Publications by authors named "Piotrowski C"

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic and its accompanying safeguards intensified many of the ongoing daily challenges faced by caregivers of young people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) both pre-transplant and post-transplant, and also created a variety of new and pressing concerns. Little is known about how these families managed this unexpected adversity in their lives.

Objective: To evaluate change in psychosocial risk for families of young people with CKD during the COVID-19 pandemic health emergency from the perspective of caregivers.

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Cervical cancer (CC) is the second most common cancer in Western Africa, accounting for 12,000 cases and 6000 deaths annually. While vaccination against human papilloma virus (HPV) and CC screenings reduce the incidence and mortality of CC in many developed countries, 90% of CC deaths are in low-income countries. Lack of knowledge about the connection between HPV and CC, lack of access to vaccines and screenings, weak healthcare infrastructure, and stigma related to sexually transmitted diseases are among the factors that contribute to this disparity.

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Background: Caregivers of children and young people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) face challenging circumstances on a daily basis; however, the difficulties they experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as potentially positive experiences, are not yet fully understood. The aim of this study was to explore the pandemic-related experiences of these caregivers.

Methods: Twelve caregivers were recruited from a hospital-based pediatric renal program; eight families were posttransplant.

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The present study investigated the degree to which the quality of sibling relationships interacted with the quality of mother-child relationships to concurrently predict prosocial behavior between school-aged siblings while taking age spacing into account. Forty-five families with two school-aged siblings were recruited from the community. Prosocial behavior was coded from unstructured laboratory observation of sibling interaction.

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Purpose Of The Conference: The 2022 Banff-Canadian Society of Transplantation Meeting in Banff, Alberta, brought together transplant professionals to review new developments across various aspects of solid organ transplantation (SOT) in Canada.

Sources Of Information: Presentations included consensus recommendations from expert-led forums; experiences with new procedures and legislation; reports from public health data repositories; original clinical and laboratory research; and industry updates regarding novel technologies. Speakers referenced articles and reports published in peer-reviewed journals and online, and unpublished data and preliminary findings.

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Introduction: With improved survival in pediatric solid organ transplantation (SOT) care has focused on optimizing functional, developmental, and psychosocial outcomes, roles often supported by Allied Health and Nursing professionals (AHNP). However, there is a scarcity of research examining frameworks of clinical practice.

Methods: The International Pediatric Transplant Association AHNP Committee developed and disseminated an online survey to transplant centers as a quality improvement project to explore AHNP practice issues.

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Background: Allied health and nursing professionals (AHNP) are integral members of transplant teams. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they were required to adapt to changes in their clinical practices. The goal of the present study was to describe AHNP perceptions concerning the impact of the pandemic on their roles, practice, and resource allocation.

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Introduction: Prior studies examining the relationship between work- related injuries and healthcare use among middle-aged and older workers were mainly cross-sectional and reported inconsistent results.

Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the associations between work-related injuries and 10 types of healthcare service use for any cause among middle-aged and older Canadian workers using longitudinal data.

Methods: Our study involved longitudinal analysis of baseline and 18-month follow-up Maintaining Contact Questionnaire data from the Canadian Longitudinal Survey on Aging (CLSA) for a national sample of Canadian males and females aged 45-85 years who worked or were recently retired (N = 24,748).

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Background: Children's exposure to toxic stress (e.g., parental depression, violence, poverty) predicts developmental and physical health problems resulting in health care system burden.

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Background: Children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and their families deal with challenging circumstances. While numerous studies have shown that both patients and parents in these families can experience a variety of challenges and concerns, the experience of siblings is less well understood. The focus of this scoping review was on research addressing the experiences and well-being of siblings of children with CKD.

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Background: The variability observed across different profiles of adjustment in children exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV) and the factors associated with resilience in this population are not yet well understood.

Objective: Within a biopsychosocial framework, this study aimed to identify and describe profiles of adjustment in a cohort of children who had previously experienced IPV exposure, as well as the specific risk and promotive factors that significantly predicted membership in the identified adjustment profiles. The moderating effect of children's biological sex was also tested.

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Sibling donation in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) can be emotionally distressing for children, but may simultaneously evoke positive emotions, and has the potential to facilitate personal growth. We conducted a narrative review of sibling donor experiences, which included an analysis of psychosocial distress and post-traumatic growth (PTG). We searched the following databases: MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycInfo, and SCOPUS.

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The goal of this study was to determine the injury profiles of Canadian children who presented to the Emergency Department from 1990 to 2016 due to an injury caused while traveling in a form of land transportation that did not require child restraint. A case series was conducted using data from the electronic Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (eCHIRPP). Children who were injured while travelling on land transportation for which child restraint is not required, who presented to a Canadian Emergency Department that participates in eCHIRPP between April 1, 1990 to August 29, 2016, were included.

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Background: Mandatory bicycle helmet and booster seat laws for children are now common across Canada and the United States. Previous research has found that despite legislation, child compliance is often low. Our objectives were to identify and compare children's perspectives on barriers to and facilitators of their use of bicycle helmets and booster seats.

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To date, little work has compared similarities and differences between parent and young people's perceptions of barriers to and facilitators of bicycle helmet and booster seat usage. Our goal was to conduct such a comparison in order to inform future safety campaigns. Eleven focus groups with a total of 68 parents and 11 focus groups with a total of 76 young people were conducted.

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Exploring the interactions between the Ca binding protein calmodulin (CaM) and its target proteins remains a challenging task. Members of the Munc13 protein family play an essential role in short-term synaptic plasticity, modulated via the interaction with CaM at the presynaptic compartment. In this study, we focus on the bMunc13-2 isoform expressed in the brain, as strong changes in synaptic transmission were observed upon its mutagenesis or deletion.

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This communication assesses the use of a portable near infrared (NIR) instrument to measure quantitative (fatty acid profile) properties and qualitative ('Premium' and 'Non-premium') categories of individual Iberian pork carcasses at the slaughterhouse. Acorn-fed Iberian pigs have more unsaturated fats than pigs fed conventional compound feed. Recent advances in miniaturisation have led to a number of handheld NIR devices being developed, allowing processing decisions to be made earlier, significantly reducing time and costs.

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A history of childhood abuse has been linked to serious and long-lasting problems in adulthood. We developed two theoretical models concerning how early adverse experiences affect health in adulthood, and we tested the empirical fit of the two models in a population-based representative sample of Canadian adults (N = 25,113) using a structural equation modelling (SEM) technique, path analysis. The first model included direct pathways by which a history of three types of childhood abuse-exposure to intimate partner violence, physical abuse, and sexual abuse-affected adult physical and mental health, as well as indirect pathways by which perceived social support and everyday life stress acted as mediators of these associations.

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The number of publications in the field of chemical cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry (XL-MS) to derive constraints for protein three-dimensional structure modeling and to probe protein-protein interactions has increased during the last years. As the technique is now becoming routine for in vitro and in vivo applications in proteomics and structural biology there is a pressing need to define protocols as well as data analysis and reporting formats. Such consensus formats should become accepted in the field and be shown to lead to reproducible results.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether celebrity admiration is associated with personal relative deprivation, impulsivity, and materialism. We gave the , the , the , a subscale from the , and the , to 149 respondents recruited through Mechanical Turk. We found a weak but significant association between personal relative deprivation and celebrity attitudes.

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During the last two decades, cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry (MS) has evolved as a valuable tool to gain structural insights into proteins and protein assemblies. Structural information is obtained by introducing covalent connections between amino acids that are in spatial proximity in proteins and protein complexes. The distance constraints imposed by the cross-linking reagent provide information on the three-dimensional arrangement of the covalently connected amino acid residues and serve as basis for de-novo or homology modeling approaches.

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Experiences during infancy create durable and heritable patterns of social deprivation and illness producing health disparities. This retrospective cohort study of 71 836 infants from Winnipeg, Manitoba, assessed associations between maternal social and economic factors and infant mortality, morbidity, and congenital anomaly. This study found that newborn and postneonatal hospital readmissions are inversely associated with geography.

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Chemical cross-linking in combination with mass spectrometric analysis of the created cross-linked products is an emerging technology aimed at deriving valuable structural information from proteins and protein complexes. The goal of our protocol is to obtain distance constraints for structure determination of proteins and to investigate protein-protein interactions. We present an integrated workflow for cross-linking/mass spectrometry (MS) based on protein cross-linking with MS-cleavable reagents, followed by enzymatic digestion, enrichment of cross-linked peptides by strong cation-exchange chromatography (SCX), and LC/MS/MS analysis.

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Research from the United States and Canada suggest that interracial relationships tend to have an elevated prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV). Among seven extant studies, only one empirically examined speculations in the literature for this relationship. Based on analyses of data from Statistics Canada's 2009 General Social Survey (GSS), Brownridge was not able to fully account for the elevated odds of IPV in interracial relationships.

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Cleavable cross-linkers are gaining increasing importance for chemical cross-linking/mass spectrometry (MS) as they permit a reliable and automated data analysis in structural studies of proteins and protein assemblies. Here, we introduce 1,3-diallylurea (DAU) as the first CID-MS/MS-cleavable, photo-thiol-reactive cross-linker. DAU is a commercially available, inexpensive reagent that efficiently undergoes an anti-Markovnikov hydrothiolation with cysteine residues in the presence of a radical initiator upon UV-A irradiation.

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