Publications by authors named "Popkova E"

The present paper discusses the scientific and technical problem of optimizing the design and characteristics of a new type of solid-state sensors for motion parameters on bulk acoustic waves in order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and the detectability of an informative signal against the background of its own noise and interference. Criteria for choosing materials for structural elements, including piezoelectric transducers of the sensitive element, were identified; a corresponding numerical simulation was performed using the developed program; and experimental studies according to the suggested method were carried out to validate the obtained analytical and calculated positions. The experimental results revealed the correctness of the chosen criteria for the optimization of design parameters and characteristics, demonstrated the high correlation between the results of modeling and field studies, and, thus, confirmed the prospects of using this new type of solid-state acoustic sensors of motion parameters in the navigation and control systems of highly dynamic objects.

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This paper focuses on the current theoretical views of venture capital that predetermines a "narrow" treatment. In the light of the existing "narrow" treatment, venture investors seek private commercial interests in financial support for Industry 4.0, ignoring other interests that fall beyond the limits of the current "narrow" treatment of venture capital.

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This paper compares today's corporate management in developing markets (BRICS countries) vs. developed markets (the OECD countries). The influence of determining a new social corporate management season considering social distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic on emerging markets' economic growth is ascertained and set apart from corporate management in developing markets.

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In this paper, the perspectives of using the features of acoustic wave propagation to design rotation rate sensors (RRS) are discussed. The possibility of developing the solid-state sensitive elements (SE) of RRS on acoustic waves of circular polarization is shown. The theoretical basis of bulk acoustic wave propagation under rotation is given.

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The article shows the possibilities of Data Set "Interactive Statistics and Intelligent Analytics of the Balanced State of the Regional Economy of Russia in Terms of Big Data and Blockchain - 2020". For creation of the data set, we formed time rows of the values of the selected indicators, which characterize the balance of Russia's regional economy. The indicators are systematized and classified into two categories.

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We study the effects of medium rotation on bulk acoustic wave (BAW) propagation. For a theoretical analysis of the BAW propagation characteristics, a motion equation for the plane harmonic waves propagating orthogonal to the rotation axis of the propagation medium was analytically resolved. We found that during medium rotation, the polarization of the waves becomes elliptical with the ratio of the polarization ellipse axes explicitly proportional to the angular velocity of the medium rotation, thereby opening the way for the design of sensitive elements (SE) for perspective angular motion sensors (AMS).

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Unlabelled: Heart function was studied in the August rats with innate raised sympathetic-adrenal system and in the Wistar rats through the period of 3 month after myocardial infarction. The sizes of the postinfarction scars were similar in the rats under comparison (56-62%) but end-diastolic pressure in Wistar rats and in August rats was 18.7 +/- 2.

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Three months after myocardial infarction the severity of heart failure and size of postinfarction scars in August rats with inherently reduced adrenoreactivity of the myocardium were similar to those in Wistar rats. The mortality rate in August rats was 2.5-fold lower than in Wistar rats.

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The aim of the study was to compare the protective effects of adaptation to altitude hypoxia (AH) on neurodegenerative brain disorders (NBD) induced with infusion of beta-amyloid peptides (Abeta) into the brain (imitation of Alzheimer's disease) of rats belonging to two species: Wistar rats (WR) and August rats (AR). Previously it was shown by the authors that WR were less resistant to memory function impairment and open-field activities, induced with Abeta infusion compared with AR. This study showed that preliminary AH significantly restricted brain function impairment induced by Abeta in WR, so AH demonstrated the protective effect in WR.

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Total power of heart rate variability and baroreflex sensitivity were significantly smaller in the August rats than in the Wistar rats, but adrenal and plasma catecholamine contents were considerably higher in the former ones. 1 hour after stress (30 min in cold water), plasma catecholamine was increased 2-fold in Wistar rats, while in August rats the adrenaline concentration increased only by 58% and the were no changes in noradrenaline content. At the same time, activation of catecholamine metabolism in the adrenal glands was similar in both groups.

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In Wistar and August rats characterized by different resistance to acute emotional stress we compared the resistance to neurodegenerative brain damage (model of Alzheimers disease) produced by administration of a neurotoxic peptide fragment (25-35) beta-amyloid into the brain. August rats were more resistant to acute stress and development of neurodegenerative disorders compared to Wistar rats. This conclusion was derived from studying animal behavior in conditioned passive avoidance task and open-field test that characterize cognitive function of the brain.

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Disorders in memory and other cognitive functions in Alzheimer's disease (AD) may result from an exhaustion of adaptive reserves in the brain. Therefore it is a challenge to find methods to increase the adaptive reserve of the organism to combat AD. Excitotoxicity, Ca2+ homeostasis disruptions, oxidative stress, disturbed synthesis of NO, and impaired cerebral circulation are suggested as key pathogenic factors of AD.

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Power spectral density of heart rate fluctuations in the range of 0.02-5.00 Hz in August rats was lower than in Wistar rats.

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Long-term hypokinesia (30 days) was accompanied by activation of the serotoninergic and dopaminergic systems. Exhaustion of the antioxidant system was observed on days 10-30 of immobilization.

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In August rats more resistant to acute stress-induced gastric damage than Wistar rats, preadaptation to nondamaging stress exposure did not prevent damage and even potentiated these damages. By contrast, in Wistar rats such adaptation decreased gastric damage caused by acute stress. Higher initial resistance of August rats to stress damage was associated with higher serotonin level and lower norepinephrine/serotonin ratio in the gastric mucosa than in Wistar rats.

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Pronouncement of stress-induced disturbance of searching behaviour (using "open field" test) and stomach ulceration were compared for the first time with activity of the catecholamine system in hypothalamus and striatum and also with activity of the stress-limiting system of nitric oxide (NO) in the rats of two strains August and Wistar, which differ in their resistance against stress-induced cardiovascular disorders. The effect of prior adaptation to hypobaric hypoxia on these disorders was also studied. August rats appeared to be more resistant than Wistar rats against stress-induced disturbance of the searching behaviour and stomach ulceration.

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A lesser resistance against myocardial infarction (MI) in the Wistar rats as compared with the August rats was found to be combined with a greater stress-response and activation of the heart sympathetic regulation in the former rats. In the Wistar rats and not in August rats, an activation of hypothalamic noradrenaline (NA) system occurs as well as a greater "output" of the NA from sympathetic terminals in the myocardium. Accumulation of the HSP 70 stress-proteins in IM in the myocardium is nearly 2-2.

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Investigations of the effects of animal immunization with immunogenesis stimulator Freund's adjuvant complete (alone or in combination with bovine serum albumin often used in control experiments) on brain electrical activity, sleep, and neurochemical parameters were carried out in male Wistar rats. It was shown that both injection of Freund's adjuvant complete alone (0.25 ml) and immunization with bovine serum albumin (2 mg/kg in 0.

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Unlabelled: The aim of research was to study catecholamine excretion peculiarities of the children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 25 children at the age of 7-9 years took part in this research. High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used for measuring the content of catecholamine.

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Active immunization with dopamine conjugated with bovine serum albumin (DA-BSA) or BSA with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) partly suppressed the development of the MPTP-induced depressive syndrome in rats preventing the appearance of "behavioral despair" symptoms: increase in immobility time and higher index of depression in forced-swim test. In DA-BSA-immunized rats the content of DOPA, DA, HVA, NA, and 5-HN in caudate putamen and that of NA in the frontal cortex was increased, while in BSA-immunized rats the content of 5-HT in both brain areas and that of DOPAC in the frontal cortex was decreased both in rats with reduced depressive syndrome and in saline control as compared with intact animals a day after the last drug injection. In DA-BSA-immunized rats with reduced depressive syndrome the increase in DA and 5-HT content in caudate putamen was less expressed and DOPAC content was lower than in saline control.

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Concentrations of serotonin, beta-endorphine, myoglobin, basic myelin protein were measured in blood of patients with tunnel hand syndromes treated by actovegin or physiological solution pharmacopuncture and acupuncture to the same acupuncture points (AP). The above biochemical indices showed similar changes in pharmacopuncture with actovegin and the solution. These changes were different in acupuncture.

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Scalp acupuncture effects on blood biochemistry were investigated in 10 healthy volunteers. The results provided evidence for the absence of negative changes in function of neurohumoral systems of the body which may become factors of risk for patients with thrombogenic disturbances of cerebral circulation.

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It has been shown, that piracetam by i.p. injection (10, 100, 400 mg/kg) or by consumption with drinking water 10, 100, 1000 mg/kg/day during 12 days delays extinction of conditioned reflex of passive avoidance and dose-dependence elevates exploratory activity in "open field", pain sensitivity threshold reduces to 70-75%.

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