Publications by authors named "Philip Kiely"

Background: Nucleic acid test window periods for HIV, HCV, and HBV facilitate estimation of the residual risk of unexpected disease transmission and assist clinicians in determining the timeframe in which a recently acquired infection is at risk of nondetection.

Objectives: Firstly, to provide revised estimates of the NAT window periods based on a currently used triplex NAT assay. Secondly, to examine their validity in organ donation and transplantation practice.

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  • The regulatory change allowing UK donors to contribute blood in Australia significantly increased donation numbers, with 38,462 UK donors participating and making 67,914 successful donations in just six months.
  • The study tracked these donations from the end of the deferral period on July 25, 2022, until January 24, 2023, and compared them to baseline metrics and predictions.
  • The findings revealed that the number of donations surpassed original estimates, suggesting that the shift brought in more donors who were willing to donate more frequently, helping meet 96% of the donation target.
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Unlabelled: Unexpected donor-derived infections of hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and HIV are rare but important potential complications of deceased organ transplantation. The prevalence of recently acquired (yield) infections has not been previously described in a national cohort of Australian deceased organ donors. Donor yield infections are of particularly significance, as they can be used to gain insights in the incidence of disease in the donor pool and in turn, estimate the risk of unexpected disease transmission to recipients.

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A widespread outbreak of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) was detected in mainland Australia in 2022 in a previous non-endemic area. Given JEV is known to be transfusion-transmissible, a rapid blood-safety risk assessment was performed using a simple deterministic model to estimate the risk to blood safety over a 3-month outbreak period during which 234,212 donors attended. The cumulative estimated incidence in donors was 82 infections with an estimated 4.

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Background: West Nile virus (WNV) is a potentially transfusion-transmissible virus endemic in the US. The aim of this study was to estimate the monthly WNV transfusion transmission (TT) risk in Australia associated with donors returning from the US in 2018 and consider the implications for mitigation strategies.

Study Design And Methods: We used a probabilistic risk model to estimate the monthly WNV TT risks for each outbreak state/district in the US for the 2018 transmission season and the cumulative monthly risk for all US states/districts.

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Background And Objectives: Most of the 233 worldwide cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) have been reported in the United Kingdom and 3 have been associated with transfusion-transmission. To mitigate the potential vCJD risk to blood safety, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood imposes restrictions on blood donation from people with prior residency in, or extended travel to, the United Kingdom during the risk period 1980-1996. We have modified a previously published methodology to estimate the transfusion-transmission risk of vCJD associated with fresh component transfusion in Australia if the UK residence deferral was removed.

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  • - SARS-CoV-2, identified in late 2019 and declared a pandemic in March 2020, has implications for blood safety as its blood phase is brief and low-level, with a low risk of transfusion transmission.
  • - About one-third of infections are asymptomatic, with the incubation period averaging 2 to 11 days; however, cases of detectable viral RNA in blood are rare and often linked to severe illness.
  • - To ensure blood supply sufficiency while reducing respiratory transmission, blood services can implement donor deferral policies and encourage staff vaccinations, as the risk of transfusion transmission remains theoretical at this time.
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Dialysis access steal syndrome is a well-recognised complication, affecting 1%-8% of all patients who undergo arteriovenous fistula formation particularly those that are brachial based. We present a case of ongoing steal syndrome following a DRIL procedure via retrograde flow in the ulnar artery. This was managed via a hybrid procedure and the use of an Amplatzer plug.

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Background: Occult hepatitis C infection (OCI) is a type of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, defined as the presence of HCV RNA in hepatocytes or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and the absence of HCV RNA in serum.

Study Design And Methods: A literature review was conducted to identify articles that characterized OCI as a disease, including its epidemiology, mode of transmission, pattern of infection, progression, and treatment.

Results: OCI patients experience a milder degree of inflammatory and cirrhotic changes than patients with chronic hepatitis C.

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Background And Objectives: Based on the Council of Europe directive which dictates regulatory requirements in Australia, blood donors are currently deferred from donating for 4 months after an endoscopic procedure if either polyps were removed or a biopsy sample was taken. We aimed to assess the incidence of blood-borne viruses (BBVs) (HIV, hepatitis B and C) in blood donors who donated after an endoscopic procedure and evaluate the risk to blood safety through risk modelling.

Materials And Methods: Donors from 1/1/2013 to 31/12/2017 with an endoscopy deferral on their blood donor file with pre- and post-BBV testing were analysed to determine an incidence of BBVs using standard methods.

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Background And Objective: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel coronavirus, first identified in China at the end of 2019 and has now caused a worldwide pandemic. In this review, we provide an overview of the implications of SARS-CoV-2 for blood safety and sufficiency.

Material And Method: We searched the PubMed database, the preprint sites bioRxiv and medRxiv, the websites of the World Health Organization, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the US Communicable Diseases Center and monitored ProMed updates.

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Background: West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne virus and transfusion transmission (TT) has been demonstrated. The European Union and neighboring countries experience an annual transmission season.

Study Design And Methods: We developed a novel probabilistic model to estimate the WNV TT risk in Australia attributable to returned donors who had travelled to the European Union and neighboring countries during the 2018.

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Mesenteric lymphangioma is a benign cystic tumour of the lymphatic vessels that occurs rarely in adults. Due to the infrequency of cases and the insidious presentation, these tumours can be diagnosed late and become massive. Resection of mesenteric lymphangioma in its entirety is the recommended management in order to prevent recurrence.

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Background: Foodborne hepatitis A virus (HAV) outbreaks are becoming more common in high-income countries with low HAV incidence, and the associated blood safety risk may not be adequately mitigated by routine HAV risk mitigation strategies. This study describes the rapid risk modeling undertaken in response to a 2018 HAV outbreak in Australia associated with imported frozen pomegranate arils.

Study Design And Methods: The input parameters used in the modeling were the outbreak-associated HAV incidence, duration of viremia, population seroprevalence, and rate of symptomatic infection in adults.

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False positive (FP) viral marker results in blood donors continue to pose many challenges. Informing donors of FP results and subsequent deferral can result in stress and anxiety for donors and additional complexity and workload for blood services. Donor management strategies need to balance the requirement to minimise donor anxiety and inconvenience while maintaining sufficiency of supply.

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The integrin αvβ6 is up-regulated in numerous carcinomas, where expression commonly correlates with poor prognosis. αvβ6 promotes tumour invasion, partly through regulation of proteases and cell migration, and is also the principal mechanism by which epithelial cells activate TGF-β1; this latter function complicates therapeutic targeting of αvβ6, since TGF-β1 has both tumour-promoting and -suppressive effects. It is unclear how these different αvβ6 functions are linked; both require actin cytoskeletal reorganization, and it is suggested that tractive forces generated during cell migration activate TGF-β1 by exerting mechanical tension on the ECM-bound latent complex.

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Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) are infectious diseases whose incidence has increased in humans in the past 20 years or could increase in the near future. EID agents may represent a threat to blood safety if they infect humans, cause a clinically significant illness, include an asymptomatic blood phase in the course of infection, and are transmissible by transfusion. EID agents are typically not well characterised, but there is a consensus that we can expect ongoing outbreaks.

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