Publications by authors named "Peter O Dunn"

Large structural variants in the genome, such as inversions, may play an important role in producing population structure and local adaptation to the environment through suppression of recombination. However, relatively few studies have linked inversions to phenotypic traits that are sexually selected and may play a role in reproductive isolation. Here, we found that geographic differences in the sexually selected plumage of a warbler, the common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), are largely due to differences in the Z (sex) chromosome (males are ZZ), which contains at least one putative inversion spanning 40% (31/77 Mb) of its length.

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Climate change models often assume similar responses to temperatures across the range of a species, but local adaptation or phenotypic plasticity can lead plants and animals to respond differently to temperature in different parts of their range. To date, there have been few tests of this assumption at the scale of continents, so it is unclear if this is a large-scale problem. Here, we examined the assumption that insect taxa show similar responses to temperature at 96 sites in grassy habitats across North America.

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Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) encode antigen-binding molecules and are an integral part of the acquired immune response of vertebrates. In general, high individual MHC diversity is expected to increase fitness by broadening the spectrum of pathogens recognized by the immune system, in accordance with the heterozygote advantage mechanism. On the other hand, the optimality hypothesis assumes that individuals with optimal (intermediate), rather than maximum, diversity of the MHC will achieve the highest fitness because of inherent costs associated with expressing diverse MHC alleles.

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Extravagant ornaments are thought to signal male quality to females choosing mates, but the evidence linking ornament size to male quality is controversial, particularly in cases in which females prefer different ornaments in different populations. Here, we use whole-genome sequencing and transcriptomics to determine the genetic basis of ornament size in two populations of a widespread warbler, the common yellowthroat (). Within a single subspecies, females in a Wisconsin population prefer males with larger black masks as mates, while females in a New York population prefer males with larger yellow bibs.

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Ducks (Anatidae) are often vectors for the spread of pathogens because of their long-distance migrations. These migrations also expose ducks to a wide variety of pathogens in their wintering and breeding grounds, and, as a consequence, we might expect strong selection on their immune genes. Here, we studied exons 2 and 3 of the MHC class I in four species of Anas ducks (A.

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Optimal size of social groups may vary between individuals, depending on their phenotypic traits, such as dominance status, age or personality. Larger social groups often enhance transmission rates of pathogens and should be avoided by individuals with poor immune defences. In contrast, more immunocompetent individuals are expected to take advantage of larger group sizes (e.

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Background: The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) codes for the key vertebrate immune receptors responsible for pathogen recognition. Foreign antigens are recognized via their compatibility to hyper-variable region of the peptide-binding groove (PBR), which consists of two separate protein domains. Specifically, the PBR of the MHC class I receptors, which recognize intra-cellular pathogens, has two α domains encoded by exon 2 (α) and exon 3 (α) of the same gene.

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Our knowledge of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in birds is limited because it often consists of numerous duplicated genes within individuals that are difficult to assemble with short read sequencing technology. Long-read sequencing provides an opportunity to overcome this limitation because it allows the assembly of long regions with repetitive elements. In this study, we used genomes based on long-read sequencing to predict the number and location of MHC loci in a broad range of bird taxa.

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Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a key role in the adaptive immunity of vertebrates, as they encode receptors responsible for antigen recognition. Evolutionary history of the MHC proceeded through numerous gene duplications, which increase the spectrum of pathogens recognized by individuals. Although pathogen-mediated selection is believed to be a primary driver of MHC expansion over evolutionary times, empirical evidence for this association is virtually lacking.

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The use of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays to generate large SNP datasets for comparison purposes have recently become an attractive alternative to other genotyping methods. Although most SNP arrays were originally developed for domestic organisms, they can be effectively applied to wild relatives to obtain large panels of SNPs. In this study, we tested the cross-species application of the Affymetrix 600K Chicken SNP array in five species of North American prairie grouse (Centrocercus and Tympanuchus genera).

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Latitudinal differences in timing of breeding are well documented but how such differences carry over to influence timing of events in the annual cycle of migratory birds is not well understood. We examined geographical variation in timing of events throughout the year using light-level geolocator tracking data from 133 migratory tree swallows ( Tachycineta bicolor) originating from 12 North American breeding populations. A swallow's breeding latitude influenced timing of breeding, which then carried over to affect breeding ground departure.

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The evolution of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is shaped by frequent gene duplications and deletions, which generate extensive variation in the number of loci (gene copies) between different taxa. Here, we collected estimates of copy number at the MHC for over 250 bird species from 68 families. We found contrasting patterns of copy number evolution between MHC class I and class IIB, which encode receptors for intra- and extracellular pathogens, respectively.

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Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are a critical part of the adaptive immune response, and the most polymorphic genes in the vertebrate genome, especially in passerine birds. This diversity is thought to be influenced by exposure to pathogens which can vary in relation to numerous factors. Migratory behaviour may be a particularly important trait to consider because migratory birds are exposed to a greater number of different pathogens and parasites at both breeding (i.

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Recent advancements in sequencing technology have resulted in rapid progress in the study of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in non-model avian species. Here, we analyze a global dataset of avian MHC class I and class II sequences (ca. 11,000 sequences from over 250 species) to gain insight into the processes that govern macroevolution of MHC genes in birds.

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Gene polymorphisms shared between recently diverged species are thought to be widespread and most commonly reflect introgression from hybridization or retention of ancestral polymorphism through incomplete lineage sorting. Shared genetic diversity resulting from incomplete lineage sorting is usually maintained for a relatively short period of time, but under strong balancing selection it may persist for millions of years beyond species divergence (balanced trans-species polymorphism), as in the case of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. However, balancing selection is much less likely to act on non-MHC immune genes.

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The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) plays a key role in pathogen recognition as a part of the vertebrate adaptive immune system. The great diversity of MHC genes in natural populations is maintained by different forms of balancing selection and its strength should correlate with the diversity of pathogens to which a population is exposed and the rate of exposure. Despite this prediction, little is known about how life-history characteristics affect selection at the MHC.

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The negative effects of inbreeding on fitness are serious concerns for populations of endangered species. Reduced fitness has been associated with lower genome-wide heterozygosity and immune gene diversity in the wild; however, it is rare that both types of genetic measures are included in the same study. Thus, it is often unclear whether the variation in fitness is due to the general effects of inbreeding, immunity-related genes or both.

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Across taxa, extra-pair mating is widespread among socially monogamous species, but few studies have identified male ornamental traits associated with extra-pair mating success, and even fewer studies have experimentally manipulated male traits to determine whether they are related directly to paternity. As a consequence, there is little experimental evidence to support the widespread hypothesis that females choose more ornamented males as extra-pair mates. Here, we conducted an experimental study of the relationship between male plumage colour and fertilization success in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), which have one of the highest levels of extra-pair mating in birds.

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The bright colors of birds are often attributed to sexual selection on males, but in many species both sexes are colorful and it has been long debated whether sexual selection can also explain this variation. We show that most evolutionary transitions in color have been toward similar plumage in both sexes, and the color of both sexes (for example, bright or dull) was associated with indices of natural selection (for example, habitat type), whereas sexual differences in color were primarily associated with indices of sexual selection on males (for example, polygyny and large testes size). Debate about the evolution of bird coloration can be resolved by recognizing that both natural and sexual selection have been influential, but they have generally acted on two different axes: sexual selection on an axis of sexual differences and natural selection on both sexes for the type of color (for example, bright or dull).

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Immune-receptor genes of the adaptive immune system, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), are involved in recognizing specific pathogens and are known to have high rates of adaptive evolution, presumably as a consequence of rapid co-evolution between hosts and pathogens. In contrast, many 'mediating' genes of the immune system do not interact directly with specific pathogens and are involved in signalling (e.g.

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Despite benefits of using light-sensitive geolocators to track animal movements and describe patterns of migratory connectivity, concerns have been raised about negative effects of these devices, particularly in small species of aerial insectivore. Geolocators may act as handicaps that increase energetic expenditure, which could explain reported effects of geolocators on survival. We tested this 'Energetic Expenditure Hypothesis' in 12 populations of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) from North America and Europe, using measurements of corticosterone from feathers (CORTf) grown after deployment of geolocators as a measure of physiology relevant to energetics.

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Male traits that signal health and vigour are used by females to choose better quality mates, but in some cases the male trait selected by females differs among populations. Multiple male traits can be maintained through female mate choice if both traits are equally honest indicators of male quality, but tests of this prediction are rare. By choosing males based on such traits, females could gain direct benefits from males (assistance with parental care), but when females choose extra-pair mates based on these traits, females gain only male sperm, and potentially indirect genetic benefits for their offspring.

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Although the phenology of numerous organisms has advanced significantly in response to recent climate change, the life-history and population consequences of earlier reproduction remain poorly understood. We analysed extensive data on temporal change in laying date and clutch size of birds from Europe and North America to test whether these changes were related to recent trends in population size. Across studies, laying date advanced significantly, while clutch size did not change.

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Sexual selection is proposed to be an important driver of diversification in animal systems, yet previous tests of this hypothesis have produced mixed results and the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Here, we use a novel phylogenetic approach to assess the influence of sexual selection on patterns of evolutionary change during 84 recent speciation events across 23 passerine bird families. We show that elevated levels of sexual selection are associated with more rapid phenotypic divergence between related lineages, and that this effect is restricted to male plumage traits proposed to function in mate choice and species recognition.

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Hamilton and Zuk proposed that females choose mates based on ornaments whose expression is dependent on their genetically based resistance to parasites. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) plays an important role in pathogen recognition and is a good candidate for testing the relationships between immune genes and both ornament expression and parasite resistance. We tested the hypothesis that female common yellowthroats prefer to mate with more ornamented males, because it is a signal of their MHC-based resistance to parasites and likelihood of survival.

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