Publications by authors named "Pierre-Alain Gevenois"

Rationale: Endoscopic lung volume reduction improves lung function, quality of life and exercise capacity in severe emphysema patients. However, its effect on the diaphragm function is not well understood. We hypothesised that endoscopic lung volume reduction increases its strength by modifying its shape.

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The diaphragm is the main inspiratory muscle and separates the thorax and the abdomen. In COPD, the evaluation of the diaphragm shape is clinically important, especially in the case of hyperinflation. However, delineating the diaphragm remains a challenge as it cannot be seen entirely on CT scans.

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Members of the Fleischner Society have compiled a glossary of terms for thoracic imaging that replaces previous glossaries published in 1984, 1996, and 2008, respectively. The impetus to update the previous version arose from multiple considerations. These include an awareness that new terms and concepts have emerged, others have become obsolete, and the usage of some terms has either changed or become inconsistent to a degree that warranted a new definition.

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Background: Our aims were to explore the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of peroperative transbronchial lung cryobiopsy (TBLC) guided by electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB) and ENB-guided methylene blue marking of presumably non-palpable pulmonary nodules, and to assess its impact on video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and postoperative lung function.

Methods: This approach was applied to 16 consecutive patients (Group A, mean age 64 years) who were compared retrospectively to a historical group of 49 patients (Group B, mean age 62 years) with similar nodules resected without guidance. The usefulness of dye marking was graded.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study compares two lung biopsy methods: surgical lung biopsy (SLB) and trans-bronchial lung cryobiopsy (TBLC).
  • TBLC is safer for patients who are older or have other health problems, making it a good option when SLB is too risky.
  • Results from 96 patients show no significant differences in complications between those at high risk and those at low risk, suggesting TBLC is a safe choice for high-risk patients.
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Objectives: To investigate the proportion of clinical scenarios covered by EURO-2000 Guidelines and ESR iGuide, and assess compliance with both guidelines.

Methods: The clinical indication on archived request forms for head, chest, abdomen-pelvis, and spine CT examinations performed in three hospitals in January 2018 was retrospectively matched with EURO-2000 Guidelines and ESR iGuide. For clinical scenarios addressed in the guidelines, the compliance with the guidelines was assessed.

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: The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic role of eosinophils count in COVID-19 patients. : Retrospective analysis of patients admitted to our hospital with suspicion of COVID-19. Demographic, clinical and laboratory data were collected on admission.

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Objectives: To assess the role of thromboprophylaxis regimens on the occurrence of pulmonary embolism in coronavirus disease 2019 patients.

Design: Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data on coronavirus disease 2019 patients, included between March 10, and April 30, 2020.

Setting: ICU of an University Hospital in Belgium.

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  • The study evaluates the effectiveness of pulmonary artery (PA) distensibility measured via ECG-gated CT in identifying pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease (PH-LHD) compared to ungated CT and echocardiography parameters.
  • The research involved 100 patients with various heart conditions who underwent multiple imaging techniques and right heart catheterization to measure PA distensibility and other metrics.
  • Results indicated that lower PA distensibility is strongly associated with PH-LHD, showing high sensitivity and specificity, outperforming other imaging parameters in detection.
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Objectives: To estimate the variability of X-ray diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) depending on the number of X-ray devices and data per device.

Methods: Dose-area products (DAP) were collected by the national nuclear control agency from the 590 devices installed in 345 medical centers in the country. From 2015 to 2017, the number of chest (postero-anterior (PA) view alone, and both postero-anterior and lateral views (PA/LAT)), abdomen, pelvis, and lumbar spine examinations collected in these centers ranged from 23,000 to 77,000.

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Objective: To prospectively compare the prevalence and frequency of subchondral bone marrow edema (BME) in the lumbar facet joints of low back pain patients and healthy subjects.

Materials And Methods: Lumbar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations were performed on 55 asymptomatic participants (18 men; age range 21-63; mean 36 ± 12 years; body mass index (BMI) range 16-31; mean 22.6 ± 3.

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Aims: To evaluate the relationships between pulmonary transit time (PTT), cardiac function, and pulmonary haemodynamics in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and to explore how PTT performs in detecting pulmonary hypertension (PH).

Methods And Results: In this prospective study, 57 patients with advanced HFrEF [49 men, 51 years ± 8, mean left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction 26% ± 8] underwent echocardiography, right heart catheterization, and cardiac computed tomography (CT). PTT was measured as the time interval between peaks of attenuation in right ventricle (RV) and LV and was compared between patients with or without PH and 15 controls.

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Purpose: To assess inter-observer variability in identifying traction bronchiectasis on computed tomography (CT) using additional criteria for chronic fibrosing interstitial pneumonia.

Methods: Seven experts categorized CT image set representing 39 patients into three groups on the basis of the presence of traction bronchiectasis, using a three-point scale: 3-definitely/probably yes; 2-possibly yes; and 1-definitely/probably no. This scale served as a reference standard.

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Objectives: To estimate the variability of CT diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) according to the methods used for computing collected data.

Methods: Dose-length products (DLP) were collected by our national nuclear control agency from the 250 devices installed in 140 medical centers in the country. In 2015, the number of head, thorax, abdomen, and lumbar spine examinations collected in these centers ranged from approximately 20,000 to 42,000.

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Objectives: To determine the variabilities of dose-area-products (DAP) of frequent X-ray examinations collected for comparison with diagnostic reference levels (DRLs).

Methods: DAP values of chest, abdomen, and lumbar spine examinations obtained on devices from two manufacturers were collected in three centers over 1 to 2 years. The variability of the average DAP results defined as the 95% confidence interval in percentage of their median value was calculated for increasing sample sizes, each examination and center.

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Background: An increasing number of pulmonary nodules of unknown nature are detected as a result of screening by CT in high lung cancer risk patients.

Objectives: The purposes of this study were to assess the diagnostic yield of electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB) combined with transbronchial lung cryobiopsy (TBLC) and to compare it with standard transbronchial biopsy (TBB) in pulmonary nodules of less than 2 cm in diameter.

Methods: We prospectively included 32 patients (18 men and 14 women, mean age 68 ± 9 years) with nodules of less than 2 cm in diameter and no metastasis at FDG PET-CT.

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Rationale And Objectives: Computed tomography (CT) airways measurements can be used as surrogates to spirometric measurements for assessing bronchodilation in a particular patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Although spirometric measurements show variations within the opening hours of a hospital department, we aimed to compare the variability of CT airways measurements between morning and afternoon in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to that of spirometric measurements.

Materials And Methods: Twenty patients had pulmonary function tests and CT around 8 am and 4 pm.

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Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the magnitude of differences between attenuation values measured on virtual unenhanced images and true unenhanced images obtained using third-generation dual-source dual-energy CT (DECT).

Subjects And Methods: A total of 83 patients requiring thoracoabdominal CT for cancer workup were included in this prospective study. CT examinations included true unenhanced acquisitions (tube potential, 120 kVp) and arterial and portal phase dual-energy CT (DECT) acquisitions (tube potential, 100 kVp and Sn 150 kVp [where Sn denotes the interposition of a tin filter in the high-energy beam]; tube current-exposure time product, 190 and 95 mAs).

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Objective: The objective of our study was to evaluate in vivo urinary calculus characterization with third-generation dual-source dual-energy CT (DECT) at reduced versus standard radiation dose.

Subjects And Methods: One hundred fifty-three patients requiring unenhanced CT for suspected or known urolithiasis were prospectively included in our study. They underwent two acquisitions at reduced-dose CT (90 kV and 50 mAs; Sn150 kV and 31 mAs, where Sn denotes the interposition of a tin filter in the high-energy beam) and standard-dose CT (90 kV and 50 mAs; Sn150 kV and 94 mAs).

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Objectives: To test the hypothesis that referral guidelines are not sufficiently known by prescribers and that medico-legal concerns could influence the prescription of radiographs in minor chest trauma.

Methods: We submitted a questionnaire including a typical clinical history and questions on reasons for prescribing radiographs of the ribs in minor chest trauma to 112 prescriptors (33 residents, 18 surgeons, 7 internists, 24 general practitioners and 30 ER physicians). All accepted to participate.

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Objectives: To determine variability of volume computed tomographic dose index (CTDIvol) and dose-length product (DLP) data, and propose a minimum sample size to achieve an expected precision.

Methods: CTDIvol and DLP values of 19,875 consecutive CT acquisitions of abdomen (7268), thorax (3805), lumbar spine (3161), cervical spine (1515) and head (4106) were collected in two centers. Their variabilities were investigated according to sample size (10 to 1000 acquisitions) and patient body weight categories (no weight selection, 67-73 kg and 60-80 kg).

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Purpose: To test the hypothesis that quality clinical audits improve compliance with the procedures in computed tomography (CT) scanning.

Materials And Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in two hospitals, based on 6950 examinations and four procedures, focusing on the acquisition length in lumbar spine CT, the default tube current applied in abdominal un-enhanced CT, the tube potential selection for portal phase abdominal CT and the use of a specific "paediatric brain CT" procedure. The first clinical audit reported compliance with these procedures.

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Objective: Testing the hypothesis that CT densitometry indexes could be influenced by total lung capacity (TLC), gender and height in normal individuals.

Methods: In this ethics committee-approved prospective study, 100 healthy non-smoking volunteers who provided written informed consent were included. From a helical scan of the chest, the relative area (RA) of the lung with attenuation coefficients lower than -960 HU and the 1st and 15th percentiles of the distribution of attenuation coefficients were calculated.

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Purpose: Focal areas of FDG uptake may occur at the bronchial stump following curative lobectomy for non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), even in the absence of suspicious CT changes. The purpose of our study was to investigate the significance of such PET/CT findings.

Methods: FDG-PET/CT scans performed in 54 patients after lobectomy for NSCLC were reviewed.

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