Introduction: Many people, often older adults, living in long-term care homes (OA-LTCH) became socially isolated during the COVID-19 pandemic due to variable restrictions on in-person visits and challenges associated with using technology for social connectivity. Health providers were key to supporting these OA by providing additional care and facilitating their connections with family using technology such as smartphones and iPads. It is important to learn from these experiences to move forwards from the COVID-19 pandemic with evidence-informed strategies that will better position health providers to foster social engagement for OA-LTCH across a range of contextual situations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe climate variability hypothesis posits that an organism's exposure to temperature variability determines the breadth of its thermal tolerance and has become an important framework for understanding variation in species' susceptibilities to climate change. For example, ectotherms from more thermally stable environments tend to have narrower thermal tolerances and greater sensitivity to projected climate warming. Among endotherms, however, the relationship between climate variability and thermal physiology is less clear, particularly with regard to microclimate variation-small-scale differences within or between habitats.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpecies interactions link animal behaviour to community structure and macroecological patterns of biodiversity. One common type of trophic species interaction is disturbance foraging-the act of obtaining food at a disturbance created by another organism. Disturbance foraging is widespread across the animal kingdom, especially among birds, yet previous research has been largely anecdotal and we still lack a synthetic understanding of how this behaviour varies geographically, phylogenetically and ecologically.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlarm signals have evolved to communicate pertinent threats to conspecifics, but heterospecifics may also use alarm calls to obtain social information. In birds, mixed-species flocks are often structured around focal sentinel species, which produce reliable alarm calls that inform eavesdropping heterospecifics about predation risk. Prior research has shown that Neotropical species innately recognize the alarm calls of a Nearctic sentinel species, but it remains unclear how generalizable or consistent such innate signal recognition of alarm-calling species is.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Up to 80% of Intensive Care Unit patients experience physical, cognitive, and/or psychological complications post-discharge, known as 'Post Intensive Care Syndrome' (PICS). Early diagnosis and intervention are a priority, but while current post-intensive care follow-up processes endorse a multidisciplinary model, incorporating a psychiatric consultation has not been studied.
Methods: A pilot, open-label randomised controlled trial was developed by a multidisciplinary team to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of incorporating a psychiatric review into an existing post-ICU clinic.
AbstractTorpor, the temporary reduction of metabolic rate and body temperature, is a common energy-saving strategy in endotherms. Because of their small body size and energetically demanding life histories, hummingbirds have proven useful for understanding when and why endotherms use torpor. Previous studies of torpor in hummingbirds have been largely limited to tropical montane species or long-distance migrants that regularly experience challenging thermal conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLong-term studies on the population dynamics of tropical resident birds are few, and it remains poorly understood how their populations have fared in recent decades. Here, we analyzed a 44-y population study of a Neotropical understory bird assemblage from a protected forest reserve in central Panama to determine if and how populations have changed from 1977 to 2020. Using the number of birds captured in mist nets as an index of local abundance, we estimated trends over time for a diverse suite of 57 resident species that comprised a broad range of ecological and behavioral traits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSevere and life-threatening cases of metformin-associated lactic acidosis (MALA) are treated with renal replacement therapy. Intermittent hemodialysis is recommended, as it achieves rapid more elimination of metformin compared to continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). This case series describes 4 patients, 2 with acute metformin intoxications and 2 with insidious metformin toxicity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Despite clinical and economic advantages, routine utilization of telemedicine remains uncommon. The purpose of this study was to examine potential disparities in access and utilization of telehealth services during the rapid transition to virtual clinic during the coronavirus pandemic.
Design: Retrospective chart review.
Brood parasitism is the introduction of unrelated progeny into the nest or colony of a host that then raises the foreign young. This reproductive strategy has evolved independently and repeatedly among diverse animal taxa, and brood parasite-host interactions have become models for understanding coevolutionary arms races. Yet brood parasites have remained largely overlooked in previous syntheses of natural enemy ecology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDrain-free abdominoplasty using progressive tension sutures (PTS) was initially described in 2000 in a small retrospective series. However, the authors' experience with this technique spans well over 3 decades, and their technique has evolved to simplify the procedure to make it easier and more reproducible by the surgeon and improve the patient's recovery and overall experience. This article provides in-depth technical details on the authors' no-drain abdominoplasty technique.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReduction in metabolic rate and body temperature is a common strategy for small endotherms to save energy. The daily reduction in metabolic rate and heterothermy, or torpor, is particularly pronounced in regions with a large variation in daily ambient temperature. This applies most strongly in temperate bat species (order Chiroptera), but it is less clear how tropical bats save energy if ambient temperatures remain high.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnimals eavesdrop on other species to obtain information about their environments. Heterospecific eavesdropping can yield tangible fitness benefits by providing valuable information about food resources and predator presence. The ability to eavesdrop may therefore be under strong selection, although extensive research on alarm-calling in avian mixed-species flocks has found only limited evidence that close association with another species could select for innate signal recognition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActive flight requires the ability to efficiently fuel bursts of costly locomotion while maximizing energy conservation during non-flying times. We took a multi-faceted approach to estimate how fruit-eating bats () manage a high-energy lifestyle fueled primarily by fig juice. Miniaturized heart rate telemetry shows that they use a novel, cyclic, bradycardic state that reduces daily energetic expenditure by 10% and counteracts heart rates as high as 900 bpm during flight.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe safety, efficacy, and rapid recovery of conscious sedation/local anesthesia make this anesthetic technique useful in the ambulatory setting. The care of the sedated patient requires a team effort. The individual role and responsibility of patient, surgeon, anesthesia provider, and nursing staff are discussed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAesthet Surg J
August 2012
Background: Although abdominoplasty and other body-contouring procedures are being performed more frequently, the incidence of seroma and other complications has remained relatively unchanged. In 2000, a small retrospective series introduced progressive tension sutures (PTS) in abdominoplasty to reduce seroma without the use of drains.
Objectives: The authors review the PTS technique and their experience with the procedure.
The navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), is the most destructive lepidopteran pest of almonds [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Honey bees are exposed to phytochemicals through the nectar, pollen and propolis consumed to sustain the colony. They may also encounter mycotoxins produced by Aspergillus fungi infesting pollen in beebread. Moreover, bees are exposed to agricultural pesticides, particularly in-hive acaricides used against the parasite Varroa destructor.
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