Publications by authors named "Pierre Levan"

We must reconcile the needs of the internal world and the demands of the external world to make decisions relevant to homeostasis, well-being, and flexible behavior. Engagement with the internal (eg interoceptive) world is linked to medial brain systems, whereas the extrapersonal space (eg exteroceptive) is associated with lateral brain systems. Using Human Connectome Project data, we found three association tracts connecting the action-related frontal lobe with perception-related posterior lobes.

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Objective: The Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) is the gatekeeper of the central nervous system, effectively shielding the brain from blood- borne threats but simultaneously represents a significant challenge for treating neurological diseases. Altering the permeability of the BBB enables increasing the local drug concentration enhancing therapeutic effects. This study aims to explore the BBB permeability alteration through localized mild temperature increases, addressing the challenge of accurately determining and monitoring thermal dosages during hyperthermia treatments.

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Electrical neurostimulation is currently used to manage epilepsy, but the most effective approach for minimizing seizure occurrence is uncertain. While functional MRI (fMRI) can reveal which brain areas are affected by stimulation, simultaneous deep brain stimulation (DBS)-fMRI examinations in patients are rare and the possibility to investigate multiple stimulation protocols is limited. In this study, we utilized the intrahippocampal kainate mouse model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) to systematically examine the brain-wide responses to electrical stimulation using fMRI.

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Objective: To use intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) to characterize functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation maps associated with high-frequency oscillations (HFOs) (80-250 Hz) and examine their proximity to HFO- and seizure-generating tissue.

Methods: Forty-five patients implanted with intracranial depth electrodes underwent a simultaneous EEG-fMRI study at 3 T. HFOs were detected algorithmically from cleaned EEG and visually confirmed by an experienced electroencephalographer.

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Objective: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) has a high probability of becoming drug resistant and is frequently considered for surgical intervention. However, 30% of TLE cases have nonlesional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, which is associated with worse surgical outcomes. Characterizing interactions between temporal and extratemporal structures in these patients may help understand these poor outcomes.

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Various subjective and objective methods have been proposed to identify which interictal epileptiform discharge (IED)-related EEG-functional MRI (fMRI) results are more likely to delineate seizure-generating tissue in patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy for the purposes of surgical planning. In this intracranial EEG-fMRI study, we evaluated the utility of these methods to localize clinically relevant regions preoperatively and compared the extent of resection of these areas to postoperative outcome. Seventy patients admitted for intracranial video-EEG monitoring were recruited for a simultaneous intracranial EEG-fMRI study.

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Theranostic platforms, combining diagnostic and therapeutic approaches within one system, have garnered interest in augmenting invasive surgical, chemical, and ionizing interventions. Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) offers a quite recent alternative to established radiation-based diagnostic modalities with its versatile tracer material (superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, SPION). It also offers a bimodal theranostic framework that can combine tomographic imaging with therapeutic techniques using the very same SPION.

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Respiratory brain pulsations have recently been shown to drive electrophysiological brain activity in patients with epilepsy. Furthermore, functional neuroimaging indicates that respiratory brain pulsations have increased variability and amplitude in patients with epilepsy compared to healthy individuals. To determine whether the respiratory drive is altered in epilepsy, we compared respiratory brain pulsation synchronicity between healthy controls and patients.

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Aphasia, the impairment to understand or produce language, is a frequent disorder after stroke with devastating effects. Conventional speech and language therapy include each formal intervention for improving language and communication abilities. In the chronic stage after stroke, it is effective compared with no treatment, but its effect size is small.

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Simultaneous EEG-fMRI is a growing and promising field, as it has great potential to further our understanding of the spatiotemporal dynamics of brain function in health and disease. In particular, there is much interest in understanding the fMRI correlates of brain activity in the gamma band (> 30 Hz), as these frequencies are thought to be associated with cognitive processes involving perception, attention, and memory, as well as with disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. However, progress in this area has been limited due to issues such as MR-induced artifacts in EEG recordings, which seem to be more problematic for gamma frequencies.

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For decades, spinal drains for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure monitoring and drainage have been used as adjuncts to protect against spinal cord injury resulting from thoracic aortic aneurysm repair. There are many different approaches to placement and management of CSF drains, with no true consensus on best practice. Furthermore, the incidence of complications resulting from spinal drains largely has been stagnant.

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Purpose: Highly undersampled acquisitions have been proposed to push the limits of temporal resolution in functional MRI. This contribution is aimed at identifying parameter sets that let the user trade-off between ultra-high temporal resolution and spatial signal quality by varying the sampling densities. The proposed method maintains the synergies of a temporal resolution that enables direct filtering of physiological artifacts for highest statistical power, and 3D read-outs with optimal use of encoding capabilities of multi-coil arrays for efficient sampling and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

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EEG-fMRI has gained increasing importance in epilepsy pre-surgical diagnosis. However, 40-70% of EEG-fMRI recordings in patients lack interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) during the scan, which could be overcome by detecting matching topography maps. We tried to validate this method in clinical settings taking various electroclinical factors into consideration.

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Purpose: Spin-echo (SE) functional MRI (fMRI) can be highly advantageous compared to gradient-echo (GE) fMRI with respect to magnetic field-inhomogeneity artifacts. However, at 3T, the majority of blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI experiments are performed using -weighted GE sequences because of their superior sensitivity compared to SE-fMRI. The presented SE implementation of a highly accelerated GE pulse sequence therefore aims to improve the sensitivity of SE-fMRI while profiting from a reduction of susceptibility-induced signal dropout.

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The desire to enhance the sensitivity and specificity of resting-state (rs-fMRI) measures has prompted substantial recent research into removing noise components. Chief among contributions to noise in rs-fMRI are physiological processes, and the neuronal implications of respiratory-volume variability (RVT), a main rs-fMRI-relevant physiological process, is incompletely understood. The potential implications of RVT in modulating and being modulated by autonomic nervous regulation, has yet to be fully understood by the rs-fMRI community.

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Article Synopsis
  • Identifying biomarkers that reflect early changes in Alzheimer's disease (AD) can enhance detection and lead to better interventions.* -
  • The study analyzed blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal variability in 80 AD patients and 90 controls, revealing increased variability in AD patients compared to controls.* -
  • This increased BOLD signal variability is linked to cardiovascular brain pulsations, explaining how it affects cerebral perfusion and ultimately relates to impaired glymphatic clearance in AD.*
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Objective: This review article gives an account of the development of the MR-encephalography (MREG) method, which started as a mere 'Gedankenexperiment' in 2005 and gradually developed into a method for ultrafast measurement of physiological activities in the brain. After going through different approaches covering k-space with radial, rosette, and concentric shell trajectories we have settled on a stack-of-spiral trajectory, which allows full brain coverage with (nominal) 3 mm isotropic resolution in 100 ms. The very high acceleration factor is facilitated by the near-isotropic k-space coverage, which allows high acceleration in all three spatial dimensions.

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Resting-state functional MRI has shown potential for detecting changes in cerebral blood oxygen level-dependent signal in patients with epilepsy, even in the absence of epileptiform activity. Furthermore, it has been suggested that coefficient of variation mapping of fast functional MRI signal may provide a powerful tool for the identification of intrinsic brain pulsations in neurological diseases such as dementia, stroke and epilepsy. In this study, we used fast functional MRI sequence (magnetic resonance encephalography) to acquire ten whole-brain images per second.

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Preclinical 4D flow MRI remains challenging and is restricted for parallel imaging acceleration due to the limited number of available receive channels. A radial acquisition with combined parallel imaging and temporal compressed sensing reconstruction was implemented to achieve accelerated preclinical 4D flow MRI. In order to increase the accuracy of the measured velocities, a quantitative evaluation of different temporal regularization weights for the compressed sensing reconstruction based on velocity instead of magnitude data is performed.

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Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is the most common type of focal epilepsy. It is frequently associated with abnormal MRI findings, which are caused by underlying cellular, structural, and chemical changes at the micro-scale. In the current study, it is investigated to which extent these alterations correspond to imaging features detected by high resolution magnetic resonance imaging in the intrahippocampal kainate mouse model of MTLE.

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The minimal neural correlate of the conscious state, regardless of the neural activity correlated with the ever-changing contents of experience, has still not been identified. Different attempts have been made, mainly by comparing the normal waking state to seemingly unconscious states, such as deep sleep or general anesthesia. A more direct approach would be the neuroscientific investigation of conscious states that are experienced as free of any specific phenomenal content.

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Purpose: To improve the reconstruction efficiency (i.e., computational load) and stability of iterative reconstruction for non-Cartesian fMRI when using high undersampling rates and/or in the presence of strong off-resonance effects.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to introduce a novel design method of a shim coil array specifically optimized for whole brain shimming and to compare the performance of the resulting coils to conventional spherical harmonic shimming.

Methods: The proposed design approach is based on the stream function method and singular value decomposition. Eighty-four field maps from 12 volunteers measured in seven different head positions were used during the design process.

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Objective: Simultaneous electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging recording (EEG-fMRI) has been widely used in neuroscientific and clinical research. The artifacts in the recorded EEG resulting from rapidly switching magnetic field gradients are usually corrected by average-artifact subtraction (AAS) due to their repetitive nature. But the performance of AAS is often disrupted by altered artifact waveforms across epochs, notably due to head motion.

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