Providing consumers with product-specific environmental impact information for food products (ecolabels) may promote more sustainable purchasing, needed to meet global environmental targets. This UK study (N = 1051 participants) investigated the effectiveness of different ecolabels using an experimental online supermarket platform, comparing three labels against control (no label). Significant reductions were found in the environmental impact score (EIS) for all labels compared to control (labels presented: values for four environmental indicators [-3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe vast majority of the food we eat comes from land-based agriculture, but recent technological advances in agriculture and food technology offer the prospect of producing food using substantially less or even virtually no land. For example, indoor vertical farming can achieve very high yields of certain crops with a very small area footprint, and some foods can be synthesized from inorganic precursors in industrial facilities. Animal-based foods require substantial land per unit of protein or per calorie and switching to alternatives could reduce demand for some types of agricultural land.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe recent introduction of ChatGPT, an advanced, easy-to-use, and freely available artificial intelligence (AI) program, created new possibilities across many industries and professions including healthcare simulation. ChatGPT has the potential to streamline healthcare simulation-based education while also providing insights for the scenario development process that conventional case development may miss. However, there are issues related to accuracy, relevance, and structure of the products produced by the ChatGPT AI program.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Needs: Medical educators with simulation fellowship training have a unique skill set. Simulation fellowship graduates have the ability to handle basic and common troubleshooting issues with simulation software, hardware, and equipment setup. Outside of formal training programs such as this, simulation skills are inconsistently taught and organically learned.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCompetition for nursing clinical sites has intensified as universities have increased enrollment to meet the growing demand for nurses. Hospital mandates have reduced opportunities for nursing students to practice clinical skills, leading nursing programs to use simulation to help learners gain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for transition to clinical practice. Simulation offers a safe learning environment and a guarantee that every student will have experience with critical clinical encounters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnnu Rev Nurs Res
December 2020
Interprofessional simulation (IPS), frequently referred to in the literature as simulation-enhanced interprofessional education (IPE), has been widely studied in nursing and medical education. For decades, the literature has suggested IPE as a valuable strategy for enhancing communication and collaboration among health professionals. Interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) is foundational to developing high-functioning healthcare teams and can lead to reduced medical errors and increased patient safety.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF, the third most species-rich genus in the Solanaceae, is distributed in both the New and Old Worlds and is especially diverse in Mexico. Here we provide an identification key, taxonomic descriptions, distribution maps, and illustrations of specimens, trichomes, flowers, and fruits for the 53 known taxa of Mexico and Guatemala. The new combination (Mill.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To analyse the health and environmental implications of adopting national food based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) at a national level and compared with global health and environmental targets.
Design: Modelling study.
Setting: 85 countries.
Background: Death notification can be challenging for emergency medicine physicians, who have no prior established relationship with the patient or their families. The GRIEV_ING death notification curriculum was developed to facilitate the delivery of the bad news of a patient's death and has been shown to improve learners' confidence and competence in death notification. Rapid-cycle deliberate practice (RCDP), a facilitator-guided, within-event debriefing technique, has demonstrated an improvement in learners' skills in a safe learning environment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs interprofessional teams and interprofessional practice become the norm in health care, there is an increasing need for interprofessional educator development to prepare health care students and staff for these new roles. This article describes the development, implementation, and results of an Interprofessional Educator Development Course (IPEDC) for simulation that was created to train clinical educators, practicing professionals, and academic faculty from all health care professions in simulation methodology. The authors, working across disciplines and professions, describe the benefits, limitations, and outcomes of this approach and explain how they met the needs of the involved stakeholders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRX-3117 is an oral, small molecule cytidine analog anticancer agent with an improved pharmacological profile relative to gemcitabine and other nucleoside analogs. The agent has excellent activity against various cancer cell lines and xenografts including gemcitabine-resistant variants and it has excellent oral bioavailability; it is not a substrate for the degradation enzyme cytidine deaminase. RX-3117 is being evaluated at a daily oral schedule of 700 mg (5 days/week for 3 weeks) which results in plasma levels in the micromolar range that have been shown to be cytotoxic to cancer cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFood's environmental impacts are created by millions of diverse producers. To identify solutions that are effective under this heterogeneity, we consolidated data covering five environmental indicators; 38,700 farms; and 1600 processors, packaging types, and retailers. Impact can vary 50-fold among producers of the same product, creating substantial mitigation opportunities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs the health care environment increases in complexity and patient acuity rises, health profession graduates need to be prepared to work collaboratively to improve patient outcomes. The interprofessional debriefing tool (Debriefing Interprofessionally: Recognition & Reflection) presented in this article allows any simulation to be transformed into an interprofessional learning opportunity. The debriefing tool frames questions for both uniprofessional and multiprofessional simulation and is aligned with the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and with Quality and Safety Education for Nurses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMedical errors because of communication failure are common in health care settings. Teamwork training, such as Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS), improves team performance and patient outcomes. Academic institutions seek high-quality, low-cost curricula for interprofessional education (IPE) to prepare learners for clinical experiences before and after graduation; however, most IPE curricula involve lectures, simple tabletop exercises, and in-person simulations and are not readily accessible to geographically distributed and asynchronously engaged learners.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHistorically, the majority of nurses have been employed by hospitals. However, the changing landscape of health care has seen a shift to other areas of practice. Nursing graduates must be prepared to work collaboratively with a shared vision that is patientcentered and team-oriented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe pre-brief is an important part of a simulation. It offers participants an orientation to the simulation environment and enables them to reach the intended goals and objectives of the learning activity. This article describes the components of the pre-brief and provides practical tips on how to conduct this step using a simulation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImmersive software tools are virtual environments designed to give their users an augmented view of real-world data and ways of manipulating that data. As virtual environments, every action users make while interacting with these tools can be carefully logged, as can the state of the software and the information it presents to the user, giving these actions context. This data provides a high-resolution lens through which dynamic cognitive and behavioral processes can be viewed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnhedonia is a common symptom following traumatic brain injury. The neural basis of anhedonia is poorly understood, but believed to involve disturbed reward processing, rather than the loss of sense of pleasure. This analysis was undertaken to determine if injury to specific regions of prefrontal cortex (PFC) result in anhedonia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe decision sciences are increasingly challenged to advance methods for modeling analysts, accounting for both analytic strengths and weaknesses, to improve inferences taken from increasingly large and complex sources of data. We examine whether psychometric measures-personality, cognitive style, motivated cognition-predict analytic performance and whether psychometric measures are competitive with aptitude measures (i.e.
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