This study addresses soil contamination in vegetated road shoulders with diffuse inflow of runoff. It aims (i) to characterize the spatial distribution of three metals (copper, lead, zinc) and PAHs, and (ii) to identify influencing factors for the inter-site differences. An extensive sampling campaign was carried out on forty road segments in the Paris region, targeting various distances and soil depths.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmong the processes governing contaminant retention in soil-based Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), quantifying the relative contribution of particle settling and filtration requires a tracer of runoff-generated solids. Since zirconium (Zr) is a widely used geochemical invariant in pedological approaches, with few anthropogenic sources, the present investigation aims to assess whether its use may be extended to sediment identification in SUDS. High-resolution horizontal and vertical soil sampling was carried out in 11 infiltration systems, as well as in road-deposited sediment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRoad runoff is contaminated by various micropollutants and may be treated using low impact development techniques, such as stormwater biofilters. Better understanding the processes, such as filtration, sorption and leaching, which affect pollutants in these systems is essential to reliably predicting treatment performance and optimizing system design. Field data from an in situ monitoring campaign, wherein dissolved and particulate concentrations of a wide range of micropollutants (trace metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, bisphenol-A, alkylphenols and phthalates) were characterized in untreated road runoff and biofilter outlets for 19 rain events, are used to explore transport and retention processes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe treatment efficiency of a vegetative filter strip and a biofiltration swale treating heavily loaded road runoff are evaluated. Concentrations measured in water drained from the two systems are compared to those in untreated road runoff collected from a reference catchment for a wide range of contaminants including organic carbon, nutrients (N and P), trace metals, and organic micropollutants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), alkylphenols, bisphenol-A, phthalates), in both total and dissolved phases. Predominantly particulate pollutants, including Pb, Zn and PAH, were very efficiently removed (around 90%) for most events.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to determine the relative importance of a vegetative filter strip and a biofiltration swale in a treatment train for road runoff, US EPA Storm Water Management Model was used to model infiltration and runoff from the filter strip. The model consisted of a series of subcatchments representing the road, the filter strip and the side-slopes of the swale. Simulations were carried out for different rain scenarios representing a variety of climatic conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStormwater runoff infiltration brings about some concerns regarding its potential impact on both soil and groundwater quality; besides, the fate of contaminants in source-control devices somewhat suffers from a lack of documentation. The present study was dedicated to assessing the spatial distribution of three heavy metals (copper, lead, zinc) in the surface soil of ten small-scale infiltration facilities, along with several physical parameters (soil moisture, volatile matter, variable thickness of the upper horizon). High-resolution samplings and in-situ measurements were undertaken, followed by X-ray fluorescence analyses and spatial interpolation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to be a relevant indicator of exposure towards teratogenic stressors, morphological defects should not be passed on to the next generation. In this study, we compare morphological variations in Chironomids collected from a contaminated river stretch with those of their progeny, reared in uncontaminated sediment under laboratory conditions. We focused on mentum defects (deformities, fluctuating asymmetry and mean shape change), measured by geometric morphometrics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe first record of urban speleothems used to reconstruct the history of heavy metal pollution of shallow groundwaters is presented. Two speleothems grew during the last 300 years in an underground aqueduct in the north-eastern part of Paris. They display high Pb, Mn V, Cu, Cd and Al concentrations since 1900 due to the urbanization of the site which triggered anthropogenic contamination of the water feeding the speleothems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLaboratory studies have sometimes failed to detect a relationship between toxic stress and morphological defects in invertebrates. Several hypotheses have been proposed to account for this lack of effect. (1) It was suggested that only a combination of stressful conditions - rather than a single one - would affect the phenotype.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the present study was to assess the potential use of biochemical markers and mentum deformities as indicators of long-term exposure to lead (Pb) in Chironomus riparius larvae. To do this, the authors measured 3 biochemical markers (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDeformities and fluctuating asymmetry in chironomid larvae have been proposed as sensitive indicators of biological stress and are commonly used to assess the ecological impact of human activities. In particular, they have been associated in Chironomus riparius, the most commonly used species, with heavy metal and pesticide river pollution. In this study, the effect of lead and 4-nonylphenol on mouthpart morphological variation of Chironomus riparius larvae was investigated by traditional and geometric morphometrics.
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