Objectives: To evaluate whether the amount of rapid maxillary expansion differentially affects the skeletal and dentoalveolar changes that occur.
Materials And Methods: This randomized controlled trial included 23 patients who had rapid maxillary expansion (RME). Subjects were randomly assigned to a conventional expansion control group (n = 12) or an overexpansion group (n = 11), who started treatment at 13.
Objectives: To evaluate the preventive effects of different time intervals between repeated applications of the CPP-ACP fluoride varnish on enamel demineralization.
Methods: Human teeth were sectioned and randomly allocated to three groups: 4-week, 6-week, and 12-week (N = 22/group). Baseline images of the enamel surfaces were obtained using the FluoreCam recording the area, intensity, and impact of baseline enamel demineralization.
Objectives: To quantify differences in the etch quality of enamel within and between human teeth, which has not previously been attempted.
Materials And Methods: The buccal right and left halves of 27 extracted human teeth were randomly allocated to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or micro-computed tomography (μCT) for evaluation. The buccal surfaces were pumiced, etched with 37% phosphoric acid gel etchant for 15 seconds, rinsed, and air dried.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
March 2021
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of 2 extraction patterns on incisor and molar movements in patients with growing Class II Division 1.
Methods: The sample included 54 patients 10-17 years of age treated by 2 private practice orthodontists using Tweed directional force mechanics, 4 premolar extractions, J-hook headgears, and Class II elastics or Saif springs. The sample was divided on the basis of having maxillary and mandibular first premolars (4/4) or maxillary first and mandibular second premolars (4/5) extracted.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
April 2020
Introduction: This experimental study was designed to (1) produce buccal translation of maxillary premolars and (2) evaluate the effects on the buccal alveolar bone.
Methods: A randomized split-mouth study was designed based on 7 adult male beagle dogs. The experimental side received a custom cantilever appliance fabricated to produce a translatory force through the maxillary second premolar's center of resistance.
Objective: To determine whether apical base size is related to dental crowding.
Materials And Methods: Digital scans of dental casts were taken of 75 untreated Class I adults to measure maxillary and mandibular tooth size, dental arch perimeters, intermolar widths, and intercanine widths. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images were used to measure the apical base of the maxilla and mandible, including the total cross-sectional area, five basal arch perimeters and five basal arch widths.
J Investig Clin Dent
November 2019
Aim: To determine whether caries risk factors, including cariogenic bacterial levels and salivary function, can be used to identify orthodontic patients who develop white spot lesions (WSL).
Methods: This prospective case-control study comprised 50 patients 11-17 years of age, including 25 controls and 25 cases who developed new WSL during treatment. WSL, oral hygiene and fluorosis were evaluated from intraoral photographs.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
June 2019
Introduction: The aim of this work was to determine how far the effects of micro-osteoperforations (MOPs) extend within bone by quantifying the damage caused and the short-term bony adaptations that occur in and around the injury site.
Methods: With the use of a split-mouth design, 34 MOPs (Propel) were randomly placed in the mandibular furcal bone of 13 beagle dogs either 2 or 4 weeks before killing them. The control side received no treatment.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
May 2019
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine how micro-osteoperforations (MOPs) affect tooth movements, bone turnover, bone density, and bone volume.
Methods: A split-mouth experimental design with 7 beagle dogs was used to evaluate bone surrounding maxillary second premolars that had been retracted for 7 weeks. One month after the maxillary third premolars were extracted, 8 MOPs (1.
Objectives: To determine if posterior dental intrusion produces stable orthodontic and orthopedic corrections in growing retrognathic hyperdivergent patients.
Materials And Methods: The sample included 14 subjects (five males and nine females), who were 13.4 ± 0.
Aim: The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of carbon dioxide (CO ) laser and casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP)fluoride varnish on enamel demineralization.
Methods: Human teeth were randomly assigned to three groups. The enamel was treated with fluoride varnish, 10.
Objective: To determine whether automated text messages sent daily to adolescent orthodontic patients improves oral hygiene more than weekly reminders.
Materials And Methods: A blinded, prospective, randomized controlled trial was designed to evaluate the effects of automated messages on oral hygiene. Subjects were recruited from patients undergoing orthodontic treatment at the Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics.
Objectives: To test how long casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) fluoride varnish prevents enamel demineralization in vitro.
Materials And Methods: Human molars and premolars were sectioned buccolingually and randomly assigned to two groups. Standardized pretreatment images of enamel surfaces were obtained using FluoreCam.
Objectives: To determine the relative effects of Herbst appliance therapy in hypo- and hyperdivergent patients.
Materials And Methods: The treated group included 45 growing Class II, division 1, patients treated with stainless steel crown Herbst appliances, followed by fixed edgewise appliances. The untreated control group consisted of 45 Class II, division 1, subjects, matched to the treated sample based on Angle classification, age, sex, and pretreatment mandibular plane angle (MPA).
Aim: The clinical significance of acid etching prior to orthodontic bonding is controversial. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of 15 seconds of acid etching on enamel demineralization.
Methods: Twenty-seven human molars were sectioned and assigned to two groups.
Objective: To evaluate differences in discomfort levels between patients treated with aligners and traditional fixed orthodontic appliances.
Materials And Methods: This blinded, prospective, randomized equivalence two-arm parallel trial allocated 41 adult Class I nonextraction patients to either traditional fixed appliance (6 males and 12 females) or aligner (11 males and 12 females) treatment. Patients completed daily discomfort diaries following their initial treatment appointment, after 1 month and after 2 months.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
July 2017
Introduction: Our objective was to determine whether the elevation of a full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap alone, without cortical cuts, decreases the amount of bone around teeth and accelerates mesial tooth movements.
Methods: The mandibular second premolars of 7 beagle dogs were extracted, and on a randomly selected side, a full-thickness mucoperiosteal buccal flap extending from the distal aspect of the third premolar to the mesial aspect of the first premolar was elevated. The other side did not receive flap surgery.
Aim: In the present study, we tested the reliability and validity of a new light fluorescence device, the FluoreCam.
Methods: Twenty-five human teeth were sectioned mesiodistally into halves. Group 1 (n=30) included specimens with either sound enamel or natural white-spot lesions (WSL).
Introduction: A randomized split-mouth experiment was performed in dogs to determine the effects of bone grafting, together with corticotomies and buccal tooth movements, on dehiscence formation.
Methods: Bilateral full-thickness mucoperiosteal buccal flaps were raised, and corticotomies were performed with a piezosurgery unit adjacent to the maxillary second premolars in 7 dogs. The experimental (graft+) side received a demineralized freeze-dried allograph and a resorbable collagen membrane.
Aim: The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness and practicality of two commonly-used protocols for white spot lesion creation.
Methods: Sound posterior human teeth were sectioned into halves and randomly allocated into two groups (n=20). Using the FluoreCam system, the enamel surfaces were imaged under standardized conditions, and baseline data (area, intensity, and impact) were recorded.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
May 2017
Introduction: This study was designed to evaluate the long-term prevalence of gingival recession after orthodontic tooth movements, focusing on the effects of mandibular incisor proclination and expansion of maxillary posterior teeth.
Methods: Records of 205 patients (162 female, 43 male) were obtained from 2 private practice orthodontists. Using pretreatment (age, 14.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
December 2016
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of longitudinal flutes on miniscrew implant (MSI) stability and bone healing.
Methods: Using 11 skeletally mature New Zealand white rabbits, we placed 31 longitudinally fluted and 31 nonfluted, 3-mm-long MSIs in standardized positions in their calvaria and immediately loaded them with 100 g using nickel-titanium coil springs. Insertion torque values were obtained for each MSI placed; removal torque values were obtained for 28 MSIs that had been in place for 6 weeks and 20 MSIs that had been in place for 2 weeks.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
August 2016
Introduction: In this study, we experimentally evaluated whether complex, mature sutures can be separated using skeletal anchorage and light, continuous forces.
Methods: Twelve adult, 8- to 9-month-old female New Zealand white rabbits were randomly assigned to 1 control group and 2 experimental groups. Open-coil nickel-titanium springs delivered constant forces of 100 g across the sagittal suture to miniscrew implants placed bilaterally in the frontal bone.
Objective: To produce buccal translation and determine whether buccal bone forms on the cortical surfaces.
Materials And Methods: Eleven patients requiring maxillary first premolar extractions participated in this prospective, randomized, split-mouth study. Pre- and posttreatment records included models, photographs, and small field of view CBCT images.