The increasing amount of globally seized controlled substances in combination with the more diverse drugs-of-abuse market encompassing many new psychoactive substances (NPS) provides challenges for rapid and reliable on-site presumptive drug testing. Long-established colorimetric spot tests tend to fail due to the unavailability of reliable tests for novel drugs and to false-positive reactions on commonly encountered substances. In addition, handling of samples and chemicals is required.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA light oil was separated into four chromatographic fractions that serve as proxy for SARA fractions. The fractions were (semi)quantified on a rod by TLC-flame ionization detection and characterized on a plate with laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry imaging (TLC-LDI-MS). Comparisons of (semi)quantitative TLC-FID and qualitative TLC-LDI-MS results showed that LDI-MS was most sensitive for detection of molecules in the polar P1 fraction, and, to some extent, for the aromatics fraction, while no signal was observed for the most polar P2 and saturates fractions.
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