Auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), is a key phytohormone with diverse morphogenic roles in land plants, but its function and transport mechanisms in algae remain poorly understood. We therefore aimed to explore the role of IAA in a complex, streptophyte algae Chara braunii. Here, we described novel responses of C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReduced height (Rht) genes have revolutionised wheat cultivation, but they can compromise freezing tolerance, and only a few alleles are in use. Thus, evaluating the role of other Rht alleles in stress responses is crucial. Far-red supplementation of white light (W+FR) can induce pre-hardening in cereals at 15°C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPotato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important food crops globally and is especially vulnerable to heat stress. However, substantial knowledge gaps remain in our understanding of the developmental mechanisms associated with tuber responses to heat stress.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommon centaury ( Rafn) is a medicinal plant species with vigorous morphogenic potential . The process of spontaneous shoot regeneration in a solid root culture is characteristic for this plant species. In this context, the aim of this work was to investigate the dynamic changes of endogenous phytohormones and carbohydrates content in root explants at different time points (0, 2, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 60 days) during spontaneous centaury morphogenesis .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe use of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) to control weeds has increased exponentially in recent decades, and their residues and degradation products have been found in soils across the globe. GBH residues in soil have been shown to affect plant physiology and specialised metabolite biosynthesis, which, in turn, may impact plant resistance to biotic stressors. In a greenhouse study, we investigated the interactive effects between soil GBH residues and herbivory on the performance, phytohormone concentrations, phenolic compound concentrations and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions of two woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) genotypes, which were classified as herbivore resistant and herbivore susceptible.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe genomes of charophyte green algae, close relatives of land plants, typically do not show signs of developmental regulation by phytohormones. However, scattered reports of endogenous phytohormone production in these organisms exist. We performed a comprehensive analysis of multiple phytohormones in Viridiplantae, focusing mainly on charophytes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDisentangling the factors that foster the tolerance to water stress in plants could provide great benefits to crop productions. In a two-year experiment, two new PIWI (fungus resistant) grapevine varieties, namely Merlot Kanthus and Sauvignon Kretos (Vitis hybrids), grown in the field, were subjected to two different water regimes: weekly irrigated (IR) or not irrigated (NIR) for two months during the summer. The two varieties exhibited large differences in terms of performance under water-limiting conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe nuclear TIR1/AFB-Aux/IAA auxin pathway plays a crucial role in regulating plant growth and development. Specifically, the IAA17/AXR3 protein participates in Arabidopsis thaliana root development, response to auxin and gravitropism. However, the mechanism by which AXR3 regulates cell elongation is not fully understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Greenhouse tomato growers face the challenge of balancing fruit size and chemical quality traits. This study focused on elucidating the interplay between plant branching and light management on these traits, while maintaining consistent shoot density.
Methods: We evaluated one- and two-shoot plants under varying top light intensities using high-pressure sodium lamps and light-emitting diode (LED) inter-lighting.
Brassinosteroids (BRs) are key phytohormones involved in the regulation of major processes of cell metabolism that guide plant growth. In the past decades, new evidence has made it clear that BRs also play a key role in the orchestration of plant responses to many abiotic and biotic stresses. In the present work, we analyzed the impact of foliar treatment with 24-epicastasterone (ECS) on the endogenous content of major phytohormones (auxins, salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, and abscisic acid) and their intermediates in soybean leaves 7 days following the treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSuccessful use of woody species in reducing climatic and environmental risks of energy shortage and spreading pollution requires deeper understanding of the physiological functions controlling biomass productivity and phytoremediation efficiency. Targets in the breeding of energy willow include the size and the functionality of the root system. For the combination of polyploidy and heterosis, we have generated triploid hybrids (THs) of energy willow by crossing autotetraploid willow plants with leading cultivars (Tordis and Inger).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFL. is a medicinal plant enriched with secondary metabolites serving to attract pollinators and deter herbivores. Phenolics and iridoids of have been extensively investigated because of their beneficial impacts on human health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn contrast to inorganic nitrogen (N) assimilation, the role of organic N forms, such as proteins and peptides, as sources of N and their impact on plant metabolism remains unclear. Simultaneously, organic biostimulants are used as priming agents to improve plant defense response. Here, we analysed the metabolic response of tobacco plants grown in vitro with casein hydrolysate or protein.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeat stress is a frequent environmental constraint. Phytohormones can significantly affect plant thermotolerance. This study compares the effects of exogenous cytokinin meta-topolin-9-(tetrahydropyran-2-yl)purine (mT9THP) on rice (Oryza sativa) under control conditions, after acclimation by moderate temperature (A; 37 °C, 2h), heat stress (HS; 45 °C, 6h) and their combination (AHS).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChemical inhibitors are often implemented for the functional characterization of genes to overcome the limitations associated with genetic approaches. Although it is well established that the specificity of the compound is key to success of a pharmacological approach, off-target effects are often overlooked or simply neglected in a complex biological setting. Here we illustrate the cause and implications of such secondary effects by focusing on piperonylic acid (PA), an inhibitor of CINNAMATE-4-HYDROXYLASE (C4H) that is frequently used to investigate the involvement of lignin during plant growth and development.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn a pot experiment, cherry radish ( var. Pers. 'Viola') was cultivated under two levels of As soil contamination-20 and 100 mg/kg.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDelayed or incomplete recovery of gas exchange after water stress relief limits assimilation in the post-drought period and can thus negatively affect the processes of post-drought recovery. Abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation and antagonistic action between ABA and cytokinins (CKs) play an important role in regulation of stomatal conductance under water deficit. Specifically, in pine species, sustained ABA accumulation is thought to be the main cause of delayed post-drought gas exchange recovery, although the role of CKs is not yet known.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe modulation of hormone and metabolite levels by ascorbate (ASA) and hydrogen peroxide (H O ) was compared during post-germination growth in shoots of wheat. Treatment with ASA resulted in a greater reduction of growth than the addition of H O . ASA also had a larger effect on the redox state of the shoot tissues as shown by the higher ASA and glutathione (GSH) levels, lower glutathione disulfide (GSSG) content and GSSG/GSH ratio compared to the H O treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlants harbor a large diversity of endophytic microbes. Meadow fescue () is a cool-season grass known for its symbiotic relationship with the systemic and vertically-via seeds-transmitted fungal endophyte yet its effects on plant hormones and the microbial community is largely unexplored. Here, we sequenced the endophytic bacterial and fungal communities in the leaves and roots, analyzing phytohormone concentrations and plant performance parameters in -symbiotic (E+) and -free (E-) individuals of two meadow fescue cultivars.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFShoot cultures of hypericin non-producing L. (primitive section), hypericin-producing L., Fries (section ) and Vill.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe establishment of an efficient protocol for in vitro growth and regeneration of kohlrabi ( var. ) allowed us to closely examine the phytohormone profiles of kohlrabi seedlings at four growth stages (T1-T4), additionally including the effects of cytokinins (CKs)--zeatin (Z) and thidiazuron (TDZ)-and high sucrose concentrations (6% and 9%). Resulting phytohormone profiles showed complex time-course patterns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe transition from vegetative growth to reproduction is the essential commitment in plant life. It is triggered by environmental cues (day length, temperature, nutrients) and regulated by the very complex signaling gene network and by phytohormones. The control of flowering is well understood in and in some crops, much less is known about the other angiosperms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe survival and adaptation of angiosperms depends on the proper timing of flowering. The weedy species Chenopodium ficifolium serves as a useful diploid model for comparing the transition to flowering with the important tetraploid crop Chenopodium quinoa due to the close phylogenetic relationship. The detailed transcriptomic and hormonomic study of the floral induction was performed in the short-day accession C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhosphatidylinositol 4-kinases (PI4Ks) are the first enzymes that commit phosphatidylinositol into the phosphoinositide pathway. Here, we show that Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings deficient in PI4Kβ1 and β2 have several developmental defects including shorter roots and unfinished cytokinesis. The pi4kβ1β2 double mutant was insensitive to exogenous auxin concerning inhibition of root length and cell elongation; it also responded more slowly to gravistimulation.
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