala (mrigala) and its interaction with bacterial flagellins.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, we report the presence of a microbial community of bioremediation potential in terms of relative abundance and taxonomic biodiversity in sediment samples of river Ganga and Yamuna, India at nine different sites. Metagenomic libraries were constructed using TruSeq Nano DNA Library Prep Kit and sequenced on NextSeq 500 by Illumina Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology. Bioremediation bacteria belong to 45 genera with 92 species and fungi belong to 13 genera with 24 species have been classified using Kaiju taxonomical classification.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBeneficial microbes are all around us and it remains to be seen, whether all diseases and disorders can be prevented or treated with beneficial microbes. In this study, the presence of various beneficial bacteria were identified from the sediments of Indian major Rivers Ganga and Yamuna from nine different sites using a metagenomic approach. The metagenome sequence analysis using the Kaiju Web server revealed the presence of 69 beneficial bacteria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntibiotic resistance is one of the major health concerns of the present century. The direct discharge of urban sewage, hospital effluents, and pharmaceutical wastes increases the concentration of antibiotics in riverine ecosystems. This provides selection pressure for the development of novel antibiotic-resistant strains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe complete mitogenome of is described using Ion Torrent (PGM sequencer), which was 16,609 bp in size comprising 13 mRNAs, teo rRNA genes, 22 tRNAs, and 926 bp as D-Loop control region, in addition to gene order and organization, being similar to most of the other related Cypriniformes fish mitogenome of NCBI databases. The all 22 tRNAs were packed into a typical clover-leaf structure. In the present study, the mitogenome has 99% similarity to the complete mitogenome sequence of mitogenome details previously and also would be helpful in understanding the phylogenetics, population genetics, and evolution of family Cyprinidae fishes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEffective monitoring of Salmonella contamination in seafood processing to conform the requirements of HACCP is a great challenge today. Such challenges can be effectively addressed, if the conventional detection methods are replaced with DNA-based molecular methods. Accordingly, it was aimed to develop a robust PCR protocol for specific detection of Salmonella spp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn mammalian systems, the conserved cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs) control the process of cell division and curb the transcription mechanism in response to diverse signaling events that are essential for the catalytic activity. In zebrafish, zCDKL5 portrays differential expression profiling in several tissues and presumed to play a vital role in the neuronal development. In this present study, the sequence-structure relationship and mode of ATP binding in zCDKL5 was unveiled through theoretical modeling, molecular docking, and MD simulations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRiver pollution is one of the principal environmental concerns and biomonitoring tools can play an important role in pollution assessment in the riverine environment. Heat shock proteins (Hsps) have been found to be suitable tools for monitoring stress response. In the present study, expression analyses of hsp genes (hsp27, hsp47, hsp60, hsp70, hsc70, and hsp90) and selected hsp-regulatory genes (hsf1, hyou1, ask1, jnk) were carried out by RT-qPCR in catfish Rita rita collected from selected stretches of river Ganga to investigate changes in their expression patterns as biomarker response.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most ubiquitous environmental pollutants of high global concern. PAHs belong to a diverse family of hydrocarbons with over one hundred compounds known, each containing at least two aromatic rings in their structure. Due to hydrophobic nature, PAHs tend to accumulate in the aquatic sediments, leading to bioaccumulation and elevated concentrations over time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal
May 2018
The present study explains the population structure and genetic diversity of medium carp Labeo gonius by analyzing partial sequence of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene. Labeo gonius is a lower risk Near Threatened species, distributed throughout the North Indian major rivers, reservoirs and lakes. This species has a larger scope as an alternative candidate species in carp aquaculture system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal
January 2018
Catla (Catla catla) is a one of the most harvested Indian major carps and is widely cultured fish species in Indian subcontinent. In the present study, genetic variability between hatchery and wild stocks of Catla was surveyed using sequence data of mitochondrial DNA of partial 307 bp of cytochrome b region. A total of 174 Catla individuals were examined from three different river basins and hatcheries.
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