Publications by authors named "Piccolo C"

The "One Health and Citizen Science" (OHCS) project aims to provide an integrated intervention model useful for characterising the state of environmental quality, assessing population exposure to pollutants, investigating the association between environmental risk factors and health outcomes, and measuring the impacts associated with contamination and remediation scenarios. In pursuing this objective, the activation of participatory pathways and the use of risk communication strategies are envisaged.Within the OHCS project, training and discussion meetings were planned on a number of issues deemed central.

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The area known as Piana di Venafro is situated between the Mainarde and Matese massifs in the extreme western Region of Molise (Southern Italy). This valley was formerly designated as Campania felix, a moniker derived from the global esteem in which its crops were held. Nowadays, the valley is traversed by numerous high-volume thoroughfares, rendering it challenging to maintain the designation of felix.

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Spondylodiscitis is an infection of the intervertebral disc, the adjacent vertebral body, and/or contiguous structures due to the introduction of infectious agent, usually by the hematogenous route. Imaging is crucial in assessing bacterial and tubercular spondylodiscitis, as well as their associated complications. Magnetic resonance imaging in particular can clearly depict osteo-structural changes in the vertebral body and the associated disc, as well as any soft-tissue complications, such as paravertebral abscess and/or epidural abscess, improving disease characterization and helping to recognize the agent involved.

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: To evaluate the correlation between radiomic features extracted from contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) tumor lesions and peritumoral background with prognostic factors in breast cancer (BC). : In this retrospective, single-center study, 134 women with histologically confirmed breast cancer underwent CEM examination. Radiomic features were extracted from manually segmented lesions and lesion contours were automatically delineated using PyRadiomics.

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Objective: Renal Tumor biopsy (RTB) can assist clinicians in determining the most suitable approach for treatment of renal cancer. However, RTB's limitations in accurately determining histology and grading have hindered its broader adoption and data on the concordance rate between RTB results and final pathology after surgery are unavailable. Therefore, we aimed to develop a machine learning algorithm to optimize RTB technique and to investigate the degree of concordance between RTB and surgical pathology reports.

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  • A new metal tube-in-manifold capillary column device has been developed to address common issues in capillary liquid chromatography (LC) separations.
  • Initial tests using sub-3 μm core-shell particles showed high efficiency with over 47,000 plates/m for separations in this device.
  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling confirmed the experimental results but needs more refinement to improve the prediction accuracy of separation efficiencies.*
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Purpose: One of the advantages of integrating automated processes in treatment planning is the reduction of manual planning variability. This study aims to assess whether a deep-learning-based auto-planning solution can also reduce the contouring variation-related impact on the planned dose for early-breast cancer treatment.

Methods: Auto- and manual plans were optimized for 20 patients using both auto- and manual OARs, including both lungs, right breast, heart, and left-anterior-descending (LAD) artery.

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Contrast Enhanced Spectral Mammography (CESM) is a dual-energy mammographic imaging technique that first requires intravenously administering an iodinated contrast medium. Then, it collects both a low-energy image, comparable to standard mammography, and a high-energy image. The two scans are combined to get a recombined image showing contrast enhancement.

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Electronic system control of analytical instrumentation remains a critical aspect of modern measurement science. Within the field of liquid chromatography (LC), this is especially relevant for automation, module operation, detection, data acquisition, and data analysis. Increasingly, home-built analytical tools used for liquid-phase separations rely upon open-source microcontrollers and single-board computers to aid in simplifying these operations.

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Breast cancer, a major contributor to female mortality globally, presents challenges in detection, prompting exploration beyond digital mammography. Contrast-Enhanced Mammography (CEM), integrating morphological and functional information, emerges as a promising alternative, offering advantages in cost-effectiveness and reduced anxiety compared to MRI. This study investigates CEM's correlation with breast cancer prognostic factors, encompassing histology, grade, and molecular markers.

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CEM-guided breast biopsy is an advanced diagnostic procedure that takes advantage of the ability of CEM to enhance suspicious breast lesions. The aim pf this paper is to describe a single-center retrospective experience on CEM-guided breast biopsy in terms of procedural features and histological outcomes. 69 patients underwent the procedure.

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Obesity is an established risk factor for cancer. However, conventional measures like body mass index lack precision in assessing specific tissue quantities, particularly of the two primary abdominal fat compartments, visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT). Computed tomography (CT) stands as the gold standard for precisely quantifying diverse tissue types.

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  • Recent studies focus on using AI models to detect and predict lymph node involvement in prostate cancer, aiming to improve patient outcomes and reduce surgical risks.
  • A review of 16 relevant studies evaluated their methodological quality, finding that MRI-based AI models have similar accuracy to traditional prediction methods, while CT and PET-CT models show strong diagnostic capabilities.
  • While AI models demonstrate potential in predicting lymph node metastasis, the studies had limitations including retrospective designs and small sample sizes, highlighting the need for further research to improve these tools.
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Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a common chronic condition among the elderly population that significantly affects the quality of life. Imaging is crucial in the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of KOA. This manuscript reviews the various imaging modalities available until now, with a little focus on the recent developments with Artificial Intelligence.

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Lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum (LHIS) is a benign cardiac mass determined by abnormal deposition of adipose tissue in the interatrial septum. The quantitative relationship between LHIS and visceral adiposity has not been explored to date.In this retrospective study, three groups of consecutive patients undergoing CT imaging were enrolled: L + with LHIS, L- without LHIS, and LO- without both LHIS and history of malignancies.

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Background And Purpose: Automation in radiotherapy treatment planning aims to improve both the quality and the efficiency of the process. The aim of this study was to report on a clinical implementation of a Deep Learning (DL) auto-planning model for left-sided breast cancer.

Materials And Methods: The DL model was developed for left-sided breast simultaneous integrated boost treatments under deep-inspiration breath-hold.

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  • Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is a common reason for hospitalizations in children with sickle cell disease (SCD), but knowledge about its best treatment practices is still lacking in many areas.
  • A retrospective study examined ACS management in kids from 11 centers in Italy from 2013 to 2018, involving 122 children and 208 ACS episodes.
  • The findings showed that while adherence to treatment guidelines was generally good, there were significant differences in care between specialized centers and general hospitals; thus, improvements in transfer protocols and treatment methods are needed.
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This paper presents part of a wider research project called TRESCA[1] which aims to develop trust in science through the innovation of communication practices. Connected with the topic of trust in sciences, in terms of the credibility and reliability of scientific information, a part of the project was dedicated to the assessment of the explanatory power of two main elements of communication: audio and video. Particular attention was given to how these two elements relate to the perception of citizens, mediating with the latent imaginaries, emotional charges and value judgements that are the basis of the framing of relevant news, and thus with the ability of people to distinguish between correct and false communication.

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Recent major health shocks, such as the 2014-16 Ebola, the Zika outbreak, and, last but not least, the COVID-19 pandemic, have strongly contributed to drawing attention to the issue of resilience in the healthcare domain. Nevertheless, the scientific literature appears fragmented, creating difficulties in developing incremental research in this relevant managerial field.To fill this gap, this systematic literature review aims to provide a clear state of the art of the literature dealing with resilience in healthcare.

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Systemic vasculitides comprise a group of autoimmune diseases affecting blood vessels. [18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) plays an important role in the diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of vasculitides affecting large-sized and medium-sized vessels. FDG-PET/CT also provides complementary information to other vascular imaging tools.

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Emitter tip arrays for electrospray ionization have been used for a variety of MS sample introduction purposes, including detection of multiple sample eluent streams and improved accuracy through parallel infusion of an internal standard. User control is typically required for targeted application of high voltage to specific channels to maximize analyte signal and minimize other background signals. In this communication, an automated approach to applying electrospray voltage only when a detectable analyte is present is described.

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Aim: To evaluate the role of lung ultrasound (LUS) in recognizing lung abnormalities in pregnant women affected by COVID-19 pneumonia.

Materials And Methods: An observational study analyzing LUS patterns in 60 consecutively enrolled pregnant women affected by COVID-19 infection was performed. LUS was performed by using a standardized protocol by Soldati et al.

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Background: For selected women diagnosed with breast cancer (BC), partial reconstructive techniques involve displacement or replacement procedures to improve cosmesis without compromising oncological safety. This study aims to evaluate the surgical outcomes of the round block (RB) compared with the subaxillary flap (SF) technique for patients with upper outer tumor.

Patients And Methods: Thirty-three patients treated with oncoplastic conserving surgery (15 RB and 18 SF) were enrolled in this retrospective study.

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Lung cancer accounts for more deaths worldwide than any other cancer disease. In order to provide patients with the most effective treatment for these aggressive tumours, multimodal learning is emerging as a new and promising field of research that aims to extract complementary information from the data of different modalities for prognostic and predictive purposes. This knowledge could be used to optimise current treatments and maximise their effectiveness.

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