Background And Objectives: With the expansion of low-income urban areas in low and middle-income countries (LMIC), the recognition of leisure opportunities for older women remains under-researched. This study uses a mobility framework to explore access to leisure for older adults in a low-income neighbourhood in Bengaluru, India.
Research Design And Methods: This ethnographic study included participant observations, 33 in-depth interviews with older adults, and key informants, supplemented by archival research to explore leisure mobility.
Background: Available evidence shows that India's ongoing COVID-19 pandemic response has adversely affected the national tuberculosis elimination program.
Objectives: The study attempted to understand the barriers to successful treatment adherence for female tuberculosis (TB) patients due to disruptions caused by the pandemic.
Methods: The study draws on qualitative in-depth interviews conducted with patients and TB health visitors from Bengaluru city before and during the pandemic period using a grounded theory approach.