Fossilized plant-insect herbivore associations provide fundamental information about the assembly of terrestrial communities through geologic time. However, fossil evidence of associations originating in deep time and persisting to the modern day is scarce. We studied the insect herbivore damage found on 284 Eucalyptus frenguelliana leaves from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco rainforest locality in Argentinean Patagonia and compared damage patterns with those observed on extant, rainforest-associated Eucalyptus species from Australasia (> 10 000 herbarium sheets reviewed).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe tall eucalypt forests (TEFs) of the Australian tropics are often portrayed as threatened by 'invasive' neighboring rainforests, requiring 'protective' burning. This framing overlooks that Australian rainforests have suffered twice the historical losses of TEFs and ignores the ecological and paleobiological significance of rainforest margins. Early Eocene fossils from Argentina show that biodiverse rainforests with abundant Eucalyptus existed > 50 million years ago (Ma) in West Gondwana, shaped by nonfire disturbance factors such as landslides and volcanic flows.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise: Fossil infructescences and isolated fruits with characters of Malvoideae, a subfamily of Malvaceae (mallow family), were collected from early Eocene sediments in Chubut, Argentina. The main goals of this research are to describe and place these fossils systematically, and to explore their biogeographical implications.
Methods: Fossils were collected at the Laguna del Hunco site, Huitrera Formation, Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina.
Premise: Acmopyle (Podocarpaceae) comprises two extant species from Oceania that are physiologically restricted to ever-wet rainforests, a confirmed fossil record based on leaf adpressions and cuticles in Australia since the Paleocene, and a few uncertain reports from New Zealand, Antarctica, and South America. We investigated fossil specimens with Acmopyle affinities from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco site in Patagonia, Argentina.
Methods: We studied 42 adpression leafy-shoot fossils and included them in a total evidence phylogenetic analysis.
Many tree genera in the Malesian uplands have Southern Hemisphere origins, often supported by austral fossil records. Weathering the vast bedrock exposures in the everwet Malesian tropics may have consumed sufficient atmospheric CO to contribute significantly to global cooling over the past 15 Myr. However, there has been no discussion of how the distinctive regional tree assemblages may have enhanced weathering and contributed to this process.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction was geologically instantaneous, causing the most drastic extinction rates in Earth's History. The rapid species losses and environmental destruction from the Chicxulub impact at 66.02 Ma made the K-Pg the most comparable past event to today's projected "sixth" mass extinction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF(Araucariaceae) is a genus of broadleaved conifers that today inhabits lowland to upper montane rainforests of Australasia and Southeast Asia. A previous report showed that the earliest known fossils of the genus, from the early Paleogene and possibly latest Cretaceous of Patagonian Argentina, host diverse assemblages of insect and fungal associations, including distinctive leaf mines. Here, we provide complete documentation of the fossilized herbivore communities from Cretaceous to Recent, describing and comparing insect and fungal damage on across four latest Cretaceous to early Paleogene time slices in Patagonia with that on 15 extant species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise: The spurge family Euphorbiaceae is prominent in tropical rainforests worldwide, particularly in Asia. There is little consensus on the biogeographic origins of the family or its principal lineages. No confirmed spurge macrofossils have come from Gondwana.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFossil discoveries can transform our understanding of plant diversification over time and space. Recently described fossils in many plant families have pushed their known records farther back in time, pointing to alternative scenarios for their origin and spread. Here, we describe two new Eocene fossil berries of the nightshade family (Solanaceae) from the Esmeraldas Formation in Colombia and the Green River Formation in Colorado (USA).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise: Digital image libraries are an integral part of specimen-based research. However, coding and extracting metadata for hundreds of specimens on a personal computer can be complex. In addition, most existing workflows require downsampling or platform switching and do not link character data directly to the images.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise: Two distinct types of fossil infructescences from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora, Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina, preserve features of the family Cunoniaceae. The goal of the study was to assess their affinities within Cunoniaceae and to interpret their evolutionary and biogeographical significance.
Methods: Specimens were collected from the Tufolitas Laguna del Hunco, Huitrera Formation.
The Malay Archipelago is one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth, but it suffers high extinction risks due to severe anthropogenic pressures. Paleobotanical knowledge provides baselines for the conservation of living analogs and improved understanding of vegetation, biogeography, and paleoenvironments through time. The Malesian bioregion is well studied palynologically, but there have been very few investigations of Cenozoic paleobotany (plant macrofossils) in a century or more.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise: Angiosperm leaves present a classic identification problem due to their morphological complexity. Computer-vision algorithms can identify diagnostic regions in images, and heat map outputs illustrate those regions for identification, providing novel insights through visual feedback. We investigate the potential of analyzing leaf heat maps to reveal novel, human-friendly botanical information with applications for extant- and fossil-leaf identification.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLeaves are the most abundant and visible plant organ, both in the modern world and the fossil record. Identifying foliage to the correct plant family based on leaf architecture is a fundamental botanical skill that is also critical for isolated fossil leaves, which often, especially in the Cenozoic, represent extinct genera and species from extant families. Resources focused on leaf identification are remarkably scarce; however, the situation has improved due to the recent proliferation of digitized herbarium material, live-plant identification applications, and online collections of cleared and fossil leaf images.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiodiversity today has the unusual property that 85% of plant and animal species live on land rather than in the sea, and half of these live in tropical rainforests. An explosive boost to terrestrial diversity occurred from c. 100-50 million years ago, the Late Cretaceous and early Palaeogene.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHere we present the first record of a stem-Coracii outside the Holarctic region, found in the early Eocene of Patagonia at the Laguna del Hunco locality. Ueekenkcoracias tambussiae gen. et sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise: Solanaceae is a scientifically and economically important angiosperm family with a minimal fossil record and an intriguing early evolutionary history. Here, we report a newly discovered fossil lantern fruit with a suite of features characteristic of Physalideae within Solanaceae. The fossil comes from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco site (ca.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany plant genera in the tropical West Pacific are survivors from the paleo-rainforests of Gondwana. For example, the oldest fossils of the Malesian and Australasian conifer Agathis (Araucariaceae) come from the early Paleocene and possibly latest Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina (West Gondwana). However, it is unknown whether dependent ecological guilds or lineages of associated insects and fungi persisted on Gondwanan host plants like Agathis through time and space.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring the early Eocene, Patagonia had highly diverse floras that are primarily known from compression and pollen fossils. Fossil wood studies from this epoch are scarce in the region and largely absent from the Laguna del Hunco flora, which has a highly diverse and excellently preserved compression assemblage. A collection of 26 conifer woods from the Laguna del Hunco fossil-lake beds (early Eocene, ca.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise: Eocene floras of Patagonia document biotic response to the final separation of Gondwana. The conifer genus Araucaria, distributed worldwide during the Mesozoic, has a disjunct extant distribution between South America and Australasia. Fossils assigned to Australasian Araucaria Sect.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFreng. & Parodi, 1941, a fossilized leafy branch from the early Eocene (52 Ma), late-Gondwanan Laguna del Hunco biota of southern Argentina, is still cited as the oldest potential bamboo fossil and as evidence for a Gondwanan origin of bamboos. On recent examination, the holotype specimen was found to lack any typical bamboo characters such as nodes, sheaths, ligules, pseudopetioles, or parallel leaf venation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In extant ecosystems, complex networks of ecological interactions between organisms can be readily studied. In contrast, understanding of such interactions in ecosystems of the geologic past is incomplete. Specifically, in past terrestrial ecosystems we know comparatively little about plant biotic interactions besides saprotrophy, herbivory, mycorrhizal associations, and oviposition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDenk agree that we reported the first fossil Fagaceae from the Southern Hemisphere. We appreciate their general enthusiasm for our findings, but we reject their critiques, which we find misleading and biased. The new fossils unequivocally belong to , and substantial evidence supports our Southern Route to Asia hypothesis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe beech-oak family Fagaceae dominates forests from the northern temperate zone to tropical Asia and Malesia, where it reaches its southern limit. We report early Eocene infructescences of , a diverse and abundant fagaceous genus of Southeast Asia, and co-occurring leaves from the 52-million-year-old Laguna del Hunco flora of southern Argentina. The fossil assemblage notably includes many plant taxa that associate with today.
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