Background: Little is known regarding the cardiovascular disease risk factors among Chamorros residing in the United States.
Methods: The Chamorro Directory International and the CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Questionnaire (BRFSS) were used to assess the health related practices and needs of a random sample of 228 Chamorros.
Results: Inactivity, hypertension, elevated cholesterol and diabetes mellitus were more prevalent in this Chamorro sample compared to the US average.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the diabetes risk status, incidence, and morbidity within San Diego's Chamorro community as a foundation to help community leaders and health care providers create culturally customized health promotion interventions.
Methods: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey was used to query a randomly selected, convenience sample of San Diego Chamorros (N = 228) drawn from the Chamorro Directory International. Based on individual survey responses, participants were mailed personalized health-promoting information.
Background: Little is known about the health of Chamorros residing in the United States.
Method: The CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System was used to assess cancer-related behavioral risk factors in San Diego's Chamorro men, and the Chamorro Directory International was used to recruit them.
Results: Of the 100 Chamorro men, 19% smoked, 38.