Background: Transposable elements (TEs) are major components of eukaryotic genomes. The extensive body of evidence suggests that although they were once considered "genomic parasites", transposons and their transcripts perform specific functions, such as regulation of early embryo development. Understanding the role of TEs in such parasites as trematodes is becoming critically important.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe phenol oxidase system is ancient and ubiquitously distributed in all living organisms. In various groups it serves for the biosynthesis of pigments and neurotransmitters (dopamine), defence reactions and tissue hardening. Ascidians belong to subphylum Tunicata, which is considered the closest living relative to Vertebrates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSemin Cell Dev Biol
August 2022
The need of large-scale chromatin organization in the nucleus has become more and more appreciated. The higher order nuclear organization ultimately regulate a plethora of biological processes including transcription, DNA replication, and DNA repair. In this context, it is of critical importance to understand the mechanisms that allow higher order nuclear organization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Chinese hamster () and striped hamster () are very closely related species with similar karyotypes. The karyotypes differ from each other by one Robertsonian rearrangement and X-chromosome morphology. The level of the tandem repeat (TR) sequences' evolutional variability is high.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSponges (phylum Porifera) are early-branching animals, whose outwardly simple body plan is underlain by a complex genetic repertoire. The transition from a mobile larva to an attached filter-feeding organism occurs by metamorphosis, a process accompanied by a radical change of the body plan and cell transdifferentiation. The continuity between larval cells and adult tissues is still obscure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTrematode parthenitae have long been believed to form clonal populations, but clonal diversity has been discovered in this asexual stage of the lifecycle. Clonal polymorphism in the model species has been previously described, but the source of this phenomenon remains unknown. In this work, we traced cercarial clonal diversity using a simplified amplified fragment length polymorphism (SAFLP) method and characterised the nature of fragments in diverse electrophoretic bands.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTelomere-binding factor 2 (TRF2) is part of the shelterin protein complex found at chromosome ends. Lamin A/C interacts with TRF2 and influences telomere position. TRF2 has an intrinsically disordered region between the ordered dimerization and DNA-binding domains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCytogenet Genome Res
June 2021
Constitutive heterochromatin is the most mysterious part of the eukaryotic genome. It forms vital chromosome regions such as the centromeric and the pericentromeric ones. The main component of heterochromatic regions are tandem repeats (TR), and their specific organization complicates assembly, annotation, and mapping of these regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMost of the human genome is non-coding. However, some of the non-coding part is transcriptionally active. In humans, the tandemly repeated (TR) pericentromeric non-coding DNA-human satellites 2 and 3 (HS2, HS3)-are transcribed in somatic cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Horizontal gene transfer, i.e. the acquisition of genetic material from nonparent organism, is considered an important force driving species evolution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLate diplotene oocytes are characterized by an essential decrease in transcriptional activity. At this time, chromosomes condense and form a compact structure named a karyosphere. The karyosphere of grass frogs Rana temporaria is surrounded by a fibrillar karyosphere capsule (KC).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdv Protein Chem Struct Biol
February 2020
Cell-to-cell signaling is responsible for regulation of many developmental processes such as proliferation, cell migration, survival, cell fate specification and axis patterning. In this article we discussed the role of signaling in the metamorphosis of sponges with a focus on epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) accompanying this event. Sponges (Porifera) are an ancient lineage of morphologically simple animals occupying a basal position on the tree of life.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The transfer of genetic material from non-parent organisms is called horizontal gene transfer (HGT). One of the most conclusive cases of HGT in metazoans was previously described for the cellulose synthase gene in ascidians.
Results: In this study we identified a new protein, rusticalin, from the ascidian and presented evidence for its likely origin by HGT.
During the last stages of oogenesis, oocyte chromosomes condense and come close together, forming the so-called karyosphere. Karyosphere formation is accompanied by an essential decrease in transcriptional activity. In the grass frog Rana temporaria, the karyosphere is surrounded by an extrachromosomal capsule that separates the chromosomes from the rest of the nucleoplasm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCentromeres (CEN), pericentromeric regions (periCEN), and subtelomeric regions (subTel) comprise the areas of constitutive heterochromatin (HChr). Tandem repeats (TRs or satellite DNA) are the main components of HChr forming no less than 10% of the mouse and human genome. HChr is assembled within distinct structures in the interphase nuclei of many species - chromocenters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Chromocenters are defined as a punctate condensed blocks of chromatin in the interphase cell nuclei of certain cell types with unknown biological significance. In recent years a progress in revealing of chromocenters protein content has been made although the details of DNA content within constitutive heterochromatin still remain unclear. It is known that these regions are enriched in tandem repeats (TR) and transposable elements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The oocyte chromosomes of the red flour beetle, , are gathered into a knot, forming a karyosphere at the diplotene stage of meiotic prophase. Chromatin rearrangement, which is a characteristic feature of oocyte maturation, is well documented. The karyosphere is surrounded by a complex extrachromosomal structure termed the karyosphere capsule.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOnly limited sequencing data of the normal extracellular DNA (ecDNA) are currently available. The uptake of the ecDNA by cultured cells and its integration into the host chromatin have been demonstrated. A number of membrane-bearing vesicles in plasma and serum have been shown to carry nucleic acids.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this study was to reveal genomic diversity formed during parthenogenetic reproduction of rediae of the trematode Himasthla elongata in its molluskan host Littorina littorea. We applied amplification fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to determine the genomic diversity of individual cercariae within the clone, that is, the infrapopulation of parthenogenetic progeny in a single molluskan host. The level of genomic diversity of particular cercariae isolates from a single clone, detected with EcoR1/Mse1 AFLP reaction, was significantly lower than the variability of cercariae from different clones.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Trematodes have a complex life cycle with animal host changes and alternation of parthenogenetic and hermaphrodite generations. The parthenogenetic generation of the worm (rediae) from the first intermediate host Littorina littorea was used for chromosome spreads production. Karyotype description of parasitic flatworm Himasthla elongata Mehlis, 1831 (Digenea: Himasthlidae) based on fluorochrome banding and 18S rDNA mapping.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChromocenters are interphase nuclear landmark structures of constitutive heterochromatin. The tandem repeat (TR)-enriched parts of different chromosomes cluster together in chromocenters. There has been progress in recent years in determining the protein content of chromocenters, although it is not clear which DNA sequences underly constitutive heterochromatin apart from the TRs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe nuclei of late vitellogenic oocytes of hibernating frogs Rana temporaria were studied. During the studied period of oogenesis, chromosomes are significantly inactivated and surrounded by a fibrillar karyosphere capsule. Formation of the karyosphere capsule in the grass frog oocytes was previously investigated in detail at the light and electron microscopic levels, but the molecular composition of the capsule still remains uncertain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConstitutive heterochromatin in higher eukaryotes is located in the primary chromosomal strangulation (centromeres and pericentromeres) and subtelomeric regions of chromosomes. In house mouse constitutive chromatin formes structures in the nuclei of cells, brightly colored with DAPI. It is known that the constitutive heterochromatin is enriched with large tandem repeats, however, its exact composition is unknown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe genome assembly and new sequencing methods shed light on extra-cellular DNA (ecDNA) content and uptake. The recent data are described. The asymmetry in repetitive sequences distribution in ecDNA are shown: 1) significant enrichment in pericentromeric tandem repeats (TR), but decrease of centromeric alpha-satellite; 2) enrichment in Alu (SINE) but decrease of LINEs.
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