ACS Appl Mater Interfaces
January 2024
Tunable electronic materials that can be switched between different impedance states are fundamental to the hardware elements for neuromorphic computing architectures. This "brain-like" computing paradigm uses highly paralleled and colocated data processing, leading to greatly improved energy efficiency and performance compared to traditional architectures in which data have to be frequently transferred between processor and memory. In this work, we use scanning microwave impedance microscopy for nanoscale electrical and electronic characterization of two-dimensional layered semiconductor PdSe to probe neuromorphic properties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent emergence of low-dimensional unconventional superconductors and their exotic interface properties calls for new approaches to probe the pairing symmetry, a fundamental and frequently elusive property of the superconducting condensate. Here, we introduce the unique capability of tunneling Andreev reflection (TAR) to probe unconventional pairing symmetry, utilizing the sensitivity of this technique to specific Andreev reflections. Specifically, suppression of the lowest-order Andreev reflection due to quantum interference but emergence of the higher-order Andreev processes provides direct evidence of the sign-changing order parameter in the paradigmatic FeSe superconductor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNew pathways to controlling the morphology of superconducting vortex lattices─and their subsequent dynamics─are required to guide and scale vortex world-lines into a computing platform. We have found that the nematic twin boundaries align superconducting vortices in the adjacent terraces due to the incommensurate potential between vortices surrounding twin boundaries and those trapped within them. With the varying density and morphology of twin boundaries, the vortex lattice assumes several distinct structural phases, including square, regular, and irregular one-dimensional lattices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPolarization dynamics in ferroelectric materials is governed by the effective potential energy landscape of the order parameter. The unique aspect of ferroelectrics compared to many other transitions is the possibility of more than two potential wells, leading to complicated energy landscapes with new fundamental and functional properties. Here, direct dynamic evidence is revealed of a triple-well potential in the metal thiophosphate Sn P S compound using multivariate scanning probe microscopy combined with theoretical simulations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVan der Waals layered ferroelectrics, such as CuInPS (CIPS), offer a versatile platform for miniaturization of ferroelectric device technologies. Control of the targeted composition and kinetics of CIPS synthesis enables the formation of stable self-assembled heterostructures of ferroelectric CIPS and nonferroelectric InPS (IPS). Here, we use quantitative scanning probe microscopy methods combined with density functional theory (DFT) to explore in detail the nanoscale variability in dynamic functional properties of the CIPS-IPS heterostructure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDirect detection of superconductivity has long been a key strength of point-contact Andreev reflection. However, its applicability to atomic-scale imaging is limited by the mechanical contact of the Andreev probe. To this end, we present a new method to probe Andreev reflection in a tunnel junction, leveraging tunneling spectroscopy and junction tunability to achieve quantitative detection of Andreev scattering.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntiferroelectric (AFE) materials, in which alternating dipole moments cancel out to a zero net macroscopic polarization, can be used for high-density energy storage and memory applications. The AFE phase can exist in bulk CuInPSe, CuBiPS, and a few other transition-metal thiophosphates below 200 K. The required low temperature poses challenges for practical applications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFACS Appl Mater Interfaces
January 2022
The van der Waals layered material CuInPS features interesting functional behavior, including the existence of four uniaxial polarization states, polarization reversal against the electric field through Cu ion migration, a negative-capacitance regime, and reversible extraction of Cu ions. At the heart of these characteristics lies the high mobility of Cu ions, which also determines the spontaneous polarization. Therefore, Cu migration across the lattice results in unusual ferroelectric behavior.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFACS Appl Mater Interfaces
August 2020
CuInPS (CIPS) is a van der Waals material that has attracted attention because of its unusual properties. Recently, a combination of density functional theory (DFT) calculations and piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) showed that CIPS is a uniaxial quadruple-well ferrielectric featuring two polar phases and a total of four polarization states that can be controlled by external strain. Here, we combine DFT and PFM to investigate the stress-dependent piezoelectric properties of CIPS, which have so far remained unexplored.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control
February 2021
The dependence of electromechanical behavior on strain in ferroelectric materials can be leveraged as parameter to tune ferroelectric properties such as the Curie temperature. For van der Waals materials, a unique opportunity arises because of wrinkling, bubbling, and Moiré phenomena accessible due to structural properties inherent to the van der Waals gap. Here, we use piezoresponse force microscopy and unsupervised machine learning methods to gain insight into the ferroelectric properties of layered CuInPS where local areas are strained in-plane due to a partial delamination, resulting in a topographic bubble feature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA material with reversible temperature change capability under an external electric field, known as the electrocaloric effect (ECE), has long been considered as a promising solid-state cooling solution. However, electrocaloric (EC) performance of EC materials generally is not sufficiently high for real cooling applications. As a result, exploring EC materials with high performance is of great interest and importance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTriboelectric charging strongly affects the operation cycle and handling of materials and can be used to harvest mechanical energy through triboelectric nanogenerator set-up. Despite ubiquity of triboelectric effects, a lot of mechanisms surrounding the relevant phenomena remain to be understood. Continued progress will rely on the development of rapid and reliable methods to probe accumulation and dynamics of static charges.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFACS Appl Mater Interfaces
November 2018
Polarization switching is a fundamental feature of ferroelectric materials, enabling a plethora of applications and captivating the attention of the scientific community for over half a century. Many previous studies considered ferroelectric switching as a purely physical process, whereas polarization is fully controlled by the superposition of electric fields. However, screening charge is required for thermodynamic stability of the single domain state that is of interest in many technological applications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFACS Appl Mater Interfaces
August 2018
Metal thiophosphates are attracting growing attention in the context of quasi-two-dimensional van der Waals functional materials. Alkali thiophosphates are investigated as ion conductors for solid electrolytes, and transition-metal thiophosphates are explored as a new class of ferroelectric materials. For the latter, a representative copper indium thiophosphate is ferrielectric at room temperature and, despite low polarization, exhibits giant negative electrostrictive coefficients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ability to control thin-film growth has led to advances in our understanding of fundamental physics as well as to the emergence of novel technologies. However, common thin-film growth techniques introduce a number of limitations related to the concentration of defects on film interfaces and surfaces that limit the scope of systems that can be produced and studied experimentally. Here, we developed an ion-beam based subtractive fabrication process that enables creation and modification of thin films with pre-defined thicknesses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtomic force microscopy is widely used for nanoscale characterization of materials by scientists worldwide. The long-held belief of ambient AFM is that the tip is generally chemically inert but can be functionalized with respect to the studied sample. This implies that basic imaging and scanning procedures do not affect surface and bulk chemistry of the studied sample.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFerroelectric domain walls have continued to attract widespread attention due to both the novelty of the phenomena observed and the ability to reliably pattern them in nanoscale dimensions. However, the conductivity mechanisms remain in debate, particularly around nominally uncharged walls. Here, we posit a conduction mechanism relying on field-modification effect from polarization re-orientation and the structure of the reverse-domain nucleus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince the discovery of Dirac physics in graphene, research in 2D materials has exploded with the aim of finding new materials and harnessing their unique and tunable electronic and optical properties. The follow-on work on 2D dielectrics and semiconductors has led to the emergence and development of hexagonal boron nitride, black phosphorus, and transition metal disulfides. However, the spectrum of good insulating materials is still very narrow.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSingle crystals of the van der Waals layered ferrielectric material CuInPS spontaneously phase separate when synthesized with Cu deficiency. Here we identify a route to form and tune intralayer heterostructures between the corresponding ferrielectric (CuInPS) and paraelectric (InPS) phases through control of chemical phase separation. We conclusively demonstrate that Cu-deficient CuInPS forms a single phase at high temperature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDomain formation and ferroelectric switching is fundamentally inseparable from polarization screening, which on free surfaces can be realized via band bending and ionic adsorption. In the latter case, polarization switching is intrinsically coupled to the surface electrochemical phenomena, and the electrochemical stage can control kinetics and induce long-range interactions. However, despite extensive evidence toward the critical role of surface electrochemistry, little is known about the nature of the associated processes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe interest in mechanical properties of two-dimensional materials has emerged in light of new device concepts taking advantage of flexing, adhesion and friction. Here we demonstrate an effective method to measure adhesion of graphene atop highly ordered pyrolytic graphite, utilizing atomic-scale 'blisters' created in the top layer by neon atom intercalates. Detailed analysis of scanning tunnelling microscopy images is used to reconstruct atomic positions and the strain map within the deformed graphene layer, and demonstrate the tip-induced subsurface translation of neon atoms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElectronic interactions present in material compositions close to the superconducting dome play a key role in the manifestation of high-T superconductivity. In many correlated electron systems, however, the parent or underdoped states exhibit strongly inhomogeneous electronic landscape at the nanoscale that may be associated with competing, coexisting, or intertwined chemical disorder, strain, magnetic, and structural order parameters. Here we demonstrate an approach based on a combination of scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and advanced statistical learning for an automatic separation and extraction of statistically significant electronic behaviors in the spin density wave regime of a lightly (∼1%) gold-doped BaFeAs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBulk molecular ionic solids exhibit fascinating electronic properties, including electron correlations, phase transitions, and superconducting ground states. In contrast, few of these phenomena have been observed in low-dimensional molecular structures, including thin films, nanoparticles, and molecular blends, not in the least because most of such structures have been composed of nearly closed-shell molecules. It is therefore desirable to develop low-dimensional ionic molecular structures that can capture potential applications.
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