Background: Demand for surgical treatment is rising while operating room (OR) resources are limited. Requests for more resources therefore can only be partly met by repartitioning the existing sparse resources.
Objective: Our goal is to define a method to allocate OR block times among surgical disciplines in such a way that patients can be treated within an acceptable time after the need for surgery is established.
Objectives: To investigate the possible advantage of administration of preemptive oral ibuprofen in children after ambulatory pediatric urologic surgery such as penile surgery (circumcision and hypospadias repair) and inguinal surgery (communicating hydrocele and orchidopexy), a study was performed on the experience of postoperative pain, nausea or vomiting, and resumption of normal activities such as normal sleep and play activity. In addition, this study has validated a method of measurement of pain and resumption of normal activities in children.
Material And Methods: In a prospective, randomized, double-blind study, 66 prepubertal boys (0-12 years) underwent an ambulatory pediatric urological intervention.