Publications by authors named "Philippe E Raison"

Cubic fluorite-type phases have been reported in the U(IV)O2-Bi2O3 system for the entire compositional range, but an unusual non-linear variation of the lattice parameter with uranium substitution has been observed. In the current extensive investigation of the uranium(iv) oxide-bismuth(iii) oxide system, this behaviour of the lattice parameter evolution with composition has been confirmed and its origin identified. Even under inert atmosphere at 800 °C, U(IV) oxidises to U(V)/U(VI) as a function of the substitution degree.

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The charge distributions in α-Na2UO4, Na3NpO4, α-Na2NpO4, Na4NpO5, Na5NpO6, Na2PuO3, Na4PuO5, and Na5PuO6 are investigated in this work using X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the U-L3, Np-L3, and Pu-L3 edges. In addition, a Rietveld refinement of monoclinic Na2PuO3, in space group C2/c, is reported for the first time, and the existence of the isostructural Na2NpO3 phase is revealed. In contrast to measurements in solution, the number of published XANES data for neptunium and plutonium solid phases with a valence state higher than IV is very limited.

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The physical and chemical properties at low temperatures of hexavalent disodium neptunate α-Na2NpO4 are investigated for the first time in this work using Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity measurements. The Np(VI) valence state is confirmed by the isomer shift value of the Mössbauer spectra, and the local structural environment around the neptunium cation is related to the fitted quadrupole coupling constant and asymmetry parameters. Moreover, magnetic hyperfine splitting is reported below 12.

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  • Research was conducted on Na4NpO5 and Na5NpO6, compounds containing neptunium, using various analytical techniques like X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy.
  • The structure of Na4NpO5 is tetragonal (I4/m) while Na5NpO6 is monoclinic (C2/m), both refined through the Rietveld method for the first time.
  • The study confirmed the neptunium oxidation states (Np(VI) in Na4NpO5 and Np(VII) in Na5NpO6) and indicated no magnetic ordering in Na4NpO5, though a specific heat anomaly was noted at low temperatures.
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The crystal structure of trisodium uranate, which forms following the interaction between sodium and hyperstoichiometric urania, has been solved for the first time using powder X-ray and neutron diffraction, X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy, and solid-state (23)Na multiquantum magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance. The compound, isostructural with Na3BiO4, has monoclinic symmetry, in space group P2/c. Moreover, it has been shown that this structure can accommodate some cationic disorder, with up to 16(2)% sodium on the uranium site, corresponding to the composition α-Na3(U1-x,Nax)O4 (0 < x < 0.

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  • The AnP(2)O(7) diphosphates, involving actinide elements like Th, U, Np, and Pu, were synthesized through different methods based on the stability of the An(IV) cation in unique octahedral structures.
  • Advanced techniques such as synchrotron and X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and (31)P NMR indicate the formation of a new diphosphate family, possibly related to CeP(2)O(7).
  • At high temperatures, these compounds exhibit a cubic structure but show a slight triclinic distortion at room temperature due to the ordering of P(2)O(7) units, leading to complex thermal
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The new compound SrNp(PO(4))(2) (orthorhombic Cmca) has been synthesized by a solid-state reaction and its crystal structure solved ab initio and refined by Rietveld analysis. Though chemically and structurally related to the cheralite CaTh(PO(4))(2), SrNp(PO(4))(2) shows alternate layers of SrO(10) and NpO(8) polyhedra instead of a disordered array of 9-fold polyhedra. Raman and IR spectroscopic measurements also account for ordered cations.

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