Publications by authors named "Pezzi L"

Alphaviruses comprise over 30 identified species spread worldwide and carry a large global health burden. With vector expansion occurring in and around Europe, it is anticipated this burden will increase. Therefore, regular assessment of the diagnostic capabilities in Europe is important, e.

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West Nile Virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) circulate through complex cryptic transmission cycles involving mosquitoes as vectors, birds as amplifying hosts and several mammal species as dead-end hosts. Both viruses can be transmitted to humans through mosquito bites, which can lead to neuroinvasive and potentially fatal disease. Notably, WNV can also be transmitted through blood donations and organ transplants.

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Objective: Osteoarthritis (OA), particularly knee OA, is a leading cause of disability and poses significant challenges in healthcare management. Mobile applications (apps) have emerged as potential tools to support therapeutic exercise by providing tailored programs, instructional content, and progress tracking. This systematic review evaluates the efficacy of mobile apps in enhancing therapeutic exercise for knee OA management.

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Mosquito-borne viruses represent a large global health burden. With geographic expansion of competent vectors for chikungunya virus (CHIKV), dengue virus (DENV), and Zika virus (ZIKV) in Europe, it is anticipated that the number of autochthonous cases of these tropical viruses in Europe will increase. Therefore, regular assessment of diagnostic capabilities in Europe is important.

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The Hunga Tonga-Hunga/Hunga-Ha'apai eruption on January 15, 2022 sent off a plume of ash material up to the stratosphere and triggered a meteotsunami and barometric pressure pulse that rippled through the atmosphere and oceans all around the world. The nature of the volcanic event and its global impacts on the oceans, atmosphere, lithosphere and the cryosphere are a matter of debate. Here we present a first overview of the time travel of the sound atmospheric pressure wave through the Antarctic continent based on in situ measurements, which represented a unique event observed through the polar ice sheet during the instrumental meteorological era.

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The mosquito-borne alphavirus o'nyong-nyong virus (ONNV) has proven its potential to cause major human outbreaks. On the African continent, ONNV causes unspecific febrile illness and co-circulates with the close relative chikungunya virus (CHIKV). The true scale of ONNV burden is poorly understood in Africa, because of the scarce availability of molecular in-house and commercial assays, strong cross-reactivity between ONNV and CHIKV in serological assays and a lack of surveillance.

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  • Yellow fever virus (YFV) is a disease prevalent in some regions of Africa and South America, and recent research suggests using urine as a diagnostic specimen may be beneficial alongside blood tests.
  • An extensive literature review found that urine tests showed a comparable detection rate of YFV to blood, with some differences in timing regarding when the virus can first and last be detected.
  • The study concludes that urine could be a valuable addition to YFV diagnostics, particularly for samples taken later in the infection process.
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  • * They are less likely to receive crucial procedures and effective medications, so assessing factors like frailty and other health conditions is vital for tailoring their care.
  • * There is a lack of research on elderly individuals with ACS, making it critical for clinicians to develop targeted strategies to improve these patients' treatment and quality of life as the population ages.
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  • * Recent analysis of dengue virus genomes from the French Caribbean revealed a mutation (NS4B:V91A) associated with reduced sensitivity to mosnodenvir, particularly in the DENV-2 strain, where sensitivity dropped by more than 1000 times.
  • * Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the low sensitivity due to the V91A mutation has re-emerged several times over the past 30 years in DENV-2 and DENV-3, highlighting the need for
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Antithrombotic therapies (ATT) play a pivotal role in the management of cardiovascular diseases, aiming to prevent ischemic events while maintaining a delicate balance with the patient's bleeding risk. Typically, ATT can be classified into antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapies. Their application spans a broad spectrum of cardiovascular conditions, ranging from ischemic heart disease to atrial fibrillation, encompassing venous thromboembolisms and innovative structural interventional cardiology procedures.

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Background: Evaluating the psychometric and clinical performances of the RM-18, the shorter version of the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMQ), in Italian people with non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) as a time-saving and clinically useful method of assessing disability.

Methods: This cross-sectional study included 74 people (52 females and 22 males, 53.03 ± 15.

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Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a chronic degenerative disease characterized by progressive joint damage leading to significant disability. Although rehabilitative treatment methods for KOA have been widely implemented, the optimal integrated instrumental physical therapy approach remains unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the effect of Quantum Molecular Resonance (QMR) on pain reduction as the primary outcome and the functional improvement in activity daily living (ADL) as a secondary outcome.

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In endemic areas, the genetic diversity among co-circulating dengue virus (DENV) strains is considerable and new, highly divergent strains are identified on a regular basis. It is thus critical to ensure that molecular diagnostic tools effectively detect virus genomes even in case of important genetic variation. Here, we tested both the pan-DENV detection capacity and the limit of detection of two real-time RT-PCR assays: (i) the commercial RealStar Altona 3.

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  • - In 2023, dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV2) spread widely across French overseas territories, with over 30,000 suspected cases in the French Caribbean by March 2024.
  • - Genome analysis shows that the DENV2 lineage in the Caribbean is now also found in French Guiana and has led to local cases in mainland France, but not in Réunion.
  • - To prevent the further spread of the virus and its introduction in new areas, ongoing molecular monitoring and mosquito control efforts are crucial.
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The 2015-17 Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic in the Americas subsided faster than expected and evolving population immunity was postulated to be the main reason. Herd immunization is suggested to occur around 60-70% seroprevalence, depending on demographic density and climate suitability. However, herd immunity was only documented for a few cities in South America, meaning a substantial portion of the population might still be vulnerable to a future Zika virus outbreak.

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Since its discovery in 1955, the incidence and geographical spread of reported Oropouche virus (OROV) infections have increased. Oropouche fever has been suggested to be one of the most important vector-borne diseases in Latin America. However, both literature on OROV and genomic sequence availability are scarce, with few contributing laboratories worldwide.

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The oceans play an important role in mitigating climate change by acting as large carbon sinks, especially at high latitude regions. The Southern Ocean plays a major role in the global carbon dioxide (CO2) budget. This work aims to investigate the behavior of turbulent CO2 fluxes and quantify it under different atmospheric and oceanic conditions in the Drake Passage and Bransfield Strait regions on high spatiotemporal resolutions when compared with traditional CO2 fluxes estimations.

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We present a framework for a federated, virtual biorepository system (VBS) with locally collected and managed specimens, as a 'global public good' model based on principles of equitable access and benefit sharing. The VBS is intended to facilitate timely access to biological specimens and associated data for outbreak-prone infectious diseases to accelerate the development and evaluation of diagnostics, assess vaccine efficacy, and to support surveillance and research needs. The VBS is aimed to be aligned with the WHO BioHub and other specimen sharing efforts as a force multiplier to meet the needs of strengthening global tools for countering epidemics.

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Background: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is characterized by repetitive narrowing and collapse of pharyngeal airway during sleep, leading to apnoea or hypopnoea. In this context, myofunctional therapy and myofascial release might be effective, despite the literature on the combination of these approaches is still scarce.

Objectives: This randomized controlled trial aimed to assess the efficacy of oro-facial myofunctional therapy combined with myofascial release in terms of functioning in patients with mild OSA.

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The oceanic South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) has played a major role during South America's 2021/2022 summer extreme rainy season, being responsible for more than 90% of the precipitation in some regions of Southeast Brazil and in some regions of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SWA). The summer of 2021/2022 was unique and rare and considered an abnormally humid season as verified by official Brazilian Institutes. First, the unusual number of cases of SACZ episodes (seven), was the highest recorded in the last decade.

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Somatization is a phenomenon in which the individual experiences physical symptoms attributable to mental projections. It is a widely used term in common parlance to figuratively describe a stressful situation. Syndromes directly related to the mind have been described; pathologies are influenced by somatization.

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Background: There has been a large influx of COVID-19 seroprevalence studies, but comparability between the seroprevalence estimates has been an issue because of heterogeneities in testing platforms and study methodology. One potential source of heterogeneity is the response or participation rate.

Methods: We conducted a review of participation rates (PR) in SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence studies collected by SeroTracker and examined their effect on the validity of study conclusions.

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