Objectives: To determine the molecular basis in a Greek child suspected of having HbH disease and β-thalassemia trait.
Methods: Standard hematology, Hb electrophoresis, and HPLC. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), direct sequencing, and breakpoint characterization by NimbleGen fine-tiling array analysis.
We describe a new nondeletional α-thalassemia (α-thal) determinant found in a Moroccan infant and in two members of his family. The new mutation generates an abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) as a consequence of a Pro→Ser amino acid substitution at codon 37 (old nomenclature) of the α2 gene. The new Hb variant is barely separable on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) but the expression of the α chain mutant measured on reversed phase chromatography is one-third of that expected from a stable α2 variant, which explains the mild α-thal phenotype observed in the carriers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report two new abnormal hemoglobins (Hbs) caused by mutations on the α2 gene. One resulted into an Asn→His substitution at position 68, the other in a Leu→Gln substitution at position 125. The first mutation was observed in a 61-year-old North European Belgian male during Hb A(1c) analysis and subsequently in other members of his family.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHemoglobin
October 2010
We report two novel alpha2-globin gene mutations found in the same Surinamese family. The proband, a newborn presenting during neonatal screening with 21.3% Hb Bart's (gamma4), proved to be a carrier of the common -alpha(3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring a second pilot study, intended to explore the possibility of a country wide implementation of carrier diagnostics for hemoglobinopathies in The Netherlands, we observed a new abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) variant in three members of a family of Scandinavian origin living in the Dutch city of The Hague (Den Haag). The proband, a 34-year-old female presented with low Hb, packed cell volume (PCV) and red blood cell (RBC) values but was normocytic and normochromic. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis revealed a partially separated fraction following Hb A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report three examples of chronic anaemia involving complex combinations of alpha- and beta-globin gene defects. The first case had a potential Hb H disease caused by the classic SEA/RW deletions masked by Hb E [beta26(B8)Glu-->Lys] in the homozygous state. The second had an unusual Hb H disease caused by compound heterozygosity for two different alpha2 polyadenylation site mutations masked by a beta-thalassaemia heterozygosity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Lepore hemoglobins (Hbs) are a group of structural defects resulting from different recombination events between the delta- and beta-globin genes. They may come with different beta-thalassemia (beta-thal) minor-like phenotypes in the carrier and with variably severe phenotypes in the rare homozygote, and in the common compound heterozygote with beta-thal. The most seriously affected patients are those of Yugoslavian origin presenting with severe transfusion-dependent hemolytic anemia, dyserythropoiesis, hepatosplenomegaly and skeletal malformations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 52-year-old Dutch male was referred to our laboratory for hemoglobinopathy analysis because of persistent microcytic hypochromic parameters and moderate erythrocytosis in the absence of iron deficiency. The hemoglobin (Hb) pattern was normal and breakpoint polymerase chain reaction (PCR) excluded the six common deletion defects of the alpha gene cluster. Direct sequencing revealed a GCT-->TCT transversion at codon 21 of the alpha2 gene generating an Ala-->Ser single amino acid substitution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHemoglobin
October 2007
We report a new hemoglobin (Hb) variant found in a 6-year-old girl of Moroccan origin, living in the Dutch city of Gouda. The child was referred because of microcytic and hypochromic parameters. A normal zinc protoporphyirin (ZPP) value excluded iron deficiency and gap-polymerase chain reaction (gap-PCR) revealed a heterozygosity for the common -alpha(3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHb Groene Hart [alpha119(H2)Pro-->Ser, CCT-->TCT (alpha1)] has been reported in heterozygotes of Moroccan origin and also in association with the common -alpha(3.7) deletion. In all cases, the mutated protein was not detectable but was apparently associated with a mild alpha-thalassemia (thal) phenotype, presumably due to a modification of the alpha-globin chain domain that is recognized by the a hemoglobin stabilizing protein (AHSP).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report a semi dominant beta-thalassemia (thal) phenotype caused by the rare Hb Showa-Yakushiji [beta110(G12)Leu-->Pro, CTG-->CCG] mutation in combination with an alpha gene triplication. This combination of two rare mutations was observed during hemoglobinopathy carrier diagnostics in a 26-year-old Dutch female at 9 weeks gestation, at the first pregnancy examination in the midwives practice. The partner was promptly examined and no abnormalities were found.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe the genotype/phenotype correlation in a 35 year old anemic female referred to our laboratory because a fast eluting minor fraction on HPLC, mild hemolysis and hematological parameters suggesting a Thalassemia trait, eventually in combination with iron depletion. Direct sequencing of the alpha globin genes revealed heterozygosity for HbJ-Meerut, a Glu-->Ala substitution at residue 120 not justifying the hematological parameters. No other point mutations were found on the alpha genes and Gap-PCR excluded the 6 common deletion defects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe recently described a rare frameshift mutation in the delta-globin gene in a Dutch patient, in association with a new mutation of the Ggamma-globin gene promoter [Ggamma -37 (A-->T)] with a moderately elevated Hb F level of 2.3%. The delta mutation at codon 91 (+T) has been described once before in our laboratory in 1989, in a complex Belgian family with Ggamma (Agammadeltabeta)0-thalassemia (thal) and moderately elevated Hb F levels, without the Ggamma (Agammadeltabeta)0-thal deletion in some individuals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report a new structural defect of the alpha2-globin chain, not detectable on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or electrophoresis, characterized in a 12-year-old boy of Surinamese-Hindustani origin. The child was suspected to be a carrier of alpha-thalassemia (thal) because of microcytic hypochromic parameters in the absence of iron depletion. Gap-polymerase chain reaction (gap-PCR) revealed only normal fragments in the proband, and the pattern of a -alpha4.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a family of North European extraction referred for a refractory non iron depleted microcytic anemia. The proband, a 36 year-old male, presented with chronic borderline anemia and microcytic hypochromic parameters. No abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) fractions were observed on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or on alkaline electrophoresis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMild alpha-thalassemia, a common condition in many ethnic groups, presents with hematologic abnormalities almost identical to those found in iron deficiency. We report a new alpha globin chain variant associated with an alpha-thalassemia phenotype in two members of a Turkish family.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMutations in the delta-globin gene (HBD, MIM# 142000) are not pathologically relevant. However, since high HbA2 levels are diagnostic for beta-thalassemia trait and a lowered level for an alpha- or delta-mutation, co-inheritance of delta- and beta-gene defects may lead to misinterpretation of diagnostic results. We examined 29 cases with low HbA2 level diagnosed in our laboratory, in the presence or absence of a second HbA2 fraction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have characterized a new abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) at position 32 of the alpha-globin chain. The proband, a 38-year-old woman of Surinamese Black ancestry, was referred to the Academic Hospital in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, after 3 years of Prednisone treatment in Surinam. Kidney failure was diagnosed at the Nephrology Department, Free University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; the cortisone treatment was interrupted and dialysis was started.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA microcytic hypochromic anemic state was observed in an 8-year old Black female of Surinam origin during pre-operative Hb S [beta6(A3)Glu-->Val] screening. Her high zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) level suggested a chronic iron depletion but, in contrast, the high red blood cell (RBC) count (5.85 x 10(12)/L) was indicative of a possible coexisting thalassemia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) fraction was observed during a high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) Hb A1c control for diabetes mellitus in a 56-year-old north European woman. Family analyses revealed the abnormal fraction in three of her five siblings and in her son. Elevated Hb and packed cell volume (PCV) values and red blood cell (RBC) counts were present in all carriers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAt least 180,000 autochthonous and allochthonous people are carriers of a large spectrum of hemoglobinopathies in The Netherlands. We describe two cases, the first, a 33-year old Surinamese Creole woman, studied because of an intermediate hemolytic anemia; the second, a couple requesting analysis because of a previously diagnosed carrier state in the male partner, while the carrier state in the pregnant female was uncertain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe the characterization of a new hemoglobin (Hb) variant found in a 77-year-old Dutch woman, suspected of hypoxia-mediated erythrocytosis. The typical blood parameters (Hb 17.3 g/dL; PCV 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe proband is an elderly woman (79 years of age) of Surinamese-Hindustani origin, suspected of being a carrier of a nondeletional alpha-thalassemia (thal) because of a moderate microcytic hypochromic anemia at normal ferritin levels and in the absence of any other alpha-thal deletions. Sequence analysis revealed a silent mutation (GGC-->GGT) at codon 22 of the alpha2-globin gene. This mutation generates a splice donor site consensus sequence (GGTGAG) between codons 22 and 23.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe hemoglobin (Hb) pattern of a 32-year-old Somali male living in The Netherlands, during routine diabetes mellitus monitoring, showed two more peaks in addition to the characteristic heterozygous Hb A/S pattern. A major peak of 15% faster than Hb A, and a minor one of 10.8%, overlapping Hb A2 and the glycated Hb S1c fraction were present.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 58-year-old Black female from Curaçao (West Indies) was recently referred to our Laboratory for a persistent microcytic hypochromic anemia. An analysis 13 years earlier had shown no abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) fractions and a balanced beta/alpha synthetic ratio. The hematological indices were again compatible with thalassemia and no abnormal fractions were observed on electrophoresis or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
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