Publications by authors named "Pirmin Nietlisbach"

Bird song is a classic example of a sexually selected trait, but much of the work relating individual song components to fitness has not accounted for song typically being composed of multiple, often-correlated components, necessitating a multivariate approach. We explored the role of sexual selection in shaping the complex male song of house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) by simultaneously relating its multiple components to fitness using multivariate selection analysis, which is widely used in insect and anuran studies but not in birds. The analysis revealed significant variation in the form and strength of selection acting on song across different selection episodes, from nest-site defense to recruitment of offspring to the breeding population.

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Impacts of immigration on micro-evolution and population dynamics fundamentally depend on net rates and forms of resulting gene flow into recipient populations. Yet, the degrees to which observed rates and sex ratios of physical immigration translate into multi-generational genetic legacies have not been explicitly quantified in natural meta-populations, precluding inference on how movements translate into effective gene flow and eco-evolutionary outcomes. Our analyses of three decades of complete song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) pedigree data show that multi-generational genetic contributions from regular natural immigrants substantially exceeded those from contemporary natives, consistent with heterosis-enhanced introgression.

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AbstractThe fitness of immigrants and their descendants produced within recipient populations fundamentally underpins the genetic and population dynamic consequences of immigration. Immigrants can in principle induce contrasting genetic effects on fitness across generations, reflecting multifaceted additive, dominance, and epistatic effects. Yet full multigenerational and sex-specific fitness effects of regular immigration have not been quantified within naturally structured systems, precluding inference on underlying genetic architectures and population outcomes.

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The rate of adaptive evolution, the contribution of selection to genetic changes that increase mean fitness, is determined by the additive genetic variance in individual relative fitness. To date, there are few robust estimates of this parameter for natural populations, and it is therefore unclear whether adaptive evolution can play a meaningful role in short-term population dynamics. We developed and applied quantitative genetic methods to long-term datasets from 19 wild bird and mammal populations and found that, while estimates vary between populations, additive genetic variance in relative fitness is often substantial and, on average, twice that of previous estimates.

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With the genetic health of many plant and animal populations deteriorating due to climate change outpacing adaptation, interventions, such as assisted gene flow (AGF), may provide genetic variation necessary for populations to adapt to climate change. We ran genetic simulations to mimic different AGF scenarios in large populations and measured their outcomes on population-level fitness to determine circumstances in which it is worthwhile to perform AGF. In the absence of inbreeding depression, AGF was beneficial within a few generations only when introduced genotypes had much higher fitness than local individuals and traits affecting fitness were controlled by a few genes of large effect.

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Immigration into small recipient populations is expected to alleviate inbreeding and increase genetic variation, and hence facilitate population persistence through genetic and/or evolutionary rescue. Such expectations depend on three standard assumptions: that immigrants are outbred, unrelated to existing natives at arrival, and unrelated to each other. These assumptions are rarely explicitly verified, including in key field systems in evolutionary ecology.

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Ongoing adaptive evolution, and resulting "evolutionary rescue" of declining populations, requires additive genetic variation in fitness. Such variation can be increased by gene flow resulting from immigration, potentially facilitating evolution. But, gene flow could in fact constrain rather than facilitate local adaptive evolution if immigrants have low additive genetic values for local fitness.

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Appropriately defining and enumerating "fitness" is fundamental to explaining and predicting evolutionary dynamics. Yet, general theoretical concepts of fitness are often hard to translate into quantities that can be measured in wild populations experiencing complex environmental, demographic, genetic, and selective variation. Although the "fittest" entities might be widely understood to be those that ultimately leave most descendants at some future time, such long-term legacies can rarely be measured, impeding evaluation of the degree to which tractable short-term metrics of individual fitness could potentially serve as useful direct proxies.

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Inbreeding depression, the deterioration in mean trait value in progeny of related parents, is a fundamental quantity in genetics, evolutionary biology, animal and plant breeding, and conservation biology. The magnitude of inbreeding depression can be quantified by the inbreeding load, typically measured in numbers of lethal equivalents, a population genetic quantity that allows for comparisons between environments, populations or species. However, there is as yet no quantitative assessment of which combinations of statistical models and metrics of inbreeding can yield such estimates.

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Quantifying sex-specific additive genetic variance (V ) in fitness, and the cross-sex genetic correlation (r ), is prerequisite to predicting evolutionary dynamics and the magnitude of sexual conflict. Further, quantifying V and r in underlying fitness components, and genetic consequences of immigration and resulting gene flow, is required to identify mechanisms that maintain V in fitness. However, these key parameters have rarely been estimated in wild populations experiencing natural environmental variation and immigration.

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Inbreeding is widely hypothesized to shape mating systems and population persistence, but such effects will depend on which traits show inbreeding depression. Population and evolutionary consequences could be substantial if inbreeding decreases sperm performance and hence decreases male fertilization success and female fertility. However, the magnitude of inbreeding depression in sperm performance traits has rarely been estimated in wild populations experiencing natural variation in inbreeding.

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Although the pedigree-based inbreeding coefficient predicts the proportion of an individual's genome that is identical-by-descent (IBD), heterozygosity at genetic markers captures Mendelian sampling variation and thereby provides an estimate of IBD. Realized IBD should hence explain more variation in fitness than their pedigree-based expectations, but how many markers are required to achieve this in practice remains poorly understood. We use extensive pedigree and life-history data from an island population of song sparrows () to show that the number of genetic markers and pedigree depth affected the explanatory power of heterozygosity and , respectively, but that heterozygosity measured at 160 microsatellites did not explain more variation in fitness than This is in contrast with other studies that found heterozygosity based on far fewer markers to explain more variation in fitness than Thus, the relative performance of marker- and pedigree-based estimates of IBD depends on the quality of the pedigree, the number, variability and location of the markers employed, and the species-specific recombination landscape, and expectations based on detailed and deep pedigrees remain valuable until we can routinely afford genotyping hundreds of phenotyped wild individuals of genetic non-model species for thousands of genetic markers.

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  • Female extra-pair reproduction in monogamous systems can lead cuckolded males to lower their paternal care, potentially discouraging such behavior and polyandry.
  • However, cuckolded males might be related to the extra-pair offspring, which can change the dynamics of their paternal investment since they share genes.
  • Using song sparrows as a model, researchers measured how relatedness affects the allelic value of offspring, finding that cuckolded males are often related to the extra-pair young they raise, which moderates the negative impact of extra-pair reproduction on overall brood value.
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Whenever allele frequencies are unequal, nonadditive gene action contributes to additive genetic variance and therefore the resemblance between parents and offspring. The reason for this has not been easy to understand. Here, we present a new single-locus decomposition of additive genetic variance that may give greater intuition about this important result.

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Although linkage maps are important tools in evolutionary biology, their availability for wild populations is limited. The population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) on Mandarte Island, Canada, is among the more intensively studied wild animal populations. Its long-term pedigree data, together with extensive genetic sampling, have allowed the study of a range of questions in evolutionary biology and ecology.

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  • Extra-pair reproduction in song sparrows is believed to help females avoid inbreeding by mating with unrelated males, but studies have had limitations in accurately measuring inbreeding levels and offspring survival.
  • Research using pedigree data revealed that extra-pair offspring generally had lower inbreeding coefficients compared to within-pair offspring, and the likelihood of extra-pair reproduction increased if the female's social partner was closely related.
  • However, simulations indicate that the observed results might be influenced by biases related to inbreeding depression affecting the survival of early offspring, suggesting that the idea of females intentionally avoiding inbreeding may need further investigation.
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Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of inbreeding and inbreeding depression requires unbiased estimation of inbreeding depression across diverse mating systems. However, studies estimating inbreeding depression often measure inbreeding with error, for example, based on pedigree data derived from observed parental behavior that ignore paternity error stemming from multiple mating. Such paternity error causes error in estimated coefficients of inbreeding (f) and reproductive success and could bias estimates of inbreeding depression.

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Introgression of genes through hybridization has been proposed to be an important driver of speciation, but in animals this has been shown only in relatively few cases until recently. Additionally, introgressive hybridization among non-sister species leads to a change in the gene tree topology of the concerned loci and thus complicates phylogenetic reconstruction. However, such cases of ancient introgression have been very difficult to demonstrate in birds.

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Mating systems are thought to be an important determinant of dispersal strategies in most animals, including the great apes. As the most basal taxon of all great apes, orang-utans can provide information about the evolution of mating systems and their consequences for population structure in this Family. To assess the sex-specific population structure in orang-utans, we used a combination of paternally transmitted Y-chromosomal genetic markers and maternally transmitted mitochondrial DNA sequences.

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The Southeast Asian Sunda archipelago harbors a rich biodiversity with a substantial proportion of endemic species. The evolutionary history of these species has been drastically influenced by environmental forces, such as fluctuating sea levels, climatic changes, and severe volcanic activities. Orangutans (genus: Pongo), the only Asian great apes, are well suited to study the relative impact of these forces due to their well-documented behavioral ecology, strict habitat requirements, and exceptionally slow life history.

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