Metamaterials have revolutionized wave control; in the last two decades, they evolved from passive devices via programmable devices to sensor-endowed self-adaptive devices realizing a user-specified functionality. Although deep-learning techniques play an increasingly important role in metamaterial inverse design, measurement post-processing and end-to-end optimization, their role is ultimately still limited to approximating specific mathematical relations; the metamaterial is still limited to serving as proxy of a human operator, realizing a predefined functionality. Here, we propose and experimentally prototype a paradigm shift toward a metamaterial agent (coined metaAgent) endowed with reasoning and cognitive capabilities enabling the autonomous planning and successful execution of diverse long-horizon tasks, including electromagnetic (EM) field manipulations and interactions with robots and humans.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAcross diverse domains of science and technology, electromagnetic (EM) inversion problems benefit from the ability to account for multimodal prior information to regularize their inherent ill-posedness. Indeed, besides priors that are formulated mathematically or learned from quantitative data, valuable prior information may be available in the form of text or images. Besides handling semantic multimodality, it is furthermore important to minimize the cost of adapting to a new physical measurement operator and to limit the requirements for costly labeled data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSolving ill-posed inverse problems typically requires regularization based on prior knowledge. To date, only prior knowledge that is formulated mathematically (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMetasurface-programmable radio environments are considered a key ingredient of next-generation wireless networks. Yet, identifying a metasurface configuration that yields a desired wireless functionality in an unknown complex environment was so far only achieved with closed-loop iterative feedback schemes. Here, we introduce open-loop wave control in metasurface-programmable complex media by estimating the parameters of a compact physics-based forward model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpeech recognition becomes increasingly important in the modern society, especially for human-machine interactions, but its deployment is still severely thwarted by the struggle of machines to recognize voiced commands in challenging real-life settings: oftentimes, ambient noise drowns the acoustic sound signals, and walls, face masks or other obstacles hide the mouth motion from optical sensors. To address these formidable challenges, an experimental prototype of a microwave speech recognizer empowered by programmable metasurface is presented here that can remotely recognize human voice commands and speaker identities even in noisy environments and if the speaker's mouth is hidden behind a wall or face mask. The programmable metasurface is the pivotal hardware ingredient of the system because its large aperture and huge number of degrees of freedom allows the system to perform a complex sequence of sensing tasks, orchestrated by artificial-intelligence tools.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent successes in deep learning for vision and natural language processing are attributed to larger models but come with energy consumption and scalability issues. Current training of digital deep-learning models primarily relies on backpropagation that is unsuitable for physical implementation. In this work, we propose a simple deep neural network architecture augmented by a physical local learning (PhyLL) algorithm, which enables supervised and unsupervised training of deep physical neural networks without detailed knowledge of the nonlinear physical layer's properties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSymmetries and tunability are of fundamental importance in wave scattering control, but symmetries are often obvious upon visual inspection, which constitutes a significant vulnerability of metamaterial wave devices to reverse-engineering risks. Here, it is theoretically and experimentally shown that a symmetry in the reduced basis of the "primary meta-atoms" that are directly connected to the outside world is sufficient; meanwhile, a suitable topology of non-local interactions between them, mediated by the internal "secondary" meta-atoms, can hide the symmetry from sight in the canonical basis. Covert symmetry-based scattering control in a cable-network metamaterial featuring a hidden parity ( ) symmetry in combination with hidden- -symmetry-preserving and hidden- -symmetry-breaking tuning mechanisms is experimentally demonstrated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntelligent indoor robotics is expected to rapidly gain importance in crucial areas of our modern society such as at-home health care and factories. Yet, existing mobile robots are limited in their ability to perceive and respond to dynamically evolving complex indoor environments because of their inherently limited sensing and computing resources that are, moreover, traded off against their cruise time and payload. To address these formidable challenges, here we propose intelligent indoor metasurface robotics (I2MR), where all sensing and computing are relegated to a centralized robotic brain endowed with microwave perception; and I2MR's limbs (motorized vehicles, airborne drones, etc.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe demonstrate experimentally that reflectionless scattering modes (RSMs), a generalized version of coherent perfect absorption, can be functionalized to perform reflectionless programmable signal routing. We achieve versatile programmability both in terms of operating frequencies and routing functionality with negligible reflection upon in-coupling, which avoids unwanted signal power echoes in radio frequency or photonic networks. We report in situ observations of routing functionalities like wavelength demultiplexing, including cases where multichannel excitation requires adapted coherent input wavefronts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper introduces the concept of smart radio environments, currently intensely studied for wireless communication in metasurface-programmable meter-scaled environments (e.g., inside rooms), on the chip scale.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate experimentally and analytically the coalescence of reflectionless (RL) states in symmetric complex wave-scattering systems. We observe RL exceptional points (EPs), first with a conventional Fabry-Perot system for which the scattering strength within the system is tuned symmetrically and then with single- and multichannel symmetric disordered systems. We confirm that an EP of the parity-time (PT)-symmetric RL operator is obtained for two isolated quasinormal modes when the spacing between central frequencies is equal to the decay rate into incoming and outgoing channels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present wave-based signal differentiation with unprecedented fidelity and flexibility by purposefully perturbing overmoded random scattering systems such that zeros of their scattering matrices lie exactly at the desired locations on the real frequency axis. Our technique overcomes limitations of hitherto existing approaches based on few-mode systems, both regarding their extreme vulnerability to fabrication inaccuracies or environmental perturbations and their inability to maintain high fidelity under in-situ adaptability. We demonstrate our technique experimentally by placing a programmable metasurface with hundreds of degrees of freedom inside a 3D disordered metallic box.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnknown speckle patterns can be used to image targets embedded in complex scattering media 100 times faster than previous techniques based on carefully calibrated illuminations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe passive estimation of impulse responses from ambient noise correlations arouses increasing interest in seismology, acoustics, optics, and electromagnetism. Assuming the equipartition of the noise field, the cross-correlation function measured with noninvasive receiving probes converges towards the difference of the causal and anticausal Green's functions. Here, we consider the case when the receiving field probes are antennas which are well coupled to a complex medium-a scenario of practical relevance in electromagnetism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccessing subwavelength information about a scene from the far-field without invasive near-field manipulations is a fundamental challenge in wave engineering. Yet it is well understood that the dwell time of waves in complex media sets the scale for the waves' sensitivity to perturbations. Modern coded-aperture imagers leverage the degrees of freedom (d.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWavefront shaping (WFS) has emerged as a powerful tool to control the propagation of diverse wave phenomena (light, sound, microwaves, etc.) in disordered matter for applications including imaging, communication, energy transfer, micromanipulation, and scattering anomalies. Nonetheless, in practice the necessary coherent control of multiple input channels remains a vexing problem.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent demonstrations have shown that frequency-diverse computational imaging systems can greatly simplify conventional architectures developed for imaging by transferring constraints into the digital layer. Here, in order to limit the latency and processing burden involved in image reconstruction, we propose to truncate insignificant principal components of the sensing matrix that links the measurements to the scene to be imaged. In contrast to recent work using principle component analysis to synthesize scene illuminations, our generic approach is fully unsupervised and is applied directly to the sensing matrix.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElectromagnetic (EM) sensing is a widespread contactless examination technique with applications in areas such as health care and the internet of things. Most conventional sensing systems lack intelligence, which not only results in expensive hardware and complicated computational algorithms but also poses important challenges for real-time sensing. To address this shortcoming, we propose the concept of intelligent sensing by designing a programmable metasurface for data-driven learnable data acquisition and integrating it into a data-driven learnable data-processing pipeline.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider the efficiency of multiplexing spatially encoded information across random configurations of a metasurface-programmable chaotic cavity in the microwave domain. The distribution of the effective rank of the channel matrix is studied to quantify the channel diversity and to assess a specific system's performance. System-specific features such as unstirred field components give rise to nontrivial interchannel correlations and need to be properly accounted for in modeling based on random matrix theory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConventional wireless communication architecture, a backbone of our modern society, relies on actively generated carrier signals to transfer information, leading to important challenges including limited spectral resources and energy consumption. Backscatter communication systems, on the other hand, modulate an antenna's impedance to encode information into already existing waves but suffer from low data rates and a lack of information security. Here, we introduce the concept of massive backscatter communication which modulates the propagation environment of stray ambient waves with a programmable metasurface.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComplicated multipath trajectories of waves in disordered cavities cause object localization to be very challenging with traditional ray-tracing approaches. Yet it is known that information about the object position is encoded in the Green's function. After a calibration step, traditional time-reversal approaches retrieve a source's location from a broadband impulse response measurement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDetecting and analysing motion is a key feature of Smart Homes and the connected sensor vision they embrace. At present, most motion sensors operate in line-of-sight Doppler shift schemes. Here, we propose an alternative approach suitable for indoor environments, which effectively constitute disordered cavities for radio frequency (RF) waves; we exploit the fundamental sensitivity of modes of such cavities to perturbations, caused here by moving objects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElastic waves exhibit rich polarization characteristics absent in acoustic and electromagnetic waves. By designing a solid elastic metamaterial based on three-dimensional anisotropic locally resonant units, here we experimentally demonstrate polarization bandgaps together with exotic properties such as 'fluid-like' elasticity. We construct elastic rods with unusual vibrational properties, which we denote as 'meta-rods'.
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