Publications by authors named "Pinchasov Y"

Our "diabetogenic diet" composition [1] was indeed based on the one described by Funda et al. [2] with regards to dietary requirements.[.

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Nutrition, especially wheat consumption, is a major factor involved in the onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and other autoimmune diseases such as celiac. While modern wheat cultivars possess similar gliadin proteins associated with the onset of celiac disease and T1D, alternative dietary wheat sources from Israeli landraces and native ancestral species may be lacking the epitopes linked with T1D, potentially reducing the incidence of T1D. The Non-Obese Diabetic (NOD) mouse model was used to monitor the effects of dietary wheat sources on the onset and development of T1D.

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The aim of this study was to examine an alternative, immunologically based treatment for mastitis. A microbead carrying specific anti-mastitis bacteria antibodies and an enhancer of phagocytosis, termed Y-complex, was tested in two experiments. In experiment 1, 21 cows were challenged with Streptococcus dysgalactiae and treated with Y-complex, Cobactan LC(®) or saline.

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Passive vaccination is used to treat a wide range of infections and cancer. However, this approach has some limitations. An immune complex termed Y-complex was developed to intensify the effect of the passive vaccine.

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gp100 is a melanoma-associated antigen found to carry immunogenic epitopes that can induce a CTL response against tumor cells. Production and purification of large quantities of this polypeptide may be important in the context of diagnosis and vaccinating against melanoma. To overcome the hydrophobic nature of gp100, we cloned and expressed only a part of the protein, and obtained a hydrophilic recombinant polypeptide (HR-gp100) that contained most of the immunogenic peptides.

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Employing non-invasive photoacoustic spectrometry, emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and ethylene in post-harvest strawberries and avocados were monitored. A clear-cut stoichiometric relationship was found between the two gases: unripe fruit manifesting high NO and low ethylene levels-the converse in ripe fruit. Findings are discussed in the light of putative control of ethylene-promoted fruit senescence by endogenous NO.

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A site (STP) was identified on the skin of the chicken, during defeathering in the slaughter house, at which about 90% of breast skin tears started. This site is on the ventral side of the pectoral tract area. There was no difference in location of this site with respect to different commercial lines, sexes, flocks, or time of the day.

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Estradiol benzoate (E2) increases plasma lipids in hypothalamic obese, functionally castrated (OFC), obese laying (OL), and control laying hens (CONT). However, E2 reduces fattiness in OFC but not in OL or CONT hens. Antiestrogen, such as tamoxifen (TAM), reduces plasma lipids in OL and CONT, but not in OFC, hens and has no effect on fattiness in any of them.

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The effect of dietary protein on growth, feed intake and efficiency, abdominal fat deposition, and breast meat yield was investigated in broiler males from a commercial stock (WI) and from experimental stocks selected for low (LF) or high (HF) abdominal fat. All birds were kept at constant high ambient temperature (32 C) and were provided with low- (LP) or high-protein (HP) diets from hatch until 8 wk of age (Experiment 1) or from 4 to 8 wk of age (Experiment 2). In both experiments, HP diet significantly increased 4- to 8-wk BW gain in the LF and HF stocks but reduced it in the WI stock as compared with the LP diet.

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The effect of early transition of the digestive system to exogenous nutrition was examined in three experiments with growing birds. A nutrient mixture (0.5 ml) of glucose, starch and oil (1:1:0.

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The objectives of these studies were to determine whether elevated plasma glucose concentrations in broiler breeder chickens (200-250 mg/dl) can result in the non-enzymatic attachment of glucose to serum proteins (fructosamine) and eventual cross-linking of tissue proteins (basement membrane thickness), and to investigate the effects of a factor that may influence this cross-linking process. In response to feeding the satiety factor calcium propionate (CaP, 1.7%), plasma glucose and fructosamine concentrations were increased (P < 0.

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The effects of dietary supplementation with acetic or propionic acid, given at a level of 3% of diets containing 2,500 or 2,750 kcal of metabolizable energy per kg, on levels of blood glucose, and on lipid, protein, and energy metabolisms were studied in female broiler chicks. Voluntary feed and energy intakes, as well as body weight gain, decreased significantly with the inclusion of the acids in either diet, in decreasing order of effect: propionate > acetate > nonsupplemented controls. The relative weight of the abdominal adipose tissue decreased significantly with the inclusion of either acid, but was unaffected by dietary energy level.

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The effects of various levels of acetic or propionic acid supplementation on feed intake and the gastrointestinal tract were studied in female broiler chicks. Voluntary feed intake and body weight gain decreased with the inclusion of the acids. Results indicate that acetic and propionic acids exert a similar anorectic effect on chicks fed diets differing in energy content.

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The developmental pattern of apolipoprotein VLDL-II (apo-II) in the plasma with regard to lipid concentration was characterized during the transition of pullet females to the laying phase in commercial laying hens (Gallus domesticus). Apo-II was isolated from the plasma of estrogen-administered roosters, and a rapid ELISA was developed for its quantification in chickens. The sensitivity of the assay was 5 ng/ml, and the inter- and intra-assay coefficients of variation were 4 and 8%, respectively.

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The effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) concentration on body fat deposition and composition in broiler chickens was studied. Twenty-day-old birds were fed five isocaloric diets supplemented with different combinations of tallow and vegetable oils. Contents of abdominal adipose tissue (AAT) as well as body fat were determined at 40 days of age.

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The relationship between dietary levels of xanthophyll, the degree of pigmentation in the hen, and egg production rate was studied in commercial broiler breeders (Anak 2000). In the first study, the degree of shank and beak coloration, measured with a 15-grade Roche yolk color fan, was determined in broiler breeder pullets until 34 wk of age. Although overall body coloration decreased with age following initiation of egg production, the degree of shank coloration was two- to threefold higher than that of the beak.

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1. The possible prediction of fatness in 6-week-old broiler chickens was examined by measuring lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity and lipid content in the abdominal adipose tissue. 2.

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1. The effect of egg weight on the subsequent performance of individual growing chicks was studied. Eggs from commercial broiler breeder hens were collected at 52, 55 and 57 weeks of age and incubated.

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1. Activities of digestive enzymes in meat-type chickens under ad libitum or alternate-day feeding were determined from 14 to 83 d of age. 2.

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Performance of broiler chicks fed low protein diets supplemented with several essential amino acids (EAA) is generally inferior to that of birds fed a higher protein diet composed primarily of intact protein. Two experiments were conducted to determine whether lowering the minimum requirements of the EAA in proportion to the lowered protein concentration or equalizing the dietary amino nitrogen content by use of glutamic acid would prevent the reduction in performance. Chicks were fed the experimental diets from 7 to 21 days of age, and body weight gain, feed consumption, and feed efficiency were determined.

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The energy requirements for growth and maintenance of broiler pullets were studied during a 17-wk growing period. Four flocks of commercial broiler replacement pullets, housed in conventional poultry houses, received a restricted amount of feed on 4 or 5 days a week, and pullet growth was recorded. The energy needs for maintenance and body weight gain under a feed restriction regimen was calculated using a model based on metabolic body weight and weight gain described by Hurwitz and coworkers.

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The effect of intraperitoneal injections of glycolic acid, glycine or tryptophan on feed intake and hypothalamic levels of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine (5-HT) and 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid (5-HIAA) was examined in chicks. Glycolic acid significantly depressed feed intake in a dose-dependent manner in comparison to saline or glycine, but only in birds injected with a level higher than 150 mg/kg body weight. The injection of glycolic acid or tryptophan but not glycine inhibited feed intake, and increased hypothalamic 5-HT and 5-HIAA 2 hr post-injection, as compared with saline injected controls.

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1. The effect of intermittent feeding in chickens of heavy breed (HB; meat type) and light breed (LB; egg type) on skeletal muscle growth and composition was studied in adapted and non-adapted chickens. 2.

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1. Protein synthesis was estimated in vivo in breast (superficial pectoral) and tibia (gastrocnemius) muscles, liver, kidney, pancreas, crop, duodenum, jejunum and ileum, using L-[U-14C]lysine injection. The effect on incorporation of [14C]lysine 1 and 2 h after injection was examined in five chickens adapted or not adapted to intermittent feeding.

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The relationship between water intake and water concentration in the body and in the gastrointestinal contents was studied in meat-type chickens fed either intermittently or ad libitum, as controls. In experiment 1, male broilers were reared from 12 to 33 d of age and were fed every second day or ad libitum. The water consumption of the intermittently-fed birds on days of food removal was 31% of the consumption of the control group.

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