Background: Parastomal hernia or bulging is a long-recognised complication in relation to a stoma. Around half of patients develop a parastomal bulge and up to 75% experience symptoms. Only a minority is offered surgical treatment; thus, most patients manage the bulge on their own or by interventions provided by stoma care nurses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDue to visiting restrictions at intensive care units during the COVID-19 pandemic, a digital video technology was developed and implemented. This study evaluated the use of digital visits at four intensive care units after COVID-19. Nurses' use of the technology and managerial perspectives on implementation were examined in an explanatory sequential mixed-methods study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Critically ill patients experience cognitive impairment throughout their intensive care unit trajectory, in the acute phase and the long-term alike. Cognitive impairment may negatively impact patients' quality of life and rehabilitation outcomes.
Aim: To provide an overall examination of literature concerning non-pharmacological interventions that can enhance cognitive functioning in critically ill patients or facilitate their rehabilitation pathway during and after their intensive care unit stay.
Objectives: To estimate the prevalence and severity of patient-reported physical and non-physical harm following surgery cancellation.
Design: Cross-sectional study.
Setting: A large Danish university hospital.
Background: Clinical nursing care is an essential element in pediatric oncology. The body of research interventions targeting pediatric oncology patients and their families has grown in recent years. However, no reviews are currently available on nursing interventions for pediatric oncology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To identify the existing literature on experiences of living with adult-onset myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) from people with adult-onset DM1, their caregivers and health care professionals.
Materials And Methods: Following the framework of Arksey and O'Malley, a literature search was performed in five databases in October-November 2022. An updated search was conducted in December 2023.
Background: Evidence for music's beneficial effect on physical and mental disorders is mounting. Intensive care unit (ICU) patients experience multiple uncomfortable symptoms, which may be alleviated using a music-based intervention. Few studies have examined the experience and the physical impact of patient-tailored live music offered by trained health musicians in an adult ICU.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Qual Stud Health Well-being
December 2024
Background: The growing number of lightly or non-sedated patients who are critically ill means that more patients experience the noisy and stressful environment. Live music may create positive and meaningful moments.
Purpose: To explore non-sedated patients' experiences of patient-tailored live music interventions in the intensive care unit.
Aim: To explore the practice of mobilisation of conscious and mechanically ventilated patients and the interaction between patients, nurses and physiotherapists.
Background: Long-term consequences of critical illness can be reduced by mobilisation starting in Intensive Care Units, but implementation in clinical practice is presently sparse.
Design: A qualitative study with a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach.
Objectives: This concept analysis aimed to clarify the meaning of the concept of cognitive impairment in critically ill patients throughout the trajectory of their rehabilitation during and after an intensive care unit admission.
Review Methods Used: This study used concept analysis based on Rodgers' evolutionary method.
Data Sources: A systematic search was conducted in Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Public MEDLINE, and American Psychological Associations PsycINFO.
Objectives: Nurses hold a key position in identifying symptoms and initiating preventive strategies for cognitive impairment in delirious and non-delirious intensive care unit patients. However, it remains unclear whether nurses consider cognitive impairment as a distinct concern from delirium. By understanding nurses' perspectives, we may identify barriers and facilitators in caring for patients with cognitive challenges in the intensive care unit.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Qual Stud Health Well-being
December 2023
Purpose: When a burn injured child is discharged from hospital to its home, the responsibility for the after-care treatment is transferred to the parent(s). A knowledge gap exists concerning how parents experience caring for a burn-injured child at home after discharge. The aim is to gain an in-depth understanding of parents' lived experience of living with and caring for their burn-injured child in a home setting.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To gain an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of mobilisation when conscious and mechanically ventilated patients are mobilised in the intensive care unit.
Design: A qualitative study with a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach. Data were generated in three intensive care units from September 2019 to March 2020.
Objective: This scoping review will identify and map available nursing interventions provided by pediatric oncology hospital services to pediatric patients with cancer and/or their family members. The aim is to develop a comprehensive overview of the characteristics of nursing interventions and to identify potential knowledge gaps.
Introduction: Clinical nursing care is an essential part of pediatric oncology.
Aim: To explore and gain knowledge of the experiences and needs among patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) of their decision-making processes whether to choose invasive home mechanical ventilation or not.
Design: A qualitative study.
Methods: A phenomenological-hermeneutic approach influenced by Ricoeur's interpretation theory was used.
Background: Early mobilisation of mechanically ventilated patients during their stay at an intensive care unit (ICU) can improve physical recovery. Yet, an objective and specified description of physical activities while in the ICU is lacking. Therefore, our aim was to describe the objectively assessed type, quantity, and daily variation of physical activity among mechanically ventilated patients while in the ICU.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Fatigue is an immense problem among patients undergoing haemodialysis and is associated with anxiety and depression. Live music used in different hospital settings has shown promising effects, but the feasibility and potential effectiveness of live music during haemodialysis are unknown.
Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility, the participants' musical experience and potential effectiveness of live music on patients' levels of fatigue, relaxation, anxiety, depression, treatment satisfaction and work engagement among nurses.
Aims: The aim of this study was to perform a concept analysis of communication with mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care units and present a preliminary model for communication practice with these patients.
Design: The Im & Meleis approach for concept analysis guided the study.
Search Methods: A literature search was performed in January 2022 in MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, psycINFO and Scopus, limited to 1998-2022.
Background: Although people receiving invasive home mechanical ventilation through a tracheostomy are facing both physical and mental health challenges, healthcare services often focus mainly on physical symptoms. To ensure well-functioning treatment and care for people receiving tracheostomy ventilation in a home setting, their mental health needs to be promoted and seen as an integral part of their health in general.
Objective: This scoping review aimed to provide a summary of the current knowledge on the mental health of people receiving invasive home mechanical ventilation through a tracheostomy.
Background: Communication with patients and relatives can be a challenge in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting because of the acute and critical situation. However, when caring for patients with infectious diseases like COVID-19, nurses' communication is challenged further due to the required use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and mandatory isolation regimes.
Aim: To explore nurses' experiences of communicating while wearing PPE during COVID-19 isolation precautions in the ICU.
The aim of this hermeneutic-phenomenological study was to explore the perspectives of 12 patients, 17 nurses, and 4 musicians on patient-tailored live music interventions in a hemodialysis setting. Twenty-six semi-structured interviews were collected-17 with patients, 9 with nurses. Furthermore, 18 moderate participation observations, whilst 1 semi-structured group interview with 3 nurses and 3 musicians, and 13 reflective journals from musicians were collected.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Treatment with modern technology in an intensive care unit has increased critical illness survival. However, many patients are affected by their critical illness for months or years following discharge, as they experience cognitive impairments. Long-term cognitive impairments can severely affect patients' quality of life.
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